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Chin up and keep swinging


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Have to admit, was extremely upset when the patch notes went live and saw that the nukehammer was dropping like its hot. I was thoroughly enjoying the direction the game was going i.e. not having to sit in gf for ungodly amounts of time waiting for the inevitable fail party to form but alas it was apparently just all a giant tease. Spent all nite at work goin through forum after forum trying to get a general consensus on what other players were goin through and the majority wasnt boding well at all. However, I remained optimistic so I gave it a go myself and holy crap was I thrown for a loop. First off the patch took less than 10 mins to update which from what I read I suppose I was one of the lucky few. More importantly though was how over exaggerated some of the nerf claims have been.


Before I go any further my mara is lvl 65 in mostly 208 gear with some 216, one piece of 220 and to top it off a lvl 50 relic while my comp, Denz is this case, is at lvl 19. Right off the bat I jump into some high density heroics on makeb just to see if all the fuss had any merit. Almost instantly I do notice some differences but to be quite honest it was still very manageable. Granted I could no longer just sit there spamming assault while Denz did work but it was nowhere near as bad as I expected it to be. Yes I did die at a few points and our health did drop to os levels but 90% of the time it was because I made a bad pull w/o cc. However, there were times where it was simply just too much even with cc so I can see where some other players are coming from if they're in low lvl gear with low lvl comps.


Should BW had called in the nuke strike...yes and no. The comps were a little too op at some points, not so much at others but I don't think a 75% nerf was necessary. Somewhere between 25-40% might have been fine to start out. Pretty sure the community would have been complacent with that decision but I'm sure that's a rather bold assumption. Bottom line is both sides of the argument need to take a step back and breathe. Comps are still useful, they're no longer the gods they once were for the past month but they're still an integral part of your story. You just gotta be willing to devote what ever amount of time you can to improve them.


Don't give up on the game just yet guys, I was once a devoted WoW junkie yet I always found myself frustrated at the elitism and lack of solo content beyond the tedious daily/rep grinds...ToR always has things for the casuals, including myself, to do...just takes a little longer now but I'm willing to pay that price if it means I've got something to show for it in the end. I encourage you to do the same.

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I'm trying. I kind of feel the same way about you when it comes to the nerf (fair bit too much, but manageable). However, there is a side-effect of this nerf that's come out that I don't like: the elitism. It's just not a good community at this point, and they are constantly fighting and trying to brag about who's better. For every person willing to give you advice, or at least point you to somewhere to learn your class a bit, there's 10 people who say "You just need to keep playing until you are good".


Have these problems always been there? Yes, they have, but they were easy to ignore for a while. But with the current drama...I'm not sure I really need it with the stress I go through in reality. I play games to relax and have fun. The combination of the nerf and the rearing heads of "get good" people makes this game a lot less fun for me to deal with.


May be as simple as me needing to grow a thicker skin, or just learn how to ignore everyone who acts elitist. But it gets tiring to have to do that all the bloody time, and to cross my fingers when I get in a group that my relative lack of skill won't upset them.

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Yeah, I'll pass and save $10/mo.


same...i posted in another patch - the funny thing its not difficult - it just feels so tedious...ie exactly the same grind wheel other MMOs have compared to what i thought was this great fun new direction TOR was heading in...

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same...i posted in another patch - the funny thing its not difficult - it just feels so tedious...ie exactly the same grind wheel other MMOs have compared to what i thought was this great fun new direction TOR was heading in...


Exactly this. Like I said before in my unsub post, it's not because it's all the sudden so hard (although some of the H2 SFs are ridiculous on non-tanks and I think people saying they're easy are either top geared or playing tanks or lying), it's because they were supposed to be moving into a non-grind type of gameplay especially for the pre-60 content. That has been dramatically reversed for this patch.


It now takes longer than ever to wade through packs of garbage. I used to be able to invest in my companions blow through story planets. Now it's a slog from level 1 to 65. It's the opposite of what Knights was sold as- a casual gaming experience. They have baited and switched the people like me who paid money for that advertisement.

