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Companion Change Feedback


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i'm remembering 2012, all pve'ers were like "you people from pvp get out if you don't like the game, go play another stuff", then suddenly in less than 3 months we passed from being a game with over 2M people to a an almost dead game with less than 200k, this situation had the same potential, for all of you who are trying to say that the amount of players that actually liked this nerf are majority, you are totally wrong, people don't discuss this in general chat not because they are happy but because nobody wants to pass their game time talking with a troll, lots of the population are people that don't have too much free time to play, that's why solo mode was so successfull, I know this is an MMO but it's also KOTOR 3 at the same time.


if there's a grammar mistake I'm sorry but english it's not my native tongue

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In my original post in this thread I mentioned that the only real outcome of this change was to make getting the alliance grind done take more time. Yes, its harder to do stuff now and some classes will struggle more than others (highlight how badly they have balanced both players and content) but ultimately that is the outcome of it.


Here is the thing. Why do they want it to take longer? They just spent at least 8 months encouraging everyone to roll endless alts, with 12x xp and now level 60 tokens. That is the longevity for most players, you finish the story (which now includes those heroic star fortresses by design as well as the alliance) and then move on to an alt.


This change also screws that as well. Did they actually think anything at all through?


PS. Level sync still overides satile's buff in the Revan weekly mission on Yavin so you are fighting Revan with his 20k crits with around 50K of health. Who the hell tests this game.



It reminds me of SOE's awful balancing act of Planetside 2 and their demise. They're too busy "balancing" the game and the three unique factions to actually fix the game's core and longstanding issues that have been around since the testing phase.


"PTS server? QA feedback? What's that?"


Those incompetent twits coded themselves out of a job eventually. The company is now owned by an investment firm after Sony got rid of them. Looks like BioWare is employing balancing geniuses of equal prowess.

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What the hell do casuals know about balance?


"I'm terrible at the game, and I'm dying." Yes, there's a clue in that statement as to the reason for your dying. I'm sick of MMOs pandering to lazy people who couldn't be bothered to actually learn how to play.


Look, you have to put in SOME INPUT when playing a game, you can't demand that it plays itself-- because then it isn't a game, is it? If you don't actually need to use any of your abilties, then what's the point of them? If you don't ever have to worry about your health, then why display it on screen?


Why don't you just put in a follow companion key, so then those people can free up their hands and actually lick the monitor with them being able to hold the panel edges whilst doing so.


Then you probably will want to find a new game as all mmo's are going this way because gaming used to be about good gamer's now it appeals to the masses. As in game's like EQ vanilla wow gamer's were different then now it is a 75 year old grandma that wants to plays few hours a night on swtor MMO and have fun.


Also no one should be telling other they need to just L2P on any game. There games after there ment to be time wasters not choirs to people. While i agree the comps were to OP at first seeing the number they have in mind which i will not post as it is against the eula to do so there about right. You will still feel like you can have fun and not have comps for crafting to cater to people who want to feel a threat by a quest npc. To feel like it needs to be like reality that people should just buck up L2P because i like it this way. Because those values you have are the minority now

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After playing just storylines and some lower level heroics both before and after the "nerf", I would not mind seeing the companions get a little boost. But they should not get put back to the level of pre-nerf.


Pre-nerf there was simply zero risk of dying. I came back after a year off and was stunned at how easy the game had become.

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It is both this mmo went solo a long time ago your companion counts a +2 any were is this game This game went solo a long long time ago if you think that this game is a True you must group MMO it not why because BW would never put in cheezements if that was the case. So some can solo it as it works both ways


Yes, some can still solo SF H2+ after 4.0.2. I am one of them. If you cannot, you need to gear up and skill up. It is that simple. Does knowing my class and how to use it make me an elitist? Does expecting others to have the same level of skill to get the One and Only achievement make me an elitist? Or, does it make me a gamer?


