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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fastest way to level up?


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Honestly i love the main storyline but i find myself in grinding downtimes because the storyline quest is 5 levels above me. Now people have said that PvP works great but when i played in PvP it was 5000-6000 exp per loss, and the only win i had gotten was worth 4000 exp.


Does the exp scale with your level or is it always like that? I have a hard time with PvP because of my computer taking a dump on my FPS when i am in a game. Even though i enjoy trying to play it, it still is hard since my FPS is so bad. I just want to rush to like level 40 so i can do some of my class quests and other quests with ease.


Anyway let me know what works best? Is my best bet to continue questing or just sitting on my ship and running PvP matches?


Also i got my ship at level 11 :p

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No i like doing my class quests and i skip most of the side ones saving them for later but then i get way to far away from my level goar and have to farm mobs and side quests, Also i will be just fine at a max level lol, im on an RPPvP server and i will prolly just go find a noob on Korriban and make him my Aprentice lol, help him with his quests and whatnot.


I also want to make a Sith Warrior so when i hit 50 on my SI ill go ahead and make a SW.

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