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Sole purpose: Beat WoW's numbers?


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Yeah but even with 1m subs (which they wont have that either) it'd still take them a very long time to actually make a profit. Also, if TOR doesn't meet up to expectations, yeah sure Bioware's other games will keep them from going bankrupt probably, but it's still a HUGE hit to sink that much money and then not get it back.



What part of 500k subs to make profit did you not comprehend?

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He's the CFO. Pretty sure I can trust his math over anyone on this forum.


You're implying he wouldn't pad numbers or outright lie to make everyone impressed. Most companies exaggerate the truth to make their product look good, after all. And considering EA's reputation, yeah. Trust him if you want.

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Yeah but even with 1m subs (which they wont have that either) it'd still take them a very long time to actually make a profit. Also, if TOR doesn't meet up to expectations, yeah sure Bioware's other games will keep them from going bankrupt probably, but it's still a HUGE hit to sink that much money and then not get it back.


How do you know they won't have 1 million subscribers? I know WAY more people that absolutely love this game than dislike it. Just because the 100k of you who don;t like it because they don't have certain things does not mean the rest of us 900k people wont still be on playing the game as well as have other people join us.

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Just wondering how many of you out there think that Bioware's only purpose for making this MMO is to try and beat the numbers that WoW had obtained.


I'm pretty sure the sole purpose is to make a profit...PERIOD...since EA and Bioware are businesses, and EA is a publicly traded company.

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I think that EA definitely funded this MMO through Bioware with the intention of topping Activision, of course, EA and Activision are the two biggest game publishers out there so, that may be common knowledge to some and not to others.



Unfortunately WoW is old and people are bored of it, and no amount of trolling is going to save you this time.


You have to understand that all things happen in a cycle, and the next big thing is here. SWTOR will overshadow WoW and that is the way it will be for a very long time.


The sooner you learn to deal with this, the better off you will be, as a person.

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How do you know they won't have 1 million subscribers? I know WAY more people that absolutely love this game than dislike it. Just because the 100k of you who don;t like it because they don't have certain things does not mean the rest of us 900k people wont still be on playing the game as well as have other people join us.


"You" "us". Sure is drawing lines in here. I never said I didn't like this game, nor did I say I'd leave. I'm just looking objectively. As far as I'm aware they have around 100m subs atm, it's widely believed a large number of those will leave after the first month. So simple logic dictates they wouldn't have 1m.

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I think that was definitely BioWare's only goal


If it was their ONLY goal, the game would cost nothing and be subscription-free.


The mere fact that they charge for the game shows they have other goals in mind (such as... profitability...perhaps?)

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I'll admit, I skimmed it, but could you show me where they explicitly state how much money they've spent? Because if they did that, we could do the math ourselves and not have to rely on the word of spokesperson who gets paid to say good things.

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I think that EA definitely funded this MMO through Bioware with the intention of topping Activision, of course, EA and Activision are the two biggest game publishers out there so, that may be common knowledge to some and not to others.



Unfortunately WoW is old and people are bored of it, and no amount of trolling is going to save you this time.


You have to understand that all things happen in a cycle, and the next big thing is here. SWTOR will overshadow WoW and that is the way it will be for a very long time.


The sooner you learn to deal with this, the better off you will be, as a person.


Reading this in a sarcastic tone actually makes sense. :D

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I'll admit, I skimmed it, but could you show me where they explicitly state how much money they've spent? Because if they did that, we could do the math ourselves and not have to rely on the word of spokesperson who gets paid to say good things.


Sorry wrong link



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You can't do math without numbers. And sadly, blindly following what someone says is not math. If you can provide me with the exact amount spent on tor, I can do the math.


To come out with a game this polished, and the amount of voice acting and the music that professional... I am sure they spent quite a bit of money.


It was also 6 years in development.


That being said, based on the initial quality of the release, I am sure they are going to beat WoWs subscribers, and will make back what they spent and much much more.

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To come out with a game this polished, and the amount of voice acting and the music that professional... I am sure they spent quite a bit of money.