Edited by positronics
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Unfortunately bob the elitism is unavoidable, mainly why I left WoW, simply was just too much to handle...guess Ive just vowed to not let it happen in TOR. Easier for some but not others...far as skill is concerned dont let em get to ya man, Im no expert by any means but I do try to do some research mainly on dulfy...has helped me out considerably. Still learning.
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Unfortunately bob the elitism is unavoidable, mainly why I left WoW, simply was just too much to handle...guess Ive just vowed to not let it happen in TOR. Easier for some but not others...far as skill is concerned dont let em get to ya man, Im no expert by any means but I do try to do some research mainly on dulfy...has helped me out considerably. Still learning.


I'm genuinely sorry you feel people asking you to use more than two buttons is "elitism".

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I appreciate your enthusiasm OP. I really do.


But I feel duped and scammed and a bit Jaded. I feel like they used the OP companions to lure people in for money, and once they suckered in enough people they changed the game on them with less than 24 hour notice. Some of those people were returning players that subbed for multiple months based on the game they were currently playing. Had they of known of the impending nerf, they probably wouldn't have given so much money that they now can not get back.


And Bioware don't care if they get mad or leave. They already have their money, and with the new movie coming out that will probably lead to another little subscription boom, which means Bioware has even less of a reason to care about people who are upset today. They are going to be replaced very soon anyway.


So ya, I cancelled my sub and using my remaining time here on the forums to express my frustration. I mean, hey.. I paid. Might as well try to get my moneys worth

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I'm genuinely sorry you feel people asking you to use more than two buttons is "elitism".


Those aren't the people I'm talking about. The people I'm talking about are the ones who say, for example:


"many people have no problem soloing this.


the only thing ridiculous here is you not realizing that the problem is your skill level. "


"Then how do you explain the fact that other people are doing it fine?


No, you are useless. As are these pathetic players who can't even do the HC dailies, what a joke.


But don't worry. The most incompetent people scream the loudest (after all they don't actually play the game, because for the games aren't games, they are walking simulators with no chance of death, gives plenty of time to haunt the forums) and BioWare will appease the bottom-barrel-scrapers as usual, and revert it back to God-Mode companions. "


These are the kinds of people that bother me. Giving advice and insulting people for not being good at the game are two different things, and this community tends far too much towards trying to insult people for not being good.

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For some it can be, others not so much...lots of factors to consider. Just because johnny finds it to be a faceroll doesnt mean billy will have the same experience. Doesnt mean that I should be able to send in a comp to tank, dps, and heal the entire heroic on their own while I occasionally spam my lowest dmg ability nor does it mean that it should be undeniably impossible for some to accomplish...and thats the underlying problem, BW only took a snapshot of what was rlly going on and jumped the gun as usual. Now theyve screwed the metaphorical pooch and its gunna cost them. Point of my thread was to provide a little optimism that hopefully others would take into consideration. I dont play w/ an elitist attitude nor do I expect the game to practically hand me things for little to no effort. Just wish BW would find some sort of middle ground like I have.
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To each his own i suppose


A lot are passing as comps are not fine peole talk about there 65s in 208 and 216 gear. Ever think of the level 10 running heroic solo with a level 1 comp in green gear? Try it you will die make sure you don't use heroic moments either since some lowbies don't have it com back then and say what you are saying. That is what you guys are forgetting the content every one wants to be hard is meant for leveling with scaling in green and blue quested gear....

Edited by Neoforcer
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I'm genuinely sorry you feel people asking you to use more than two buttons is "elitism".


Have you posted a positive comment at all over the last two days?


All I see are the constant derogatory troll comments.


Do your eyes cross when you look down your nose on people like that from your pedestal on high?

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I'm genuinely sorry you feel people asking you to use more than two buttons is "elitism".


I hate to break it to you but some only have 3 buttons as there lowbies running heroic 2. SO i sorry you don't under stand how content on planets has always been for 1 trough 65....

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