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NO ONE will care about the voice acting in one more month.


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You heard it here first :)

I've started to skip every conversation at lvl 22 and pick my answers at random now, only paying attention to good / light side points.

Everything you say will be pointless after the conversation ends. Everything! I have yet to see a consequence that adds more than more voiceover and in the rarest cases killing one insignificant dude. The stories of the sidequests have the quality of a c-movie at best.

And this is where the major part of the budget went? Sorry, but this makes me laugh.

Will the decisions change your quests? Nope.

Will the decisions change the world or parts of the map? Nope.

Will the decisions change following decisions? Nope.

All they do is adding more pointless, boring textlines.

Will parts of your gear change based on a soulless number counting how "good" or "evil" your decisions were? Well yes, I have to give that point to Bioware.

I'm finished with this boring, pointless abomination called a story.

I really hope the gameplay gets better, but honestly I don't have much hope.


This is an MMO, let us write our OWN stories! Not follow a pointless path some underpaid or just plain bad writer sucked out of his fingers.

If I want a story, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. Gameplay is what counts in a game.


Actually you should blame the beta testers too they were the ones that whined and groaned over the weight the voice over had, I want the ability to kill companions back and I think it should be MORE story driven.

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You heard it here first :)

I'm finished with this boring, pointless abomination called a story.

I really hope the gameplay gets better, but honestly I don't have much hope.


Will anyone care about your post in a month?

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I suspect that I will listen to most of the voice acting the first itme through then turn off cutscenes/VO on any alts I MIGHT make.


I agree, the Voice acting was a nice touch at first, but it just gets kinda stale after a while. About lvl 30 I turned on subtitles and just read those and spacebar through the talking...Which is kinda what I do with all of Biowares games...


Bioware should have learned from SOE that Voice Acting alone does not make a game good...and it costs ALOT of money to make and upkeep.


Are they really going to spend all this money to have completely Voice acted Free content updates? Id be shocked if EA lets them...Give it a year and itll be nothing but Subtitles...

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It's a nice gimmick, but sadly it's just that, a gimmick. Voice acting is certainly not the future of MMOs, that's for sure. MMOs are about replay value, you need to be able to play for months on end, so any voice acting gets dreadfully stale. It's also why a story-driven MMO is nothing but a pipe dream. A story-driven MMO is akin to reading the same book over and over and over. Eventually it just gets to the point where it doesn't matter.


I still have fun with it, and it was a nice change of pace. But it's very obvious TOR will be the only one to do it on such a scale.


Edit: Although I have to agree with the lack of choices. You really can just skip dialog and choose at random and your story will play out the same as everyone else. This part really dissapointed me. I was hoping that my choices would actually shape my story in some manner, but nope. Regardless of what you say or do, the story remains the same.


what is it about you joined dec 2011 people? you all hate the game, go back to wow already jeez!

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Don't forget that the dialogue choices you choose also sometimes associate with your companion and give you more affection with them.



AS to the op, I like the the voice overs, so I will care about the voice acting. Magically saying that no one will care just because its your opinion doesn't mean so. If you don't like the game then you can find another game to play.

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I suspect that I will listen to most of the voice acting the first itme through then turn off cutscenes/VO on any alts I MIGHT make.


I agree, the Voice acting was a nice touch at first, but it just gets kinda stale after a while. About lvl 30 I turned on subtitles and just read those and spacebar through the talking...Which is kinda what I do with all of Biowares games...


Bioware should have learned from SOE that Voice Acting alone does not make a game good...and it costs ALOT of money to make and upkeep.


Are they really going to spend all this money to have completely Voice acted Free content updates? Id be shocked if EA lets them...Give it a year and itll be nothing but Subtitles...


By know they probably have on staff voice actors, and are likely trying to build a database of audio clips, if you listen to the clips you notice alot of the player dialogue is just recycled, a few months with an ok actor and you could have years worth of content, an on staff actor or two and bippity boppity boo you have all the talent necessary for npc dialogue.

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You heard it here first :)

I've started to skip every conversation at lvl 22 and pick my answers at random now, only paying attention to good / light side points.

Everything you say will be pointless after the conversation ends. Everything! I have yet to see a consequence that adds more than more voiceover and in the rarest cases killing one insignificant dude. The stories of the sidequests have the quality of a c-movie at best.

And this is where the major part of the budget went? Sorry, but this makes me laugh.

Will the decisions change your quests? Nope.

Will the decisions change the world or parts of the map? Nope.

Will the decisions change following decisions? Nope.

All they do is adding more pointless, boring textlines.

Will parts of your gear change based on a soulless number counting how "good" or "evil" your decisions were? Well yes, I have to give that point to Bioware.

I'm finished with this boring, pointless abomination called a story.

I really hope the gameplay gets better, but honestly I don't have much hope.


This is an MMO, let us write our OWN stories! Not follow a pointless path some underpaid or just plain bad writer sucked out of his fingers.

