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Companion Change Feedback


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Why does everyone assume that leaving companions as is means we are hardcore players? We might be just as casual as you, we just play the game better. We don't see the point of making hte companions OP we enjoy using the skills available to us to get gear, adventure, RP, etc.


Its people like you that are trying to lower the skill cap even lower. BW responded, the game got harder (not really, you guys are lacking gear and how to play the game). It appears they agree with us and not you, sorry.


If you had even bothered to check my earlier reply you would have noticed I wrote that I had not died or failed any H2+ since patch, just that they are more of a grind now and less fun. So again you demonstrate your hard core behaviour that that most players like you have and belittler those that do not agree with you (which was why I called your kind of players pathetic earlier).


Personally I do not care if BW agree with you or not, I have lifetime sub on a few other MMO and play them when I get annoyed with ToR, even if I am one of those stupid players that do not cancel my sub when I do. :rolleyes:

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Just wanted to say that you people are all noobs. I completed tactical flashpoints solo and all heroics on every planet.

How it is difficult for you to play after nerf if it is easier then it was before 4.0? People always complain...


Oh u want to know how i played before 4.0, well I DIDINT PLAY AT ALL because it was not fun to play for me. Folowing the same rotation on and on was boring being slaved to a rotation and doing the wait for cd game was boring, not having fun and a blast of time like i had in 4.0 was a reason not to play anymore. In vanilla i rage quittet with lvl 36.

In 4.0 i hade such a fun time that i started a fresh lvl 1 and leveled all the way through to lvl 65 and i was very vocal and advertised the fun i FINALLY found in swtor, to all players i knew from guilds in other mmo's but now ill have to tell em what the real deal was and how bad we got played on by BW.

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Please Read, if nothing else, I've tried to give a full detail of one Heroic 2+ Star Fortress Run.

Bound and determined, after spending most of the last 3 days on these forums, simply because I haven't felt a desire to play the game since Tuesday :( as my posts will tell you, I made 2 attempts at the Star Fortress H2+ on what are 2 of my best geared characters. 1 Sorcerer and 1 Sage, the Sage being the best and original 4 year old first max level, favorite character,,, you get the message. Other than those two SF runs, I only played some on a level 39 Merc I'm working on. You'll also find a post I wrote about my experience with that character on Hoth.


Now, the way I went into this tonight was, there was no way I was coming out until the mission was accomplished or as a human being, I just couldn't possibly, mentally, take anymore deaths and defeats, without ripping my keyboard and throwing it against the nearest wall, which thankfully, I have a high threshold for such anger, whew :p


Here is my solo run through the Star Fortress H2+ Tatooine Mission to the best of my memory as I didn't record the run, and glad I didn't. :o


•Your level: 65

•Roughly Average Item Rating: 208 - 220

•Discipline: DPS Telekinetic Sage

•Companion: Deadeye Leyta

•Companion role: Ranged Heals

•Companion Influence level: 11

•Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?): Heroic Mode: Tatooine

•Your personal experience while playing this content:


My personal experience will match what I and many others have been writing in this and other threads. I logged into the game at about 3am. Started the Tatooine H2+ at approximately 3:10am and completed the run at approximately 4:55am. So basically almost 2 hours for a solo run of Star Fortress H2+.


Now the gory details. 1st death occurred on the 1st Gold Elite Zakuul Knight, (not the Champion Paladin). 2nd death occurred on the same Zakuul Knight after breaking out of Alcatraz :D At this point I started attempting to keep track of heals being received from Deadeye Leyta and keeping a Sage Bubble up on her as well as me at all times possible, so keep that in mind as I go on. 3rd death was against the 1st Champion Zakuul Paladin. Came back to him and by the end of round 2, I was the last one standing, literally, as he and Deadeye Leyta lay belly up.


The rest of the lower levels went okay, because bare in mind, by now I'm picking up the Alliance Buff Crates. For example the 2nd or was it 3rd Gold Zakuul Knight went quite smoothly because by this time I also had the Buff from Sana-rae and I believe I also may have used the Hylo Viz Buff.


Now, while I had the 2nd Champion Zakuul Paladin in my 60 second Force Lift is when I grabbed the 4th and final Alliance Buff Crate. Then proceeded to fight him. Again used at least one of the Alliance Buffs while fighting him, the positive there, I took him out in the 1st round.


