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So with 4.0.2 we have brought their effectiveness down quite a bit, let’s talk about some of the specifics here:


There isn’t a flat % that healing was reduced by. Effectiveness reduction varies greatly depending on level, Influence, level sync, etc. That being said, the healer companions are still quite competitive, but they no longer trivialize content that was meant to be challenging.

Healing power increase by Influence level has been increased. That means that as you scale up Influence levels with a Companion they will get more powerful per level than before. This helps to offset the base healing reduction a bit as you gain influence with your companion.



We did want to make some improvements to tanking Companions:


We increased the threat generated by tank companions, so they should be able to hold the attention of enemy NPCs better than before.

We fixed an issue involving the tank companion’s mass grapple ability, it will no longer pull in enemies that are out of combat.


Will your Companions feel a bit weaker than they did when KotFE launched? Yes. But believe me they will still carry their weight and fill the role you need them to in combat. All that we ask is that you log in tomorrow, and check the changes yourself. Play around with the Companions in each role and let us know your feedback. Thanks everyone.


So for one they lied. Second, they did a bait and switch. They said "hey look how great our companions are! We removed all the fuss and muss and they are actually more useful than ever before!" Couple weeks later, "sorry! just kidding! We had NO IDEA they were so strong because we do ZERO testing and so sorry for the confusion, we didn't mean to lead you to believe that you could actually solo a lot of content when we said WE'RE REFOCUSING ON STORY! No no, give it back, AND we're going to keep your money. Also we have have also made some other nerfs to some of your favorite classes without telling you, hope you don't mind that. Oh and we almost forgot! Your companion still can't tank! HAHAHAHAHA, you got nothing! You actually bought into our lies!!!"


You guys are the biggest scum sucking idiots in the gaming industry. You are finished. Your game is finished. Pack your bags, because everyone is already unsubscribing. There's no amount of apologies (which you won't do because you are scum) and no amount of fixing that will have your subscriber base forgive you. And the only ones that are sticking around are the ones you are listening to are the idiot vocal minority who think they're superior with what little lame raid content there is. So you have already bored the idiot elitists, they'll unsubscribe even though you just listened to them to piss off the other group of subscribers which I guarantee are the majority. You just took one massive dump on the solo players who love Star Wars and gave you the benefit the doubt. And the only thing that helped you was the IP itself and you giving just ENOUGH to keep people playing. You hear that? You hear all those keys being tapped making posts of how much YOU disgust us??? That's the sound of your doom. Now you have gone too far. And now you must suffer. You reap what you sow.

Edited by Hotrod_
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Wohooa there pal, you should take a breather. Try rewriting this with a more sensible approach, will you? You'd only gain credibility from doing so.


While I don't agree with the way the OP posted the guy kind of has a point. He/she and many others are posting a lot the anger they have since the patch. Its going to be difficult for BW to recover from this one I think. It reminds me of the implementation of the NGE. Sony didn't listen to us then, and now BW is following in their footsteps. As for me, I am still testing so I have no thoughts in terms of what I will do yet.

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The sad thing is they could have put it on test center. Then they could have got feedback and said ok maybe we over did, fix it get another week of testing in, and actual found a nice middle ground. Sadly they don't known what that is. Honestly if they did good testing the slot machine and this companion mess should never have happen. As the slot machine and companion would been tone down before release. Nope they have to let it go for month and people who like it then get burned when they nerf it in the ground.
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While I don't agree with the way the OP posted the guy kind of has a point. He/she and many others are posting a lot the anger they have since the patch. Its going to be difficult for BW to recover from this one I think. It reminds me of the implementation of the NGE. Sony didn't listen to us then, and now BW is following in their footsteps. As for me, I am still testing so I have no thoughts in terms of what I will do yet.


Exactly right, I am starting to wonder if former SWG decision makers now work for Bioware. it does seem they are following down the same path.


Unfortunately for me, my sub just re-upped for 3 months before the nerf news broke, so they have 90 days to fix their F**k up before I consider leaving.

Edited by Deamandred
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The sad thing is they could have put it on test center. Then they could have got feedback and said ok maybe we over did, fix it get another week of testing in, and actual found a nice middle ground. Sadly they don't known what that is. Honestly if they did good testing the slot machine and this companion mess should never have happen. As the slot machine and companion would been tone down before release. Nope they have to let it go for month and people who like it then get burned when they nerf it in the ground.


Nah when you don't care anymore, Why bother with testing or player feedback. Piss everyone off, Lose subs and wait for the accountants to make decisions.

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