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If things left way they are


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as things are you cant even get agroup becasue everyone wants to just solo with thier companion because its easier
Dude are you new? it's been that way for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.
I only see guilds grouping up for weekly heroics.

Right now, the instant credits dropped from completing weekly heroic bonus missions MULTIPLY by how many players are in the group.


A weekly heroic that drops 12,000 credits for one person that completes the bonus mission, will give out 48,000 for four players who complete the bonus mission in a group. I haven't seen many players group up to take advantage of the credit multiplication. Then again I'm in a pvp server, since 3.0 pvp server populations have plummeted.


That's the best motive to group up, quadruple bonus mission credits.


Bonus mission credit multiplication isn't new, game has had it since Section X was introduced.

On the Empire side, quests [DAILY] Data Raid, [DAILY] March of the Dread Guard and [Heroic 4+] Aurora Cannon all multiply the bonus mission credits.

Edited by Falensawino
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EXACTLY!!! And sadly, for some, that'll mean other games.


I'm not saying healing companions aren't OP, I just think the way Bioware goes about things is detrimental to the game, the community and the games future. It's as if they intentionally try to sabotage their own product at times.


This. They can't be serious at this point. Eric's probably having a hard time to write responses because he's laughing so hard at you.

Edited by bluroq
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The companions are too powerful they beat out anything a well geared player can do if Influence is above 22. They have completely destroyed any chance of a multi player element in this MMO they need to be fixed or just take all the servers down and rerelease this as an offline game


They're already "fixing" them so give it a rest. People like you won't be happy until we have to group with random strangers for every part of the game. Newsflash: Some of us have plenty of social interactions in real life, and don't feel the need to play with strangers all the time.

Edited by horrorfaneightys
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I really fail to see why people even want to to group content solo?


Everything that is interesting in this game is made for solo playing, and most group content just a boring grind with almost no story connection (exceptions were some flashpoints, which is fixed by bringing in solo mode, and Dread Operations, which was a colossal mistake making it obligatory for a planet storyline - that I will not forgive).


The point of group content is purelly to reward people who like grouping, and there is nothing needed for enjoyment of this game that is forcing you to group with anyone. That whole "I won't be able to solo a group content" argument is totally unlogical and frankly pointless. I believe that there are much more fun things to do with your spare time than slowly killing 30 elite gormak for no real reason other than "it's there in the game"...

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