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Sole purpose: Beat WoW's numbers?


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That link doesn't say how much EA spent on TOR.


So you're saying that the market analysts that did the math didn't have the number?


If you want to reverse engineer the number it's there.



Edit: Here's the link to the source for the article I linked:



Edited by DirtyDozen
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Yeah, i see where you're going with that and it's still not working. 10 mil subs, it's 10 mil subs. Oh and btw your Star Wars franchise might be enormous and loved but guess what, only 1 mil people play it and this game is an MMO. MMO players found it it's not really an MMO and are leaving after 1st month because they don't care about the SW part.


Bioware won't even create server forums for this game. They already know there's no point. You expect server communities to form without their own forums?


You're so funny! :D


Or maby it is because the game has only, just now, today (or tomorrow depending on where you live) , been out a week. Complaining about them not doing certain things only a week into launch pretty much shows that you do not have any real care to play the game, whether or not they give you what you want. Not to mention that it is the holidays. Why don't you allow Bioware employees to have a happy one like they are allowing you to by playing their game.

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So you're saying that the market analysts that did the math didn't have the number?


If you want to reverse engineer the number it's there.



Edit: Here's the link to the source for the article I linked:




It's a well known fact that big companies pay off reviewers and the like to give positive feedback. It sounds good to say TOR will be "sitting pretty" with just 500k subs. Now how about instead of continuing to blindly follow articles online, you actually find me how much they spent on TOR. Because if you do that, then WE can do the math OURSELVES.

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Wait, who estimated that? That's what a typical MMO takes to make a profit, but Bioware spent far, far more money on this game than the typical startup MMO developer. All the voice acting, the movies, etc. Even the development cycle was on the lengthy end for an MMO. I think they need far more subscriptions than the typical MMO does to make a profit.


actually the "typica;" MMO sits at around 100-200k subs - almost all Western MMOs sit in this range with Eve being on the top end of that at around 350-400k...

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It's a well known fact that big companies pay off reviewers and the like to give positive feedback. It sounds good to say TOR will be "sitting pretty" with just 500k subs. Now how about instead of continuing to blindly follow articles online, you actually find me how much they spent on TOR. Because if you do that, then WE can do the math OURSELVES.


It wasn't a reviewer that said it. It was two different market analysts quoted in the article.



Edit: And dude just add up the numbers and you can figure out how much they spent. It's pretty much all there.

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actually the "typica;" MMO sits at around 100-200k subs - almost all Western MMOs sit in this range with Eve being on the top end of that at around 350-400k...


mostly true, but can you really sit back and look at a game this polished, and honestly tell yourself that its going to cap at 100-200k subs.


Or even 350-400k subs.


I see a game that will be at least 6 million subs within 2 years. But thats just me and my 26 years of gaming.

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Or maby it is because the game has only, just now, today (or tomorrow depending on where you live) , been out a week. Complaining about them not doing certain things only a week into launch pretty much shows that you do not have any real care to play the game, whether or not they give you what you want. Not to mention that it is the holidays. Why don't you allow Bioware employees to have a happy one like they are allowing you to by playing their game.


They officially confirmed there won't be server forums,ever. There was a thread reaching 100+ pages with it.


Nothing to do with christmas.


mostly true, but can you really sit back and look at a game this polished, and honestly tell yourself that its going to cap at 100-200k subs.


Or even 350-400k subs.


I see a game that will be at least 6 million subs within 2 years. But thats just me and my 26 years of gaming.


No, the last part isn't the 26 years of gaming talking. It's the "i love the SW franchise" talking and we all know it.


In case you missed it, i also hate WoW and been tired of it for ages. Was hoping SWToR would be amazing but got disappointed by it.


Hating WoW doesn't impede me from seeing things as they really are, it will still rule supreme until they release Titan, but then again you can think whatever makes you feel better.

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Hating WoW doesn't impede me from seeing things as they really are, it will still rule supreme until they release Titan, but then again you can think whatever makes you feel better.


Seeing as Blizzard has aquired MANY people who hate them now after what they did to WoW, saying Titan is going to be the next big MMO is like saying that the next MMO by SOE was going to be the next big one after SWG.

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I think that was definitely BioWare's only goal; even if it's just because that's what they were ordered to do by EA


It's obviously not going to happen, though


It's too bad that EA gets to order BioWare around like this, BioWare was one of my favorite Developers in the past, but after this game, I will never purchase another BioWare product; unless they give me a full refund, and offer the same refund if I don't enjoy the next game


No, profit is why companies sell product. That is the major goal of any company. If corporate goals are only for appeasing egos, those corps would not last. I have yet to see EA or Bioware state this goal you mention.

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I know you are laughing because 8 million of WoW's subscribers are from China, and Blizzard had to strike a deal with the Chinese Government so that the Chinese people could even buy the game.


China imposes an internet curfew which limits the amount of time they can play a game, let alone use the internet.


And so therefore Blizzard had to waive their subscription fee to Chinese subscribers, and only impose the cost of the game as a purchase.


