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The silence from BW is a slap in the face to it's angry consumers


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I will reiterate what I posted in another, similar forum post:


Honestly, what are you expecting? Eric has already made 'the statement' in their absurd explanation before the patch. They have nothing else to say. Anything different would make them look worse than the chumps look now. Anything other than what's stated would just embarrass themselves and the company.


They would never admit defeat nor say that they took it too far. In the land of make believe, where Bioware lives and breathes, keeping face is their most important aspect to themselves.


Nothing more to say, nothing more to do. Them "reverting the changes" or "making any other adjustments" would show they were wrong. No one ever wants to be wrong, let alone show that they were wrong.

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I'm not forgetting the affection.


IL 50 companions are healing for 1.5k ehps... tops.


That is HALF of what they were at level 60 in Yavin gear. Please just stop and go parse it yourself if you don't believe me.


I'm not debating the numbers.... I said I can confirm them. I just looked at the screenshot on my Onedrive, I had 1.1k eHps from Lana on the final fight in H2 SF. My point is that was enough for me to clear the instance without any of the Alliance reputation buffs and that I know it will only get easier for me (I did die once) as I get more gear, the 32 additional affection levels and Alliance Reputation. As such I think just focusing on the size of the nerf is, to an extent, being myopic because it is the effect of the changes in those numbers that the real important bit.


Oh and one other thing... Any parse only shows about 1/3 (guess) of the picture. The shields of companions don't parse, its a weakness of the combat log.

Edited by Ghisallo
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They need listen to their loyal customers not a small minority.


Why are you assuming is is a "small minority"?

It is very plausible that less than 10% of the player base ever comes on these forums.

So a vocal group are moaning/complaining/crying - doesn't mean they are in the majority.

It's the same on "fleet chat". You've got this vocal group crying about the changes (obviously the changes are so bad they can do nothing else in game other than moan in general chat) and these people are being shouted down by others who have no issue and are getting fed-up of the whinning.


Don't make the mistake of assuming just because you're against the changes that you are in the majority and anyone who basically things "meh" and gets on with things are in the minority. Certainly don't base your assumptions on these forums.

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Why are you assuming is is a "small minority"?

It is very plausible that less than 10% of the player base ever comes on these forums.

So a vocal group are moaning/complaining/crying - doesn't mean they are in the majority.

It's the same on "fleet chat". You've got this vocal group crying about the changes (obviously the changes are so bad they can do nothing else in game other than moan in general chat) and these people are being shouted down by others who have no issue and are getting fed-up of the whinning.


Don't make the mistake of assuming just because you're against the changes that you are in the majority and anyone who basically things "meh" and gets on with things are in the minority. Certainly don't base your assumptions on these forums.


You can be sure as hell this is a big deal! A lot of the major game sites have reported about this terrible patch and the sudden huge nerfs to companions!


If it was no big deal, as you pro-nerf people said.... no one would be reporting about it.


The Silent majority, that doesn´t come to the forums, they will be even more angry, as nothing was announced about this major nerf patch other than a single post by Eric here on the forum! They all just hit unsub and move on.

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I'm not debating the numbers.... I said I can confirm them. I just looked at the screenshot on my Onedrive, I had 1.1k eHps from Lana on the final fight in H2 SF. My point is that was enough for me to clear the instance without any of the Alliance reputation buffs and that I know it will only get easier for me (I did die once) as I get more gear, the 32 additional affection levels and Alliance Reputation. As such I think just focusing on the size of the nerf is, to an extent, being myopic because it is the effect of the changes in those numbers that the real important bit.


Oh and one other thing... Any parse only shows about 1/3 (guess) of the picture. The shields of companions don't parse, its a weakness of the combat log.


That is all well and good but, why should they be weaker than they were in SoR ? If they realized they messed up with the buff to them why not just bring them back to the way they were prior to KotFE ?


I'm personally not asking for a revert to 4.0.0 levels of companion power. But anytime a developer has to nerf, or buff even, something by ~70% means you really messed up in your design.

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Oh and one other thing... Any parse only shows about 1/3 (guess) of the picture. The shields of companions don't parse, its a weakness of the combat log.


Actually, they do, if you go into the combat log tab on StarParse, you'll see the absorb numbers. They appear next to the attack they are absorbing.


And for the record, it's roughly 200 DAPS, which would just add 200 EHPS to the final total.


So now IL 50 companions are 1.7k true EHPS with all their buffs considered...


That's still half of what they were in 3.0.

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Actually, they do, if you go into the combat log tab on StarParse, you'll see the absorb numbers. They appear next to the attack they are absorbing.


And for the record, it's roughly 200 DAPS, which would just add 200 EHPS to the final total.


So now IL 50 companions are 1.7k true EHPS with all their buffs considered...


That's still half of what they were in 3.0.


Thanks for showing actual numbers.


Sadly, these pro-NERF screamers will never submit to reason. No matter what numbers and facts you throw at them.

They can go and work at Bioware themselves.... fit right in! Keep those blinders on and keep on pretending the patch was fine and justified. :mad:

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Actually, they do, if you go into the combat log tab on StarParse, you'll see the absorb numbers. They appear next to the attack they are absorbing.