I'm a gamer. I enjoy playing games. I enjoy rising to the challenge of certain achievements. An earlier poster mentioned WoW and their achievements. I was a serious achievement whore in that game. Hell, some of the things I worked on solo, like soloing H10 Lich King pre-panda, had no achievements attached to them at all. I did it because I like to push myself as a gamer, to overcome things that many see as impossible.


I enjoy that quite a bit. I am also aware that there are players who do not play that way. I have no problem with them. What I have a problem with is when those types of players cry and moan that they can't achieve the same things that my type of gamer can without putting in the time or effort to earn it. If you want some tips and I can help you, I will. I'm a pretty friendly person, for the most part. I've helped guildies farm pets, mounts and achievements countless times over the years. The difference between those people and the ones ************ about not having godlike companions? They were willing to actually grind for that stuff themselves. They were willing to run the same instance over and over. They were willing to try and try again with different strats until their achievement popped. They did not roll over and cry for nerfs. They were gamers.


Apparently, there is a segment of SWTOR's population that wants to treat the game like an interactive TV show that requires no skill to play while still gaining all the benefits. I'm sorry but that's not how it works. If you want the same things as the "tryhards" or "elitists" you should have to work for them, game or not. Or, you can keep gushing tears hoping to surf the waves to the promised land. Good luck with that.

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Just gonna point out that we're getting companion buffs on Monday. In case you missed it.


Do you really think they will restore them to 4.0 status? If so, I'd like you to check out this bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn. I'll give you a sweet deal on it.

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It reminds me of SOE's awful balancing act of Planetside 2 and their demise. They're too busy "balancing" the game and the three unique factions to actually fix the game's core and longstanding issues that have been around since the testing phase.


"PTS server? QA feedback? What's that?"


Those incompetent twits coded themselves out of a job eventually. The company is now owned by an investment firm after Sony got rid of them. Looks like BioWare is employing balancing geniuses of equal prowess.


If they're repeating that studio's activity, then they'll "collect feedback" for the next few weeks while waiting on accounting to tell them what the actual effect was next month, then do something in the next regular patch cycle. In some of their games, their overzealous nerfs took 2-3 updates to adjust some classes back to playable in their stated role.


How long are the patch cycles on this game? I just got here last month, and it doesn't sound too promising. At least it wasn't a late afternoon Friday patch with the phones turned off until Monday.

Edited by Cazron
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I have neither the patience nor the time to slog through 160+ pages... but I really wonder how many posts listed sub-60 charas. The first four pages had *one* sub-60. The rest look similar, I suspect.


Which means, Eric, that hardly anyone here can give info on the levelling aspect.


Me? 4.0.2 feels harder than per-4.0 Of course in 4.0 the comps were OP, I completely agree. First time I dug in (and with all the changes I really didn't for a few days, I dislike KotFE quite a bit, but still have subbed time left (not active anymore, guess why)) I thought to myself: I can let my comps run everything alone. Even platinum (gold/white, not sure that's the right term) mobs, almost. But gold mobs? Pretty easy. Anything else, groups even, send Mako in heal mode(!) and she wipes the floor with them.


But 4.0.2 went too far on the other side. In earlier times (might have been before 3.0 even, I wasn't on much between mid-2013 and this September)... I had quite a bit of trouble with some story bosses. I recall M1-4X being quite a bastard of a fight, for example. Mind you, I'm an above-casual player who, OTOH, is an incurable altoholic, so my experience is rather casual-y.


Am I in some target audience? You tell me. I suspect I'm not.

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It's OK, tiger. Presenting a specific point on a message board is a skill you'll develop as you mature.


This literally made no sense. Who are you addressing, exactly? Because right now, you look like a retard that's shouting at his drool-cup. Furious and outraged and no one knows why exactly.

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This literally made no sense. Who are you addressing, exactly? Because right now, you look like a retard that's shouting at his drool-cup. Furious and outraged and no one knows why exactly.


So, stating that a buff is coming was addressing what part of my earlier post again, sport? My tone is neither one of outrage nor anger. Right now, I'm actually sincerely curious why you even quoted me in the first place.