Onward to the lift for the final phases or Boss area. The 1st Sun room went very smooth. I lifted the Gold with my Force Lift, proceeded to kill all regular mobs, then finished the job with the Gold, easy room. (should I say that) :confused:


2nd Sun room, Lifted Gold closest to entryway, got pulled into room by the other Gold, figured since he used his grapple on me, I had time to hurry over to the Console to drop the Boss so he would flee the room. This went well. Proceeded to kill one Gold taking care not to use any AoE so the other Gold would stay on the floor, again worked well, just time consuming.


Now it gets a little ugly again, 3rd Sun room, same approach as 2nd, Force Lift the Gold closest to the Boss, beat on the Gold closest to where the Silver Droid is summoned as fast as I could, had him to about 1/2 maybe a little less, before the Boss summoned the 1st Silver Droid and of course the side entrance mob of 4 regulars at the same time. Switched my focus to the Silver Droid, beat on him, interrupt his cast, kill him off, try from 4 different angles to frantically collect the yellow loot or whatever that is that drains the Bosses power, and from 4 different angles could not get the mouse icon to change to loot so I could loot it. In the meantime while I'm trying to get that, poor Deadeye goes down. I shortly followed, 4th death. Come back, rinse and repeat Force Lift on Gold, Force Stun other Gold, grab Loot from previously killed Silver Droid, zap Boss of his power, hit the Console, finish killing mobs.


4th and final Sun room, and very ugly, as this time I needed 2 of the drops from the Silver Droids to fully drain the Bosses power. So yeah, basically, you know you're going to fight a bit first in this room before having what you need to get out. Well, did my usual Force Lift, get pulled in by other, start beating on him,,, you get that part, then first Silver Droid, beat on, interrupt, kill, loot. Pop Unity because poor Deadeye is getting hit hard and can't keep up, bubble Deadeye and myself, proceed to kill mobs, or attempt too before 2nd Silver Droid is summoned. 2nd Silver Droid summoned, go to take care of him, killed by the mobs behind me as Deadeye lay belly up, didn't notice she was in trouble, and of course, I follow shortly there after, 5th death. Come back, rinse and repeat, lift Gold closest to entryway, second one pulls me in, fight, fight, fight, until needed 2nd Silver Droid is summoned, then the usual attack on him, again, could I be that lucky, 4 different angles, couldn't get the loot to work, killed in action by the Gold and regular mobs all hitting me, 6th death, Deadeye survives, just didn't have enough to keep me healed. Again, come back lift Gold near Boss, Force Stun other Gold, grab loot from dead Silver Droid, now I have the 2 needed, channel the first of the two on Boss, self heal, bubble Deadeye, bubble me, I see health is low on Deadeye, no time to help, hope the bubble gets her through, while channeling 2nd Drainer on Boss, Deadeye drops, I go next, 7th death, but I got the Boss to drop before I went down,,, :p


Never killed the mobs in the 4th Sun room because, once the Boss dropped and ran, and I died, coming back from the spawn spot or med droid, I only had one way to go, up to the Bosses Nest.


Boss fight went fine, again bare in mind, I had my 4 Alliance Buffs, Heroic Moment, Legacy Perks, CC's the whole works to use, kind of a long fight, a lot of running out of his AoE's and the Push he does, survive. interrupt, beat on him some more, run, interrupt, jump, survive some more, he drops, finally game over.


Best part about the whole run, I did get the Eternal Empire Walker Mount,,, go figure :cool:


But what an embarrassing run if anyone could have seen it, from a 4 year veteran player, founder, knows and plays every class, all 60 to 65's, pretty sad.


Final note: did I get the solo run done? Yes.

Does if make me feel a sense of accomplishment? NO

Does it make me feel like doing it again? NO

Would I do it again, actually 2 more times to finish the weekly? NO


Honestly, and sorry if this offends, screw that crap. 2 hours, over 20 characters to build Alliances for, all the Influence with Companions and Followers to raise, you're out of your mind. You've basically killed any reason to have alts period. Let alone over 20. I won't even put that kind of time in to max out my one and original most favorite character, my Sage, which barely made it through this run, because normally, I would have stopped after 2 or 3 deaths, but tonight, like I said at the beginning, I was bound and determined, for this test, I shall complete it, no matter what.