And for the record, it's roughly 200 DAPS, which would just add 200 EHPS to the final total.


So now IL 50 companions are 1.7k true EHPS with all their buffs considered...


That's still half of what they were in 3.0.


QFT! Anyone not seeing this as a major issue since patch 4.0.2 and still pretending everything is fine now, is just a jerk, getting a kick out of trolling the forums. :mad:

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Thanks for showing actual numbers.


Sadly, these pro-NERF screamers will never submit to reason. No matter what numbers and facts you throw at them.

They can go and work at Bioware themselves.... fit right in! Keep those blinders on and keep on pretending the patch was fine and justified. :mad:


It is a simple fact that your expection of the game is different from what the devs are doing. So why can't you accept reality?

I mean you can keep on demanding changes and they may change their mind in the future but right now, why not calm down, get a drink and perhaps you will realise how sad it is for a grown person to be acting out a tantrum on an Internet forum.

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Thanks for showing actual numbers.


Sadly, these pro-NERF screamers will never submit to reason. No matter what numbers and facts you throw at them.

They can go and work at Bioware themselves.... fit right in! Keep those blinders on and keep on pretending the patch was fine and justified. :mad:


They can pretend all they want, people are voting with their feet on my server. All the life that came back with 4.0 has gone away now, and it's not even like I can transfer off because BW in its infinite wisdom made guild assets non-transferrable and like hell I'm regrinding a nearly full unlocked guild ship back again, never mind a 5 tab guild bank.


On my server, if companions aren't effective replacements for a player who drops group on a flashpoint, you'll be waiting the rest of the night for a replacement from the LFG queue. Bad enough you already waited over an hour to just get the pop in the first place. I won't even get into Ops or PvP.


I don't care about companions being over powered or not, they don't affect content that matters in the least because you can't even summon them. I expected a nerf, but not one that made my companion weaker than it's been since before ROTHC. Players on PvP servers do not have the option to get a group most times, so if they aren't going to fix this and make their power level at least what it was in 3.0 then they need to merge the servers so we can get groups to do stuff.

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It is a simple fact that your expection of the game is different from what the devs are doing. So why can't you accept reality?

I mean you can keep on demanding changes and they may change their mind in the future but right now, why not calm down, get a drink and perhaps you will realise how sad it is for a grown person to be acting out a tantrum on an Internet forum.


If they aren't going to fix this, then they need to merge the PvP servers so we can get groups to do stuff.


My sub has been canceled and credit card info deleted since August when my server died, it runs out in February. If they don't fix this or merge servers so the game is actually playable again for me on content I want to do, then I will not be renewing it. It's as simple as that.


It's no fun to be on a dead or dying server, and to have a companion that isn't even worth a quarter of a player, in a game that touts a companion system that is suppose to be nearly as effective as a player.

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Actually, they do, if you go into the combat log tab on StarParse, you'll see the absorb numbers. They appear next to the attack they are absorbing.


And for the record, it's roughly 200 DAPS, which would just add 200 EHPS to the final total.


So now IL 50 companions are 1.7k true EHPS with all their buffs considered...


That's still half of what they were in 3.0.


Yes but those are not calculated directly into the show that shows up on the parser. That only kicks in with other players when you have the "raid" function turned on.


But again you are missing my point... So lets use your 200 number... Lana's eHps would then be 1.3kk, which was enough to complete the hardest H2 we have at the moment. The % of a nerf is only as important as the effect it has and you keep ignoring the effect. I'm not saying you are doing this BUT usually people only do this when the effect is not earth shattering. Example one person on another thread was what I consider honest. He acknowledged that if done as intended he could probably still do everything he did before. His issue was that he did not want SWTOR to be an MMO that you have to "work" at... He liked the fact he steam rolled content and wanted that back. Now that is also a worthy point of debate imo...a valid opinion on his part but it is that effect we should be debating not the numbers because the numbers are the real issue.

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They did give an answer. Companions weren't supposed to be God mode that 4.0 made them. I doubt forum threads had much if anything to do with the nerf. Maybe a bunch of people cancelled because the game was stupidly easy? I know I did (my sub runs out on the 25th). I'm sure they'll do a moderate un-nerf in 4.03.


"Slap in the face" - oh do grow up.




No one cares about a video. Go back to playing the game if you love it so much. Why are you on here on forums if you got what you wanted. Thanks I downvoted the video.


You spent a lot of time on the forum defending God mode trying to shut people up that didn't like it. Why weren't *you* in game playing?


Anyone on either side that thinks the forums are representative of the player base is delusional. Every study I've ever seen about any MMO says fewer than 10% of the players ever visit the forums, much less post.

Edited by HarleysRule
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It will never get changed. Look how long it has taken them to get Marauders anywhere close to what they were before the original nerf to them way back in 1.X.X


So don't hold your breath.


Do I personally think the nerf was over the top? Yes


I would much rather they give me back pre 4.0 companions. Why?


Cause it appears from 4.0.2 that I can do a better job of making my own companions viable than anyone at BioWart can

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