For the record, I'm shouting at my coffee cup.

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Is the solution to simply link companion effectiveness to influence ? e.g. rank 1-10 influence companions after 4.02 and rank 50 influence companions before 4.02, with a scale in between where companions receive incremental buffs to health plus stance specific buffs - armor/shield chance for tank stance, crit % and healing output for heal stance and crit % and damage output for dps stance.


This way if you want to run with a powerful companion you increase influence with them and if you don't then keep influence with them low.

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Yes, some can still solo SF H2+ after 4.0.2. I am one of them. If you cannot, you need to gear up and skill up. It is that simple. Does knowing my class and how to use it make me an elitist? Does expecting others to have the same level of skill to get the One and Only achievement make me an elitist? Or, does it make me a gamer?



I can solo it in 208 pvp gear with my comp on passive in all but the last boss fights. do i want a cookie for that no The boss is dead in under 1 min with all 8 heroic moments a using unity is it hard please. Does having to use your out of combat heal ability on every pull while leveling because we that can solo it want a challenge at the cost of others. All in the perspective of the gamer. I had the one and only with in a day of the expac coming out doing what i said above the only time you feel a threat in that instance solo is the last boss. Other then that even with the nerf it is neither hard to get the one and only. Why when you add the slicing mission in the instance with turrets to but and a 40k heal it was what we call hard for casuals easy for good gamer and unless BW buffs the instance the comp buff nerf has no baring on that achievement.

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I hear your frustration. I don't trust Bioware either, SWTOR division. The guys that run the SP games totally rock my socks though. I guess those guys are the only reason I am willing to give these guys the benefit of the doubt.


The thing is though, don't sell us short. I think one of the biggest gripes here is the removal of the fun factor that came when that nerf hammer crashed down on our good time. I can't really speak for the casual majority, but IMHO, I'm pretty sure that if after the fix, the game is still grindy and tedious, a ton of casuals will be heading for the exit again. Most likely not looking back a second time.


They best get it right this time or kiss much $$$ buhbye.


What a ton of uneducated BS!


You want to talk about solo friendly, enjoying the story line and all that BS you people are spouting about ? Okay, let's talk.


I dare you, point me towards ONE single / SOLO player RPG where the AI plays the game for you and you can beat it with 0 input, just by pressing ONE button. I double dare you.


Let's talk Bioware. Can you go through the Mass Effect series by just pressing one button, without at least some basic understanding about the class you play ? How about the Dragon Age series ? Oh, excuse me.. this is KotOR 3 you say. How about KotOR I and II then ? Or the Witcher trilogy. Maybe Lego Star Wars ?


Ah, i see. The aforementioned games are for hardcore no-lifers only. Or are they ?


Let's be honest here. Bioware in true idiotic fashion gave you the means to have everything outside OP's in a golden plate. With 0 effort, almost 0 input. In true amateur fashion they failed to see how lazy and self entitled a big portion of the player base is.

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So, stating that a buff is coming was addressing what part of my earlier post again, sport? My tone is neither one of outrage nor anger. Right now, I'm actually sincerely curious why you even quoted me in the first place.


For the record, I'm shouting at my coffee cup.


Because your post was pointless and irrelevant. Your rage at the rest of us for not caring for the Companion changes is entirely without point since BW agrees that the buffs were too harsh and they're gonna be fixing that.


I just wanted you to know that you're Grandpa Simpson, yelling at clouds.

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The fact that Bioware is asking players for feedback makes me think they had no real metrics to substantiate the readjustment.


This is what happens when early consumers of the content go through game. They quickly go through the game and say the game is too easy.


Now everyone else who is starting this expansion later will have to run planetary heroics with less effective companions in order to build influence with companions.


I really feel for subscribers with multiple alts or are very casual. story content is not very repeatable now personal gameplay is now a grind with planetary heroics being a time sink.

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What a ton of uneducated BS!


You want to talk about solo friendly, enjoying the story line and all that BS you people are spouting about ? Okay, let's talk.


