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Over nerf on companions...


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Look I understand you're a butt kisser for BioWare. I also understand you're a fanboy who makes up what ever truth he wants, but if you can't see how broken this is nothing can be said to an intransigent person such as you. So enjoy your broken game and give them all the money you want. They wont get another cent from me if this isn't fixed.


Yea, i am a BW butt kisser, maybe you should check my post history ;)


BW stated star fortess heroic is intended for 2 players with 2 companions but doable solo if the character is good enough.


You did just that, nearly died once and because of that you now quit ?

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Yea, i am a BW butt kisser, maybe you should check my post history ;)


BW stated star fortess heroic is intended for 2 players with 2 companions but doable solo if the character is good enough.


You did just that, nearly died once and because of that you now quit ?


Again... If your intransigent mind can't see the painfully obvious nothing more need be said to someone like you. Give them money for a broken game. I will not.

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I was going to wait a week and give them time to change it back or do no more then a 10% nerf, but I changed my mind and cancelled. I just did a Star Fort and watched my companion struggle to heal me in 3 220 and rest 216 in a flashpoint that drops 200 and 208 gear. 1 Paladin almost killed me. They can have my money when they fix it, not if they fix it. There are WAY too many MMO's out there for them to slap their customers in the face like this.


Goes on and on about how great he is as a solo player. Quits when he nearly dies to an enemy. LOL.

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Goes on and on about how great he is as a solo player. Quits when he nearly dies to an enemy. LOL.


Yes I quit because of a broken mechanic, it has nothing to do with skill. It isn't fun to play a broken game. You seem to enjoy giving money to a company that doesn't deliver. I don't.

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Wow, I'm upset as almost anyone over the companion nerfs, for sure. But this thread HAS to be a joke if you're complaining that you're no longer able to SOLO a HARD MODE flashpoint. I mean, I was struggling with Tactical FP's before the nerf and that was with 2-3 other people. Egads! What is this world coming to?


It reminds me of in City of Heroes, when tankers used to be able to pull whole rooms of purple (3+ level above) mobs and solo them without losing any health. They nerfed that of course and oh boy the crying. Uh, yeah?


Anyhow I do think they went way overboard with the nerfs and it's definitely made me not want to play as much. I went through a few heroics on a couple different characters and companion combos last night and it was extremely tedious. They were a little tedious before (solo) and I always preferred to do them grouped if possible, but now they're downright painful.


But that's content that's designed to be difficult, but not impossible. Even a Tactical mode FP is supposed to be doable with an unbalanced group but a large number of those fail, or if they do finish, it's after multiple deaths. Here's a hard mode FP that's designed for a balanced group of people in 216+ gear and woe to the person who can't do one by themselves! If anyone could, then I have to agree companions were totally broken before. But for me, there was still a LOT of content (even a few heroics) that I couldn't get through solo even with the OP companions, and I know I'm a MMO vet, SWTOR founder. I use cooldowns and custom keybinds, do around 60+ APM, use damage meters, all that stuff. Sheesh, some people!


What you fail to understand is not all HM FP's are soloable. Me being able to solo HM Hammer Station doesn't prove the companions are OP. They weren't effecting anyone who didn't want to solo. If you felt it was to easy to solo let's say heroic Star Fortress try it with the dps version or tank one or no companion at all. All of those effect no one but the player. By them doing what they did does effect people. Do you see the obvious difference there? This nerf killed them. They can't heal dps or tank. They are a joke. Not sure why you're attempting to justify this, but if you enjoy a broken game it's your $15 a month. As for me I don't enjoy a broken game so like many others I canceled my account until they fix it.

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What you fail to understand is not all HM FP's are soloable. Me being able to solo HM Hammer Station doesn't prove the companions are OP.


Um, yes, yes it does. BW didn't intend for companions to carry you through on level HM FPs. Thus if they give one the ability to do just that, then they are OP.

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Um, yes, yes it does. BW didn't intend for companions to carry you through on level HM FPs. Thus if they give one the ability to do just that, then they are OP.


On level? All FP's are 65 now

Edited by Vember
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The only thing i need to think about is the following: If you are able to solo HM group content with just your companion, everything else will be even more out of balance. So again, the game should not be balanced about this.


Go and try SF HM, if you can solo this, the balance is fine.


fun fact. at lvl 60 there were players. minmaxing players and all, but there were players... who were soloing lvl 60 HM. made vids of it and everything. but... game wasn't balanced around them even then. those HM were not too easy just because few exceptional players could solo them. but they WERE soloable by exceptional players.


you know what game should not be balanced around? people who have all the legacy buffs and high influence companions. it SHOULD feel easier at this point, since you played your *** off to make it that way.

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Um, yes, yes it does. BW didn't intend for companions to carry you through on level HM FPs. Thus if they give one the ability to do just that, then they are OP.


Um, no it doesn't. I have tested this prior to nerf and after it. Have you ever tried to solo it or are you giving your opinion bases on nothing but what you think should or should happen, which would be very ignorant. Nothing was wrong with the companion the way they were. If effected no one but the player who was using them. This effects everyone in a negative way. See the obvious difference?