It was also 6 years in development.


That being said, based on the initial quality of the release, I am sure they are going to beat WoWs subscribers, and will make back what they spent and much much more.


This game will never beat WoW subs. Ever. This is so funny to read, seriously now.


After the free month is done best case scenario it will stay afloat for a few months. Lol, beating wow subs. :rolleyes:

Edited by Skeelol
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This game will never beat WoW subs. Ever. This is so funny to read, seriously now.


After the free month is done best case scenario it will stay afloat for a few months. Lol, beating wow subs. :rolleyes:


I know you are laughing because 8 million of WoW's subscribers are from China, and Blizzard had to strike a deal with the Chinese Government so that the Chinese people could even buy the game.


China imposes an internet curfew which limits the amount of time they can play a game, let alone use the internet.


And so therefore Blizzard had to waive their subscription fee to Chinese subscribers, and only impose the cost of the game as a purchase.


Therefore, almost all of those mystical "10 million subcribers" that WoW has, are all NON SUBSCRIPTION PAYING CUSTOMERS.


And that brings us to Panda Bears. The Chinese Holy Symbol.



Do you see where I'm going with this?


Dying game is Dying game.


You can look all of this info up if you feel like burying your head in the sand.


Oh by the way, Star Wars is an enormous franchise and its loved more in the Asian culture than it is in the Western or European culture (if thats possible)



A smart man can do the math. :csw_yoda:

Edited by Tortoises
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This game will never beat WoW subs. Ever. This is so funny to read, seriously now.


After the free month is done best case scenario it will stay afloat for a few months. Lol, beating wow subs. :rolleyes:


Although I do agree that it will never beat WoW subs seeing as WoW has over half of its subs based in China, I do not at all agree that SWTOR will only last a few months. The only reason SWTOR would only last a few months to a year is if Bioware eventually does cave and gives people the garbage they are asking for but don't need. Has anyone not noticed the fact that when each new MMO has come out, it has done remotely decent at aquiring around 1 Mil subscribers. That is when they start implementing more WoW based functions which drive out the majority of the community who came to it to leave that form of MMO behind. Because there are now far less people on the servers, this then leads away the other people that were the ones complaining that the game needed those mechanics.

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I think that was definitely BioWare's only goal; even if it's just because that's what they were ordered to do by EA


It's obviously not going to happen, though


It's too bad that EA gets to order BioWare around like this, BioWare was one of my favorite Developers in the past, but after this game, I will never purchase another BioWare product; unless they give me a full refund, and offer the same refund if I don't enjoy the next game


OH PLEASE! Not going to happen. Also you'll be buying ME3.

Edited by Jaick
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I know you are laughing because 8 million of WoW's subscribers are from China, and Blizzard had to strike a deal with the Chinese Government so that the Chinese people could even buy the game.


China imposes an internet curfew which limits the amount of time they can play a game, let alone use the internet.


And so therefore Blizzard had to waive their subscription fee to Chinese subscribers, and only impose the cost of the game as a purchase.


Therefore, almost all of those mystical "10 million subcribers" that WoW has, are all NON SUBSCRIPTION PAYING CUSTOMERS.


And that brings us to Panda Bears. The Chinese Holy Symbol.



Do you see where I'm going with this?


Dying game is Dying game.


You can look all of this info up if you feel like burying your head in the sand.


Oh by the way, Star Wars is an enormous franchise and its loved more in the Asian culture than it is in the Western or European culture (if thats possible)



A smart man can do the math. :csw_yoda:


Yeah, i see where you're going with that and it's still not working. 10 mil subs, it's 10 mil subs. Oh and btw your Star Wars franchise might be enormous and loved but guess what, only 1 mil people play it and this game is an MMO. MMO players found out it's not really an MMO and are leaving after 1st month because they don't care about the SW part.


Bioware won't even create server forums for this game. They already know there's no point. You expect server communities to form without their own forums?


You're so funny! :D

Edited by Skeelol
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