I dare you, point me towards ONE single / SOLO player RPG where the AI plays the game for you and you can beat it with 0 input, just by pressing ONE button. I double dare you.


Let's talk Bioware. Can you go through the Mass Effect series by just pressing one button, without at least some basic understanding about the class you play ? How about the Dragon Age series ? Oh, excuse me.. this is KotOR 3 you say. How about KotOR I and II then ? Or the Witcher trilogy. Maybe Lego Star Wars ?


Ah, i see. The aforementioned games are for hardcore no-lifers only. Or are they ?


Let's be honest here. Bioware in true idiotic fashion gave you the means to have everything outside OP's in a golden plate. With 0 effort, almost 0 input. In true amateur fashion they failed to see how lazy and self entitled a big portion of the player base is.


There are plenty of games that let you ez-mode your way through the game. Right off the top of my head, Fallout 4 comes with pre-loaded cheat commands that let you do a number of things, INCLUDING cutting to the end of the story content so you can get to doing the sand-box stuff without distraction. You can become invulnerable, you can fly, you can being a ghost and walk through everything with no collision problems. You can even turn the enemy AI off entirely if you like. You can do all of these things 'and' for those who don't want to cheat, you have 4-5 different difficulty settings.


There's all that and then there's the modders who take it a step beyond.


These are all 'options' that you can use or not at your own leisure. You can play the game as it comes or you can modify it to fit your play style.


And that was off the top of my head.

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Because your post was pointless and irrelevant. Your rage at the rest of us for not caring for the Companion changes is entirely without point since BW agrees that the buffs were too harsh and they're gonna be fixing that.


I just wanted you to know that you're Grandpa Simpson, yelling at clouds.


The buffs were too harsh. I've said that exact thing on several occasions over the past few days. What I take exception to is the chorus of people claiming that the game is so impossible now that the comps don't kill everything or heal through stupid anymore. After the nerf, the game feels somewhat similar to what it did at launch. Taking on a champion mob at level solo back then was suicide. Being able to take on a group of golds solo at level back then was unheard of. The uber-comps made such tomfoolery not only possible, they made it snooze-fest easy. Sure, it was fun but it would get boring in time for everyone, whether they realize it or not. I'm hoping for a buff that puts them somewhere in between 4.0 and 4.0.2 strength, erring on the side of a bit weaker.


BTW, I'm still yelling at my coffee cup. The damn thing is still empty. Bioware, fix it or I'm unsubbing!

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Leveling on Hoth and picked up all the heroics. Yep, they are still doable, but way too time consuming now, and not fun. I don't want to have to sit and heal between every trash pull. It's frustrating, it's boring, it makes me want to play something else.


The elite crowd here can go do ops if they want "challenge". The companion healing is irrelevant there.

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What a ton of uneducated BS!


You want to talk about solo friendly, enjoying the story line and all that BS you people are spouting about ? Okay, let's talk.


I dare you, point me towards ONE single / SOLO player RPG where the AI plays the game for you and you can beat it with 0 input, just by pressing ONE button. I double dare you.



I respond to this SWG NGE macro my toon 10k heal macro a one button rotation come back 30 later witha auto macro loot bot that was all based in macro code in the game so not botting program needed the game played it self. were comp to OP yes would 50% nerf been good enough yes.




Kashyyyk pet grind and character grind here a nice video of afk grinding

here a video


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Yes, some can still solo SF H2+ after 4.0.2. I am one of them. If you cannot, you need to gear up and skill up. It is that simple. Does knowing my class and how to use it make me an elitist?


No, but your overall attitude does...


Does expecting others to have the same level of skill to get the One and Only achievement make me an elitist? Or, does it make me a gamer?




Apparently, there is a segment of SWTOR's population that wants to treat the game like an interactive TV show that requires no skill to play while still gaining all the benefits. I'm sorry but that's not how it works.


You might be shocked to discover that you are mistaken... about a great many things...

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