Now check your drives BW, you know my account, I'm sure you know my characters, and I'm going to guess you can also pull up the statistics on my run tonight.


You tell me, and what the heck, tell everyone that reads it, is this considered Entertainment, Fun, Money well spent?


My answer is NO.


Please fix this Game, and I can't stress enough GAME. I've always been paid for performing work, this is the first time I can remember paying some else so I can work :rak_02:

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You're adorable. Post that supports the nerfing of companions = trolling. Well, BW agrees with me hence why the nerfing went through. Guess they are trolling too right?


Nah, they are just being a bit.... how should I put it ....... having a critical glitch while thinking.:p

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Okay finally ran star fortress on my consular, original comments on page 6. I managed to beat it but it took me double the time due to how long it took to bring down people and then healing. For a solo player with limited time, I still say PLEASE FIX IT
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If this choice was made based on players possibly leaving, then I would have to believe they were not losing enough players :p


I joke of course...I tend to think, just speculating of course, that the amount of players they would have lost for 4.0 would have likely been inconsequential....and I don't expect the players lost over this will be huge, but certainly more noticeable than they would have lost if they kept things the same.


I think the change was made DESPITE possible losses, and likely because it simply didn't fit their vision for the game...which I can't say is clear, at least not to me (which doesn't mean much naturally).


My issue, as with the CSM, is not the change....it is how the change was handled yet again.


1) If this change was needed, then companions should have NEVER been released in the state they were for 4.0.

2) Once released, the most FOOLISH thing you could do is to nerf them too much, especially after leaving them in place for so long.


As I have said before, Bioware did NOT do themselves any favors here.


I think a change is needed IMMEDIATELY to mitigate any losses they may incur as a result...which, IMO, would be entirely their fault for improper testing and planning.


Sometimes, as odd as it sounds, it seems to me like they are trying to anger the majority of players on purpose.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Why is this the litmus test? in that gear you should find all planetary heroics easy anyway, did planetary H2's suddenly become endgame content only, to be done at 65 in 208+ gear rather than at level in lesser (but level appropriate) gear.


The planetary H2's need to be able to still be done at planet level with relevant influence that could be gained during levelling to that point. Otherwise Heroics should be removed until you hit 65. Ok so some of the lower planets shout be ok but the further you get in the game it can be increasingly difficult to to at the time you are levelling there.


You just raised what, to me, is an unanswered question. It once was an H2 required 2 players. Eric said a companion should could BUT that was in the context of the H2 weeklies (Lvl 65 quests). The leveling path in the expac was changed to being purely story driven. As such I fear it is possible that the H2s in the old world were balanced around level sync'd level 65s.


Remember level sync puts you at the highest possible level for that encounter plus you lose none of the abilities or utilities etc of a level 65. Eric in the OP says this should be medium difficulty. How can an encounter be "medium" for the max possible level character with all the extra abilities, bonuses and utilities of a level 65 AND the character still leveling that content at the same time?

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I still have no idea how people are not completing Star Fortress Heroic.


Before the nerf getting the achievement "The one and only" was an absolute faceroll JOKE and actually had no value whatsoever because of how easy it was to obtain. I am all for the idea of SF H2+ actually being a challenging Solo experience for achivement and title people can grind for themselves if they really want to show off their soloing skills.


What I would suggest, is for BW to keep the companions as they are, and remove achievements "The one and only" from EVERYONE who got it pre-patch, and make them re-earn it now that you actually need to do something else than just sit there facetanking.


And, in all honestly, it was still pretty easy. Posted my stats in this topic earlier on a completely deathless H2+ run trough SF H2+. Really, just dont play dumb and you wont even die once, on anything.

Edited by Kiesu
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If this choice was made based on players possibly leaving, then I would have to believe they were not losing enough players :p


I joke of course...I tend to think, just speculating of course, that the amount of players they would have lost for 4.0 would have likely been inconsequential....and I don't expect the players lost over this will be huge, but certainly more noticeable than they would have lost if they kept things the same.


