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So What About the Horde of Newbies Expected To Arrive With the Star Wars Movie?


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I thought the main reason KotFE was designed to emphasize fun and solo-ability was to help attract new players whose interest might be aroused by the new Star Wars movie.


So how does the Companion nerf help this? The crybaby crowd of long term players who want everything to be a "challenge" and refuse to accept that many if not most players just want some good casual fun are now happy with the neutered companions. But how will new players react? Will they enjoy the game and stick around?


Judging by the massive wave of discontent emanating from casual players whe returned for KotFE I really think that any noobs drawn in by the movie would be a lot happier with the OP companions we had two days ago.


Those new players are NEW lol, they don't know about this game before...duh

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I am pretty sure the average star wars fan would rather fire up some sw battlefront than playing an mmo that just got such a negative feedback from its own playerbase.


After the decent reviews when kotfe launched its now 90% pure negative feedback from the people actually playing this game.

In which reality would you want to play such a game?


Before this patch it was pretty much average joes dream mmo, the kind of guy who keeps this game alive through his cartel market purchases.

Pvp is pretty much dead in this game, operations are adjusted in level and are still challenging (even being years old) but also suffer a lot because of its very small playerpool.


So now that the biggest selling point - alliances and companion - are pretty much worthless to grind, what else is there after you are done with your 3h story?

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LOL! Because it had soooo much competition, right? It built a massive customer base and hooked them at a time when there was virtually nothing else like it, not because it was easy.


Wow, that is some mind-blowing revisionist history.


Mabinogi, Everquest II, City of Heroes were all released the same year as WoW...




And not to mention that SWG, UO, EQ1, EVE among many others, as well as MUDs were still going.


Sorry, but it's revisionist history to think that WoW came into an empty market, or did it by being more hardcore than everyone else. Before WoW when MMOs were truly hardcore, it was a niche market. WoW not only knocked it out of the park by being more casual friendly than everyone else, they created a massive market that didn't exist beforehand doing it. Sorry but there's college economic courses that debated the impact of WoW because it literally had that much impact on the ENTIRE gaming market across all genres. Games became a full blown industry for better or worse.

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This is an MMO it should be hard and a challenge. If a casual player finds it too hard oh well...


Enjoy your game with an even smaller dev force , as the casuals that pay the bills leave , and only you jack hole elitists are left and we all know you guys wont support the game on your own, how do we know ? because the market for mmo over the last 18 years shows us Hardcore elitist mmo fail and solo friendly casual games thrive. So spew all the hyperbole you want.

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I thought the main reason KotFE was designed to emphasize fun and solo-ability was to help attract new players whose interest might be aroused by the new Star Wars movie.


So how does the Companion nerf help this? The crybaby crowd of long term players who want everything to be a "challenge" and refuse to accept that many if not most players just want some good casual fun are now happy with the neutered companions. But how will new players react? Will they enjoy the game and stick around?


Judging by the massive wave of discontent emanating from casual players whe returned for KotFE I really think that any noobs drawn in by the movie would be a lot happier with the OP companions we had two days ago.


I suspect they wont have been spoiled by the last few weeks of god mode companions and will adapt to the game with regular companions similar to how the majority of us somehow survived without them over the last 3+ years.

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Where does this idea come from that newbies and casuals are completely awful at games? The leveling experience is still very easy, the game just doesn't play itself anymore. I'm pretty sure even new players know how to press some buttons.


Seems like over here people get called hardcore elitists if they bother to read their ability tool-tips.

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This is an MMO it should be hard and a challenge. If a casual player finds it too hard oh well...


I bet you cannot wait to punish them too. Do a /lol or a /spit.


Oh you're so cool Brewster. :rak_01:


As if MMO had anything to do with making sure it was hard or a challenge beyond group activities. Which this game didn't even push out new content for on a brand new expansion.

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Most Star Wars fans most likely already have an account, but if they don't, all this bad press is killing it for Biofail.


Why do you have to call them "BioFail"? If it weren't for them this wouldn't even be a game and we wouldn't have a good star wars mmo.

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