Therefore, almost all of those mystical "10 million subcribers" that WoW has, are all NON SUBSCRIPTION PAYING CUSTOMERS.


And that brings us to Panda Bears. The Chinese Holy Symbol.



Do you see where I'm going with this?


Dying game is Dying game.


You can look all of this info up if you feel like burying your head in the sand.


Oh by the way, Star Wars is an enormous franchise and its loved more in the Asian culture than it is in the Western or European culture (if thats possible)


A smart man can do the math. :csw_yoda:




That is not true or fact. :rolleyes:

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Ok, no. I have been a Blizzard fan since their first release of Orcs and Humans.


I played WoW for 6+ years, I was influential in its beta.


I was also influential in its development.


I eventually got tired of WoW and I left it because I got bored and the community turned into something else. I still love Blizzard, (wish there was Warcraft 4 in the works )


and all of that stuff.


I think its funny when someone like you takes what I say and decides that I must be completely jaded about WoW and thats why I think the way I do.


The reason you think this way, is because you yourself, are so heavily addicted to WoW that you cant appreciate any of the other great games being created aside from it.


SWTOR is a great game. So is Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Heroes of Might and Magic 6, Civilization 5, Shogun Total War: 2, Mount and Blade With Fire&Sword, Mount and Blade: Warband (the best one still) and so on.


If you would just pull yourself away from WoW just for a moment and try other games you would see the error of your ways.


Maybe I will be the one to wake you up

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Seeing as Blizzard has aquired MANY people who hate them now after what they did to WoW, saying Titan is going to be the next big MMO is like saying that the next MMO by SOE was going to be the next big one after SWG.


You can think what you like but if history proved anything it's that Blizzard have only managed to release top notch quality products every single time, unlike their competitors.


The fact that they keep annoying their playerbase by making most of the game too casual, then too hard, then too casual again has nothing to do with the product quality itself.


Ok, no. I have been a Blizzard fan since their first release of Orcs and Humans.


I played WoW for 6+ years, I was influential in its beta.


I was also influential in its development.


I eventually got tired of WoW and I left it because I got bored and the community turned into something else. I still love Blizzard, (wish there was Warcraft 4 in the works )


and all of that stuff.


I think its funny when someone like you takes what I say and decides that I must be completely jaded about WoW and thats why I think the way I do.


The reason you think this way, is because you yourself, are so heavily addicted to WoW that you cant appreciate any of the other great games being created aside from it.


SWTOR is a great game. So is Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Heroes of Might and Magic 6, Civilization 5, Shogun Total War: 2, Mount and Blade With Fire&Sword, Mount and Blade: Warband (the best one still) and so on.


If you would just pull yourself away from WoW just for a moment and try other games you would see the error of your ways.


Maybe I will be the one to wake you up


Oh but i did play BF3 extensively, Skyrim (even modded it so i wasted around 2 weeks working on that mod), H M&M 6 got me annoyed pretty fast because if you actually tried exploring and gathering everything the enemy was unbalanced and created an army you couldn't possibly defeat so the only way to win was to rush to the end objective, civ5 not my taste, shogun same and so on.


I barely play WoW anymore and when i do it's only for progression raids that end quickly seeing as im in a top guild. After that i don't even touch it til the next tier arrives.


For this last tier i was actually "in vacation" hoping SWToR would make me never go back, but sadly that didn't happen.

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Give it time.


All MMO's launch and then they build on that launch with patches and expansions.


This is a hell of a platform to build on if you ask me, this game is going to be amazing 6 months from now, a year from now.


This is the best MMO launch in the history of MMO's. Can you argue that statement? Its the honest truth and I think Blizzard would admit it as well.

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You can think what you like but if history proved anything it's that Blizzard have only managed to release top notch quality products every single time, unlike their competitors.


The fact that they keep annoying their playerbase by making most of the game too casual, then too hard, then too casual again has nothing to do with the product quality itself.


Couldn't that last statement be said EXACTLY for this game? Just because people do not like this game because Bioware did not give you 100% easy mode does not at all mean it is of poor quality nor does it mean any of Biowares games are of poor quality. But what a company does to a game (especially with an MMO) shows its followers what they are probably going to do in the future. Blizzard turned WoW from the MMO it was to the easy button, give everyone what they want model. This means that for Titan, there is a good chance that they will also do the same thing which means that they are not going to get the huge numbers they originally had for WoW.

Edited by Kemosobe
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I think that was definitely BioWare's only goal; even if it's just because that's what they were ordered to do by EA


It's obviously not going to happen, though


It's too bad that EA gets to order BioWare around like this, BioWare was one of my favorite Developers in the past, but after this game, I will never purchase another BioWare product; unless they give me a full refund, and offer the same refund if I don't enjoy the next game


It sole purpose was to make money which it is. You are kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

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I'll keep it simple, their goal was to make profit. There will always be subscribers, it's 1 week into the games launch you can hardly judge it's success thus far. As for my personal opinion, I was never a huge fan of the Star Wars thing, sure they're good movies and all but it never engrossed me. I can see this game easily suceeding.
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