I think the change was made DESPITE possible losses, and likely because it simply didn't fit their vision for the game...which I can't say is clear, at least not to me (which doesn't mean much naturally).


My issue, as with the CSM, is not the change....it is how the change was handled yet again.


1) If this change was needed, then companions should have NEVER been released in the state they were for 4.0.

2) Once released, the most FOOLISH thing you could do is to nerf them too much, especially after leaving them in place for so long.


As I have said before, Bioware did NOT do themselves any favors here.


I think a change is needed IMMEDIATELY to mitigate any losses they may incur as a result...which, IMO, would be entirely their fault for improper testing and planning.


Sometimes, as odd as it sounds, it seems to me like they are trying to anger the majority of players on purpose.


Well that is why I mentioned the impact the launch debacle had on them. I read one report of an interview with Ohlen where the reporter says Ohlen was "surprising frank" and had clear regret in his voice when he blamed the loss on underestimating the speed at which people completed it. Ohlen even said this to all the other designers at the GDC in 2013. So while we may question whether they really would have lost a lot or not this is clearly a major concern in house.


My only question regarding a change being needed immediately is this. I may be wrong, but I fear that the angst over this change is at such a high level anything other than a full reversal on the decision will be met with a "not enough we want them back period" and I think it pretty clear that isn't going to happen.

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Well here you go. Pre nerf I was able to do it in half the time, deaths, and frustration and was still challenging. Also when you see me doing the fight during the power core You will see that I was unable to pick up the items to complete it. Did a bug ticket but got the if you having trouble please visit the helpcenter response.


Video will be up in about an hour enjoy.


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Their companion’s role should begin to matter at this point, supplementing the player’s own Discipline.


I feel this issue hasn't been addressed properly so far.


What about those disciplines where there's no obvious supplement, mainly pure DPS or DPS/offtank?

Healer would be the obvious supplement, but that's only true if the healing output is high enough (higher than for a tank). Tank could be an alternative, but survivability in fights where opposition cannot be burned down would be an issue (that DPS/offheal doesn't have).

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I would speculate that most folks soloed almost all heroics prior to 4.0. I would also speculate that folks would overlevel the content so they could solo it....others were able to do so with proper gearing and tactics, but I expect that was less common.


I could be wrong, but I doubt it. That is the experience that folks have had for almost three years.


It is not odd for players to outlevel content so they can solo it. It is pretty much an MMO standard. What is odd is that this game has removed that ability, at least the notion of it, with level sync.


So, folks expect to be able to solo this content if they are overleveled to the content. This is not a strange notion...it is a notion nurtured by this very game since it's launch.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I would speculate that most folks soloed almost all heroics prior to 4.0. I would also speculate that folks would overlevel the content so they could solo it....others were able to do so with proper gearing and tactics, but I expect that was less common.


I could be wrong, but I doubt it. That is the experience that folks have had for almost three years.


It is not odd for players to outlevel content so they can solo it. It is pretty much an MMO standard. What is odd is that this game has removed that ability, at least the notion of it, with level sync.


So, folks expect to be able to solo this content if they are overleveled to the content. This is not a strange notion...it is a notion nurtured by this very game since it's launch.


Oh agreed. I am just wondering if they balanced the new H2s around level 65 level synced toons which would throw off the old status quo. As a ll 65 toon you are level synced to being over leveled yes BUT you have access to more abilities and utilities and the gear does still make a difference.

Edited by Ghisallo
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This is why swtor can never gain traction and get more subs the devs are sitting in the rumpus room singing i a little tea pot making bad decisions. Then say not going to do any thing because you took my pillow and blankly during nap time. LOL Please find some 2 year olds i think they would be better at coding a game while button mashing hot fixes with there foreheads.


You start downa good road shoot your self in the foot becasue of you in experience in the mmo market.. By using devs that have been trained on just making good story over every thing else> every MMO maker blizzard even sony while they messed up swg they still could make a better game then this one. They know you do not ever make large adjustments to code and take there time in fixing things and test alot....


They learned from there mistake of using a nerf sludge hammer and switch to the nerf foam sword to stop form over nerfing content to the ground. Why because in the past they have learn over the years that taking it slow keep more subs then nuke with a side of napalm and a side of TNT.


