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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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Well with the mixed opinions and anger going around. why not a thread for all those who are leaving over these unpopular changes. Post here if you are quitting, leaving.


The last time i made a post similar to this back in late 2005. the replies numbered in the thousands. fortunately while this patch is creating a lot of anger, it does not meet the severity of that infamous change.

Edited by Deamandred
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loved the game before nerf, dislike it now. I won't re-sub, but plan to return for added episodes. Just will not play any other time. Hopefully the nerf won't make the episodes a death grindfest as well. Edited by Merdred
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Ill continue to play but im very p issed off at this BS nerf. I actually started having fun again doing all the heroics, running around doing solo stuff and now My main which is half 220/224 geared and lvl 50 senya is pointless now. Her heals are pure shat!
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Unsubbed, but more of a case of 'the final straw' rather than the sole reason. I've been unlucky with bugs, crashes and a Hell of a lot of lags / disconnects recently so this latest change just made me feel like "sod it, I've had enough". Edited by Fluffometer
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I'm not leaving because I still enjoy aspects of this game, but I am getting tired of the devs listening to only one aspect of their player base while ignoring the other side. I suggested letting overpowered companions be an option, I'm pretty sure other's suggested it as well, turn it off for people that want a challenge and leave it on for people that just enjoy solo heroics, other stuff while putting more time into other aspects of the game that should require time and a challenge. Ranked pvp, NM operations or if your a casually player that doesn't have time, but just comes on to enjoy a bit of fun.
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I am going to give them one more 30 day period.


I expect changes to be made to healing and presence/influence effect, both boosted a bit. I DO NOT expect it to return to pre 4.0.2. I do expect to see about 10 percent better stats and around 25 percent better heals than now.


I am less tolerant due to the CSM debacle, which already put them on thin ice.


They obviously did not test this before they released it....or at least I would say it is likely safe to assume that.

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Companions made going through same content that i have done millions of time tolerable but now grind is back again and i am so over spamming LFG for dailies.


If BW doesn't want causal players in their game, its their choice.

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Just tried the H2s on Balmorra with a level 37 trooper healer and Elara at +27 influence. Colicoids killed me in less than 5 seconds. Self healing made it last for 10 seconds. Well done Bioware. One ruined game.


3 weeks left on sub. No point resubbing if the only h2s i can do are the ones on Ord f****** Mantel!

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Unsubbed after having installation issues for the THIRD time in the ~1.5 months I've been (re)subbed. I love the "help" page someone else listed:




Which is basically saying, "Problems installing? Manually hack the Bitraider software." And that's from 3/18/14, so it's not like they haven't known for a long time this "external partner"'s software is terrible.


Edit: Right after I hit post, I got an e-mail from Arenanet re: the new raid in GW2. :p

Edited by TGBeeson
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Canceled here. I came back last week after trying out the changes fort a few days, loved them, and figured I'd park myself here for a while. That'll teach me not to wait and see. I'll be sure to do that from now on.


Shame they had to ruin that for me. Hope those that clamored for the changes enjoy themselves now. And I mean that sincerely. Just a shame I had to lose and experience in the process, when you could have just sent your companion away.


See you guys in other game spaces. There are just too many others that do combat and raiding and pvp better, I can't spend my money here anymore.

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I'm not leaving because I still enjoy aspects of this game, but I am getting tired of the devs listening to only one aspect of their player base while ignoring the other side. I suggested letting overpowered companions be an option, I'm pretty sure other's suggested it as well, turn it off for people that want a challenge and leave it on for people that just enjoy solo heroics, other stuff while putting more time into other aspects of the game that should require time and a challenge. Ranked pvp, NM operations or if your a casually player that doesn't have time, but just comes on to enjoy a bit of fun.



OP companions can be made a legacy option like all other legacy choices or it can be a reward applied to one companion for a player reaching legendary status. From a business standpoint. I would go with the legacy option, because they can charge you cartel coins to reclaim what they just took away from you.

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Well with the mixed opinions and anger going around. why not a thread for all those who are leaving over these unpopular changes. Post here if you are quitting, leaving.


The last time i made a post similar to this back in late 2005. the replies numbered in the thousands. fortunately while this patch is creating a lot of anger, it does not meet the severity of that infamous change.


Already cancelled. Came back a few months ago after originally being a beta to live player. Enjoyed the 12x xp, liked KOTFE, but stuck around because the change in companion healing and usefulness really opened the game up for my casual approach to the game. Now that this is gone, so am I.

Edited by HoiPolloi
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Haven't had the chance to test it myself yet (re-downloading the entire game, and its sloooow).. but by all reports (discounting the trolls who thinks this is "the sh*t"), yes, its really bad.


Will find out for myself in an hour or so :)


its not game breaking bad, but it did suck a LOT of the fun out. I think that it shouldn't have been as challenging as it was for my sentinel in 216 gear. My T7 is lvl 16 influence, and isn't as effective at heals than doc or treek was in good gear before the companion change. I would have hoped they would be at least as good. it is more disappointing than anything. I believe they maybe shouldn't have went as far as they did.

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Not unsubbing, still having fun as a solo player.


I'm not sure what the complaints are about, to be honest. I don't raid, don't belong to a raiding guild (I'm like the lone player remaining in the guild I started before launch and I'm good with that), I don't even like to group with people. I have a mix of 208, 216 and 220 gear and my highest influence level with a comp is just 29 yet I can still easily solo the H2+ missions and have managed to complete an H2+ SF with just a comp (2 deaths, totally my own fault, probably could have been avoided had I been more on top of things). Will I get the 'One and Only' title anytime soon? Hell no, not now - should have done that yesterday but whatever.


Was it more tedious? Totally. Was it a serious pain in the butt at times? Absolutely. Is it less fun than yesterday? Without question. Will I still play? Yeah...my alts need love too.


But...comps were way overtuned at launch of 4.0. Did they need to be adjusted to this level? Probably not - I know I loved playing in a near god-like state. Still, it's not unmanageable. Just hit more buttons, use your CDs, be smart about your pulls and who you CC and whatnot and you should do relatively well.


FWIW, I'm currently obsessing on my Merc (Aresenal), Lokin is my comp in heal stance 99.8% of the time. I haven't done any of these things on any of my other 65s just yet as I wanted to get through my weekly stuff on the Merc first.

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I played at release and leveled 4 toons to 30ish got tired of the grind and endless waits for groups for planet heroics. I came back a week and a half ago and was really enjoying the revamped game and OP comps. I have not been able to log in yet but my friend did report that it's much more difficult especially lower level toons with low influence comps to do the planet heroics.


Most of the posts I have read are from players with level 65 toons, probably fully legacy buffed with hk51 or treek. from what I heard non legendary players are having a much more difficult time with the nerf than end game geared players which makes sense but if I can no longer do simple planetary H2s solo in a reasonable time then I will once again unsub.


I will see once the download finally completes for myself until then I think BW used a sledge hammer when a regular hammer would have sufficed. a 40% reduction was probably about right but 70% seems a bit over the top.

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