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It isn't. What are you even talking about? Not all HM flashpoints can be soloed. This was just a test I did to prove if it was an over nerf, and under nerf or a balanced one. One that BioWare failed. Badly...


Not being able to complete content designed for 4 with 2 isn't proof of an overnerf. That you could do it before is proof that they were OP.

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Not being able to complete content designed for 4 with 2 isn't proof of an overnerf. That you could do it before is proof that they were OP.


... again no it doesn't mean they were OP. I was able to solo many HM at 60 as well. Does that mean the companions were OP then too? No! What about that don't you understand? Did you feel companions were OP at 60?Why wasn't there a huge nerf then? Why are there hundreds of people replying about this issue agreeing with me? Why are you content with a broke game?

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Yes I quit because of a broken mechanic, it has nothing to do with skill. It isn't fun to play a broken game. You seem to enjoy giving money to a company that doesn't deliver. I don't.


Ah, I see. Is that how you explain it away to yourself? If you have trouble then the content is broken and it has nothing to do with skill. But if you're able to do it then the content is balanced and shows how skilled you are?

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I am a Darkness Assassin with 3 220 pieces of gear and the rest 216. I tested Hard Mode Hammer Station the day before the companion nerf. I completed it with no issues in tank gear against mobs and bosses as well as in dps gear against only bosses. I tested it after the nerf and cant even do the second pull of trash. I then stealthed to the boss and again wasn't even close. You already took away soloing with level sync, now you took away this too. The companions aren't even healing for half what they were before. A nerf would have been a 10-15% reduction, you killed them with this change. I won't get into the PvP and PvE bugs that should have been addressed before you even touched companions. Change them back or make them useful again or you loose yet another subscriber.

you never where ment to solo that it was using an exploit that let you before

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The healing nerf was neccessary, any class could solo the Rakghoul H4 with a healer companion.


But tanks? Now they have low HP, very low damage reduction, no defense worth mentioning AND are still lacking shield/absorb.


Lol... Have you pulled your healing companion out since the nerf? It is healing for about 30% of what it was before. How do I know this? I tested it before and after the patch. Now tell me who is being effected in a negative way with the way companions were prior to the patch? I just recently did a H Star Fortress in gear that is all well above what even drops in there. You're going to sit there and tell me that's how it's suppose to work? Not to mention HM Flashpoints. Hardly anyone is Qing for them because of the difficulty. Are we suppose to wait for 30-40-50 min for a healer. Or have the ability to pull out our Rank 50 companion and give it a go?

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Yeah they made this real ****** I guess they thought people were moving through old content to fast . lets not to mention that it not that they made it harder for people to solo heroic star fortresses but rather more annoying

it was just super long and every star fortress looks the same but lets make it even longer now.

and to top it off lets just **** up the cartel market and rip people off there to.

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The healing nerf was neccessary, any class could solo the Rakghoul H4 with a healer companion.



I couldn't, at 55 on an deception assassin. Also couldn't solo it with my companion tanking, either.

Edited by Vember
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Stop making crap up. No exploit was used. What are you even talking about?


the companions being so over powered was not the intention of game design there for broken and an exploit there is absolutely no other way to look at it. the patch yesterday put companions back where they where ment to be almost they still a bit above what the original intention for companions to be but not to crazy point

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Ah, I see. Is that how you explain it away to yourself? If you have trouble then the content is broken and it has nothing to do with skill. But if you're able to do it then the content is balanced and shows how skilled you are?


Nice attempt at twisting logic, but no and what an ignorant way of looking at it. I have knowledge of this because I enjoy soloing. It was taken away with the level sync. The companions at level 50 should be just fine to do what I did. You haven't done it, yet formed an opinion and tried to make someone who does know what they're talking about look incorrect. That's on you. You couldn't do it so no one else can. I know my skill level and know what an over nerf is. When you control the fanboy in you, you can know your skill level too and have an opinion on a subject that holds weight not one that is simply your opinion.

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the companions being so over powered was not the intention of game design there for broken and an exploit there is absolutely no other way to look at it. the patch yesterday put companions back where they where ment to be almost they still a bit above what the original intention for companions to be but not to crazy point


Look it's obvious you and many others are butt kissers to BioWare and ignorant fanboys. If you want to pay for a broken game it's all you, but don't tell someone who has done the research and knows what they're talking about they were using an exploit. You might want to do some research for yourself before you post next time, or don't and remain ignorant and accusing people of falsehoods.

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On level? All FP's are 65 now


Yep, on level, as in pre 4.0 when you could solo the level 50 and 55 HMs at 60, without a scratch in the case of the former, and with good enough gear and ability with the latter. They weren't meant to be soloed by level 50s and 55s respectively. Right, its all 65 now.

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So when I soloed HM's at 60 I was using an Exploit


Good to know


That's why I added the bit about on level lol. I knew someone would say that they could solo 50 level HMs at 60. HMs aren't meant to be done solo on level, now they are all on level, but it doesn't change the fact that BW does not want us able to solo them and get on level rewards.

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