After 4 years this same dev team refuses to learn this and continues to make foolish decisions. EQ GW2 Blizzard they all know that making bad choices will likely kill there game and make it so there no longer working on a project and thee high bosses going what happened. The devs saying it was the player base because there to narcissistic to admit they were wrong...


I ran the 60 to 65 kotfe quest today i spent more time healing myslef then doing content my comp died in the gravestone were you have the gold bug and the adds and i only lived by 30 hp. THis is one a class i main at 65. I did not use any of the other class buffs only what the character was given at creation at 60. With large groups one you run out of taunts which my aoe taunt don't work in pve it reduces my agro instead of taunting off adds to my comp so i have single taunt to get 1 boss and 6 adds off Koth. Hence why he died while i cleared it i had a guild member doing the same thing that dies on the same boss in easy chapter story content. The only way he could kill the stuff was heroic moments. He is a casual gamer Who found this frustrating and admitted with shame that he is average at best as a gamer and is here for fun not challenge.


GG BW on making a friend and guild member feel small. I am not kidiing on that

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Remember level sync puts you at the highest possible level for that encounter plus you lose none of the abilities or utilities etc of a level 65. Eric in the OP says this should be medium difficulty. How can an encounter be "medium" for the max possible level character with all the extra abilities, bonuses and utilities of a level 65 AND the character still leveling that content at the same time?


Then why are the heroics not all level 65 then?, it used to be that I could do a lot of the former H2's solo if I was slightly over level (but not gray) with good gear for both me and my companions now it is a lot more difficult to do as I go along, especially what I suspect were the former H4's scaled down.


In theory the players "gear" is supposedly nerfed to planetary level along with your level sync, players SHOULD ALMOST be on equal footing when it comes to running planetary heroics, however its quite clear that those at 65 etc are not on equal footing (minus possible influence, which some people have commented is not hugely different level 20-50 and some utilities and abilities).


So that said it seems as if it should be "medium" for both levelling and max level characters, if it is only doable once you can have all utilities and abilities then this is not levelling quests and should be removed from levelling and treated as such.


Oh agreed. I am just wondering if they balanced the new H2s around level 65 level synced toons which would throw off the old status quo. As a ll 65 toon you are level synced to being over leveled yes BUT you have access to more abilities and utilities and the gear does still make a difference.


If this is the case then it should be labelled as such, just labelling something "medium" skill is not enough without the context of "as a level 65 player or a level x player" if that is indeed what Eric meant he needs to come out and say as much.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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I liked the OP companions. It allowd me to be a bad A*s. I did not have to grind and gring and grind. I'm not intrested in a stupid amount of challenge in the general popluation mobs including Heroic. Challenge is for HM Flashpoints and Ops. Let me go around and Kick Butt I'm a fricking Jedi for crying out loud. If you want extreme amounts of challenge then stick to Hard Mod Flashpoints and Ops. Leave the general population mobs easy. If you think that is a waste of your time... then DON't do them. But do not screw up my fun.


Many people liked the OP companions. Just look at the flame storm of the last 2 days in the fourms. There are more threads for un nerf the companions over 2000 comments in 2 days more then anything else. Let me easliy do the Heroic 2s solo if I want if you don't like that to bad. You will get over it or you can just leave I don't really care.


I play these games to have fun. Not to increase my stress level.


Since the nerf the fun is gone and the stress is at max level.




To heII with the elitests that want every thing hard and frustrating. I don't have max gear or max companions or play tanks or healers. I like DPS classes and they are squshy and die easily, I need all the heals I can get. Dieing a half a dozen times per mob is NOT FUN.


Don't tell me learn to play. I play the way I want not the way YOU want. I don't tell you how far you should stick your head up your A*s. So don't tell me what to do either..

Edited by denavin
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Well its complicated. Raging at change is not unusual on forums. The slot machine comes to mind and there have been other changes. Heck one change/comment by a dev had the dev's family threatened and harassed irl. Was their an exodus? So to an extent players are to blame due to what could be called "crying wolf" in the past.


One single criminal who threatens a dev does not make the whole group of people who dislike a change criminals. But Bioware exactly acts that way.


"Do not communicate with players because one of them could be evil!"


