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Ilum daily "Defend the Shipment" bugged?


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It's been stated before, but most likely griefers are intentionally bugging this quest. Shame on them, but more importantly shame on BW for allowing this to continue.


BW's single player history really shows when it comes to this game. Certain design decisions were made with the understanding that most players are polite, and would never think to inconvenience another player.


The reality online is far different. You can have the most normal, sane, well-behaved people in real life act like complete idiots online, simply because there are no direct consequences. BW, in the future, please design with this thought in mind: "many online players are jerks. not just 10 year old jerks either. many of the worst are 30 or older"


TLDR: quest bugged, people probably bugging it intentionally.


P.S. This workaround was posted elsewhere, but if you are on Ilum while it is peak time (and requires another phase) simply switch to the other phase, where it's (hopefully) not bugged

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This quest has been bugged for so long it leads me to believe that Bioware doesn't even have a bug fix team on staff. That or all the tickets made for this quest are tossed into the furnace that heats their Jacuzzi tubs they sit in all day instead of fixing these glaring issues.


Edit: On a side note so long as there is one node available do it, then invite someone to your group who hasn't started yet and have them do it as well. Should count as two for you at least.

Edited by Baconmonster
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Hit 50 today and still bugged, glad I found this post tho. i posted a bug report and they said they would forward it to the development team and to check the patch notes, but nothing on there, must be a standard reply.
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Still bugged. I am shocked to see the date on the first post here. How can they not have fixed this by now? :mad:


Probably because tracking down what causes the items to become bugged is not easy.


If Ilum is busy enough to have a second instance going, the shipments on Ilum 2 are almost always working.

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It probably has something to do with the resources being bugged as well. If someone uses a resource, but doesn't loot, it bugs it until next reset. Possibly something like that is happening for you guys as well (I'm a pub and we don't have this quest of course).


I was actually thinking this, myself.


There's also a daily quest on Belsavis for imperials that you get from a busted-up-robot to retrieve data cores from the cow dudes. six days out of seven, he doesnt even have the quest for me. And thats not weekly - sometimes its 20+ days with no quest then 5 days in a row i can get it and then he just mysteriously doesnt have the quest anymore.


Not that daily comms are even an issue. I havent done every available daily quest for weeks (i do them for cash, and built a streamlined set that you can do in under 30 minutes) and even just doing my streamlined set, i had over 600 daily coms this morning - before someone was looking to buy Rakata implants at 500k a piece and i sold him 3.


edit: and that is after having sold.. four Implants in the past, and using some coms to gear out my companions in rank 23 armoring/weapon hilts/barrels.


Daily comms flow like water.. and with 1.2 there will be dailies on Corellia, too.

Edited by Noctournys
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I haven't bothered to pick up this mission since last I posted on this thread. It's frustrating to clear all the way up there and and then clear around all the shipments just to find that only one or none are working. Which is a shame too because it gives Broonmark affection, and my affection with him is moving dismally slow.


I'm just going to wait until it's been officially fixed.

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I haven't bothered to pick up this mission since last I posted on this thread. It's frustrating to clear all the way up there and and then clear around all the shipments just to find that only one or none are working. Which is a shame too because it gives Broonmark affection, and my affection with him is moving dismally slow.


I'm just going to wait until it's been officially fixed.


They will just fix it for a week and then the following when they do another patch it will be broken again.....just like every thing else in the game.

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I was actually thinking this, myself.


There's also a daily quest on Belsavis for imperials that you get from a busted-up-robot to retrieve data cores from the cow dudes. six days out of seven, he doesnt even have the quest for me. And thats not weekly - sometimes its 20+ days with no quest then 5 days in a row i can get it and then he just mysteriously doesnt have the quest anymore.


Not that daily comms are even an issue. I havent done every available daily quest for weeks (i do them for cash, and built a streamlined set that you can do in under 30 minutes) and even just doing my streamlined set, i had over 600 daily coms this morning - before someone was looking to buy Rakata implants at 500k a piece and i sold him 3.


edit: and that is after having sold.. four Implants in the past, and using some coms to gear out my companions in rank 23 armoring/weapon hilts/barrels.


Daily comms flow like water.. and with 1.2 there will be dailies on Corellia, too.


The robot quest on belsavis is only given to you if you finish some combination of the 3 quests when you first get to the northern area. If you haven't done those quests, you can't get the robot memory core quest.

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The First post in this thread is from Dec 27th of 2011. It's now March 17th of 2012 and this quest is still not fixed yet?


Not even a post from BW stating that they are aware of it, yet week after week the patch notes are 1 liners fixing ... NOTHING.. adding animations for global CD's and such?..


C'mon BW i've been giving you the benefit of the doubt since I started playing in Dec but even i'm starting to get frustrated with all the bugs that aren't getting fixed and thinking about throwing in the towel.


For the LOVE, double your developer staff until u get everything fixed!!



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With the upcoming legacy rewards and such they are actually giving us something to spend credits on and make it useful to farm them, so every daily counts. Having 1 or 2 broken dailies depending on the day just makes less commedations/credits you can get.


I know its not game breaking, but this daily has been broken since day 1.

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To everyone that thinks it has to do with failing to defend the boxes it doesn't. I can verify that it will bug out if you do this quest with 3 people.


This...but most people don't know this because they don't read the forums. And when they do it with 2 or 3 friends...it bugs again.

If you do it alone you have to do 2 shipments. If 2 people do it, you just need to do one, because it counts for both people.

Seems really to be the issue, that if 3 player do it, the quest would be 3/2 defended shipments and because you only need 2 the shipment gets buggy.

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