If I want a story, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. Gameplay is what counts in a game.


-joined Dec 2011.


'nuff said.

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Don't forget that the dialogue choices you choose also sometimes associate with your companion and give you more affection with them.


I disagree. Your actions will not affect your companions AT ALL since you can just buy gifts for them in your capital.

Besides, what more does your companion's affection add than more voiceacting?

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No sympathy for you. If you weren't living under a rock for the past 5 years then maybe you would've realized this game revolves around choices and dialogue. I think the story is quite good, and I'm sorry you cant manage to pay attention to it. If it bothers you so much you can continue playing your conversation version of Russian roulette.


Choices, well its not a choice if it doesn't matter is it? Without getting into a whole philosophical debate here, is a choice without consequences a choice at all.


Story... well what makes a story is the consequences of choices made by the character prior to and in the narrative observed or in the case of SW:TOR interacted with. I'll use the The Matrix since I assume everyone here has seen it. Neo gets to pick between a blue pill and a red pill, based on what pill he takes his personal story changes. In SW:TOR if I make the choice to ram a lightsaber through someone's face or to give them a hot stone massage that doesn't really change anything.


I do find it a bit ironic that Bioware spent over a 100 million on a game where the focused on voice acting and narrative, yet not a single character I've ran into so far had a personality. So to make a quip, apparently 100 million doesn't buy a personality.


I've read pretty much every classic novel in western literature and watched just about every movie deemed a classic because I love story and narrative but what I come back to is that what Bioware have done is to create a game with mediocre story and mediocre gameplay.

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By know they probably have on staff voice actors, and are likely trying to build a database of audio clips, if you listen to the clips you notice alot of the player dialogue is just recycled, a few months with an ok actor and you could have years worth of content, an on staff actor or two and bippity boppity boo you have all the talent necessary for npc dialogue.


Tell that to Sony - This is not the first game to come out that has/had lots of Voice Acting.


When EQ2 was released one of their big selling points was the fact that almost all their stuff was voice acted and at first it was and it was pretty good (Though not near to the extent of SWTOR).


But what they soon found out was that it cost so much money to keep that voice acting with every update, every expansion, etc...that it wasn't cost effective to do it so they stopped voice acting things and went back to straight text...


This has been done before and it was a big huge flop - I wonder if Bioware even took the time to research it?

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I disagree, so far I have unlocked various missions by taking the time to follow the story, I have gained affection with companions by doing so as well as light or dark side points; what apears on the surface to not affect the rest of the game, is for those of u just hitting space and answering randomly, if u follow it, it does unlock things and it does give u more affection as well as light/dark side points.


I have tried answering different ways because I leveled a counselor twice. Low and behold, new peices of a story I didn't know were there and more exp for finding it. Also low and behold more affection points, almost every answer has a chance for it if you are paying attention. Personally I like the fact they can tell if somebody is randomly hitting answers or not really reading (by making you ask and answer correctly in series, not just one time in the set). Makes it rewarding when you do follow the story and ask the right questions at the right times for the rest of us, knowing those of you just hitting space will never know and will not get those extra rewards. And I have gotten mails and been harrassed by npc's if i answer wrong lol, as well as different quests available later in game from it, so it affects things after the conversation also, this is obviously an op that hasnt 'played' just started ignoring storyline. Sry, but I do not just disagree, I have to state your facts are wrong.


Just like the datacrons, if you really explore, there is way more to the game then randomly hitting different answers would ever have you know. I love this aspect of the game, getting credit, where credit is due.

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I love how so many rush in here "I'll care!", but then in two, three, six? months, yeah, you wont care. None of you will care. You can deny this all you want, but it's a fact of life. In six months all the dialog you'da heard so many times, yeah you're not gonna be sitting there all wide eyed and amazed that there's voices in the game. You can sit in denial all you want, but OP's right. In a few months nobody will care about the voice acting,
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Actually, I did, and I liked most of them (Kotor and ME1). But what we have here is just an overkill of pointless and plain bad storytelling without ever giving REAL consequences.

The old BW titles did this very well. Also, the old titles were like 50 hours long. What we have here is an extreme overdose. It will not work.


I presume you're one of the guys who think Modern Warfare 3 has a great story?


I like the fact that when I make a new character I will have a new story, a new set of choices and if it's another class it will be a different style of play, different dialog and an overall different experience.


I don't think you spoiled kids quite get what Bioware did, they achieved a technical achievement and achievement that hardly any MMOs will touch from here on out: Making rolling an alt fun and interesting, with a solid, engaging story.

Edited by Xiroas
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I disagree. Your actions will not affect your companions AT ALL since you can just buy gifts for them in your capital.

Besides, what more does your companion's affection add than more voiceacting?


Well you are wrong then, they do affect your companions affection. Yes you can buy gifts for them but using the voice over for more affection will go a long way over time.

Edited by SWGVet
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