Next, my suspicion is that they saw this as the lesser of two evils. Their own internal testing says one of the main driver of launch failure was that people ran out of stuff to do and said, in essence "I'm bored, I won SWTOR". From reading some interviews at times it seems like it virtually scarred them.


While the main driver of game failure is to take away endgame from solo players, as it seems. So much for bias.


One of the clear signs of this is their phasing in of story chapters. Also with the design of this expac they kinda hinted at the fact they were thinking LONG TERM. In the thread about why there were no new FP and OPs they spoke of how they were using their resources to create the level sync system and redo the stats and companions to make development more consistent and stable over the long term.


Which has nothing to do with the idea to add a change where the smallest part of the players benefit from.


First, keep in mind, if anyone needed proof they still see this as an MMO, the grind that explicitly presented in the OP is all the proof you need. You may disagree with it but they clearly see this as the correct path.


Yeah, as they are biased that organized gameplay is the best way to player retention. While most of the players just dont organize in groups. The devs actually dont really seem to know which people play their game.


Choice one. Do not change the companions and have the " I won SWTOR" dynamic kick in (which is BAD for a subscription/f2p hybrid) and also mess with the whole "consistent and stable" MMO idea that many of the global changes was supposed to accomplish. This hurts both in the short-medium term (I win) and long term (bringing instability into the new system.)


Choice 2 change them. This will piss of people sure but the exact number that will leave over it is as unknown as the number that would leave under the "I won SWTOR" scenario. The longer they delay it the more people you will likely lose and at least the long term plan for this expac and mechanics changes in general will be preserved.


Choice 3 do it right. Nerf them, but at a balanced value.. and not by 75%... Take all story elements and story quest chains out of organized group content and put it into solo player gaming. So if people want to complete the destruction of the star fortress story line, they should not be forced into groups to achieve that.. in a game whichs main strength is story telling.. not raiding.. not dungeons.. not challenges.. not competition.


So we have a situation where, in their mind, there is no good choice, its simply a matter of which one is worse for the long run because either way they already screwed up the short to medium term.


They should open their mind for other ways to solve it. And not just try the options which cater to their bias.


Now of course I could be wrong and if you think the entire premise that this game should remain an MMORPG with the progression/grind that entails the above will make little sense. If for a minute you could put ourself in the shoes of the devs though I think the above is a plausible scenario.


I am a player and no game designer. And i cant complete the destruction of the star fortresses anymore as i never will outgear h2+ as i am no raider. And i will not bring my companion to level 50 to become able to solo the content. Instead of that lousy try of bioware to raise my "player retention", i go and play single player RPGs again which dont need any kind of grinds.

Edited by geschmonz
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I liked the OP companions. It allowd me to be a bad A*s.

You mean, it allowed your companion to be basarse and you be the sidekick? Because that was pretty much the entire pre-patch haha.

Edited by Kiesu
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Oh agreed. I am just wondering if they balanced the new H2s around level 65 level synced toons which would throw off the old status quo. As a ll 65 toon you are level synced to being over leveled yes BUT you have access to more abilities and utilities and the gear does still make a difference.


I would say that it is next to impossible to give players the same experience they had prior to 4.0 with level sync in place. The only thing they could do, considering that heroics are not consistent in the first place with respect to play experience is to perhaps boost maximum level in level sync by one level. I don't think they can go much higher than that and not avoid creating grays.


Of course they could always allow players to turn level sync off....which they probably should have done in the first place.

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Pretty sure you just said it makes you feel like badarse. Isnt that an ego thing? :p


Try reading what I said


I play DPS classes and need all the heals I can get so my conpanions does not dps I DO... and its hard to DPS when your dead all the time.

Edited by denavin
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It makes NO difference to me. I don't have an ego problem.


i got an ego problem I'll admit, i like my character seeming to be important, but honestly, i rather liked it when my companion got the agro over me cause it meant that my character spent less time on their back from the endless knockdowns/knockbacks/throws/you get the idea.

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(...) they lose thousands of subs due to solo players not being able to play the content anymore?



People are crucifying a game because of a very hard Heroic Quest... There are heroics that can't be done alone, this one can, even with an extreme dificulty degree.

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