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Just Solo'ed Voss Heroic SF and got the title!


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So, like an idiot, I'd never got the One and Only title before the nerf, so had to do it the hard way. Not going to lie - was probably the hardest thing I've done solo in SWTOR - but it is doable! And it was amazing fun - a real challenge!


I solo'ed Voss.


I ran it with my Infiltration Shadow, wearing mostly 216 gear, with one 208 piece, Exemplar PvP relics and outlander 208 implants and earpiece. All augmented. Used 27 Inf Lana as healer, except for one fight.


The SF itself was no trouble - not even the Zakuul Knights, although the fights were longer than usual. I didn't run into real problems till the second last room at the generator stage, where the two elites and constantly spawning mobs took a long time to down and several deaths. Had to use Heroic moments and legacy abilities plus medpacks. But with stuns and a respec to get every last drop of AOE out of my single target burst class ( thank you, 25% dmg boost to whirling blow) I got through it.


Oddly, I changed to Treek (LvL 10 inf) healer for the final room, as someone suggested she was a better healer than the others. True or not, she got me through while Lana failed, although it might have just been I was lucky that time.


Boss fight took three goes, and I switched back to Lana as Treek wasn't working. Thankfully, the boss pauses to cast every so often, allowing me to keep my heals up. Again, Heroic moment, legacies and medpack had to be deployed. Beating him was a moment of pure punching-the-air jubilation, so thanks BW for giving me another golden gaming memory.


So there you go - it's still do-able. You need good gear and a strong companion, plus a good knowledge of your class abilities, but something this hard should be something you work towards - not given on a plate.


Now, I'm off to the fleet with my One and Only title. Who wants to touch me? :rak_03:

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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So, like an idiot, I'd never got the One and Only title before the nerf, so had to do it the hard way. Not going to lie - was probably the hardest thing I've done solo in SWTOR - but it is doable! And it was amazing fun - a real challenge!


I solo'ed Voss.


I ran it with my Infiltration Shadow, wearing mostly 216 gear, with one 208 piece, Exemplar PvP relics and outlander 208 implants and earpiece. All augmented. Used 27 Inf Lana as healer, except for one fight.


The SF itself was no trouble - not even the Zakuul Knights, although the fights were longer than usual. I didn't run into real problems till the second last room at the generator stage, where the two elites and constantly spawning mobs took a long time to down and several deaths. Had to use Heroic moments and legacy abilities plus medpacks. But with stuns and a respec to get every last drop of AOE out of my single target burst class ( thank you, 25% dmg boost to whirling blow) I got through it.


Oddly, I changed to Treek (LvL 10 inf) healer for the final room, as someone suggested she was a better healer than the others. True or not, she got me through while Lana failed, although it might have just been I was lucky that time.


Boss fight took three goes, and I switched back to Lana as Treek wasn't working. Thankfully, the boss pauses to cast every so often, allowing me to keep my heals up. Again, Heroic moment, legacies and medpack had to be deployed. Beating him was a moment of pure punching-the-air jubilation, so thanks BW for giving me another golden gaming memory.


So there you go - it's still do-able. You need good gear and a strong companion, plus a good knowledge of your class abilities, but something this hard should be something you work towards - not given on a plate.


Now, I'm off to the fleet with my One and Only title. Who wants to touch me? :rak_03:




This is right on: "... something this hard should be something you work towards - not given on a plate". It's more about skill than gear. You have learned to play your class. You demonstrated adaptability and persistence. This is exactly how soloing a heroic SF should be.

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This is right on: "... something this hard should be something you work towards - not given on a plate". It's more about skill than gear. You have learned to play your class. You demonstrated adaptability and persistence. This is exactly how soloing a heroic SF should be.


Yet they beta tested (or maybe they didn't cause well... It doesn't seem like they did) those SFs with the companions of 4.0 and realeased THAT. So in a way it was meant to be easy with "godmode OP companions that don't let me enjoy the game when I could just dismiss them cause I'm too good to be true".

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