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Time to UNsub in response to the companion NERF


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I am making this post to recommend as many of us as possible to cancel your subscriptions , based on the new information on companion Nerf. I personally have cancelled all 5 of my accounts that i paid for and will not be resubscribing , unless this companion Nerf is reascended before more than 2 weeks worth of my previously paid for subscriptions lapse.


Given the unlikely nature of that request being honored i will assume my subs will stay cancelled.


I would recommend anyone else that spent the last few weeks trying to argue against companion nerfs , but failing to come forward and also cancel your subs. EA BW have made it plain that they only care about what the hardcore player thinks , when it comes to basic content. I never wanted them to make OPS or NM or HM easy , i just wanted them to leave the companions and solo parts of the game alone, why is it so bad for two of us to be able to take 2 lvl 40 companions and do a tactical flashpoint ? Why is it so bad for us to not have to grind and micromanage like mad through the leveling process ? Why cant we enjoy the game that we have been playing these last few weeks. That gamer is why i paid for 3 more accounts so my friends and family could play also, not the game prior to 4.0 which we did not even sub for.


Anyhow the only way to make a modern company listen is through precise metrics that show a loss to their bottom line , so if you are unhappy i recommend you go the only route a company ever listens to , Cancel that sub , stop buying CC a d let them know when you cancelled why you did and hope they make appropriate changes before whats left of our subs run out. I will keep playing and see until the last days of my sub lapse , but since we know this change is coming the rest of my friends and family wont even bother playing again.

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Or, as said in another thread, you could just wait for it to go live before deciding it's wrong?


I dont need to wait for the patch to know a 50 % nerf is going to ruin the fun and easy going atmosphere the game currently has. You can be a fanboi and you can wait for them to mess it up . I refuse to do so i cancelled already and i want them to know why. Messing with one of the better new parts of 4.0 to appease elitists that want us all to play a slogfest grind game is not something im willing to wait and see about.

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I dont need to wait for the patch to know a 50 % nerf is going to ruin the fun and easy going atmosphere the game currently has. You can be a fanboi and you can wait for them to mess it up . I refuse to do so i cancelled already and i want them to know why. Messing with one of the better new parts of 4.0 to appease elitists that want us all to play a slogfest grind game is not something im willing to wait and see about.


Everyone said the same thing about level sync and now no one seems to care because they realised it didn't do the thing they thought it would.


You are making decisions based on data mined information which in the past has been shown to be wrong.

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Firstly, I will not be cancelling my subscription. I enjoy the game. I enjoyed it before 4.0, and I enjoy it as it is now.


Secondly, you do not even know what is going to happen or if the "information" out there is actually true. Even if it is as mentioned in other threads that does not mean a thing to me. Nothing does until we get the patch and read the patch notes and even then I will continue to play the game because I enjoy it.


Have a wonderful evening :)

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I am totally against a 50% nerf. My sub is in blocks of time and if, after playing with the nerfed companions in that time has bled the joy out of the game for me, along with the COMPLETE lack of class story differences in KotFE, then I will be unsub'g with a heavy heart. I am a casual player and sub'd since day 1. I play at odd hours and they change from day to day week to week. That makes active participation with a guild difficult at best and near impossible when wanting to party up for harder material. With a good healing companion I am able to enjoy the game regardless. Edited by mrsrachelm
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Don't listen to the naysayers. I say do what you want. If cancelling the sub is the right thing to do for you. I say send a strong message to BW that we are tired of them catering to a small select minority. Honestly I'm waiting just to test it out. I know I may cancel myself and several other people have said the same thing.
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I personally had no issue with lvl sync , and i could see how it would be great and why it was not going to cause an issue. In contrast on this issue its the opposite. a 50 % nerf to healing makes these healers less useful than they were prior to 4.0 when we geared them ourselves. Now we have no ability to gear the comp , and a weaker comp than before. Even if at rnk 50 its as strong as it was before , you now have to put far more work into it to get back to a useful comp.


Also we can just look at BW track record on nerfs , they dont do subtle , they dont do mild , they dont do incremental and lets see if we can find a happy spot. They do nuclear warfare nerfs ,ill be surprised if healing companions are even useful for solo mode content when they are done with them.


Which really does not matter to me , but it does matter to all the casual people i paid for subs for , my wife , my sister , a friend of ours , and my niece , none of them would spend the money but i didnt mind to since the game was in a state they could play it and enjoy it. This will no longer be the case. why would i shell out that kind of money for a game we wont enjoy anymore ? It makes no sense , ill find an indie game on steam that will cost 2 of these subs for a month for all 5 of us to play instead.

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He knows the only thing that matters to EA/BW is money, so hes telling them what he thinks about the leaked changes in the only way they will care about, with his wallet.


Perhaps if enough unsub listing it as why, they might pause to think about it.


Doubtful, but you gotta have some hope in life :D

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Except you won't, just like those who said they would for level sync haven't yet either.


Before i ever came to these forums to post this i first cancelled the subs , and wrote a similar message in the comments box to BW. sadly i paid for 5 90 day subs so each account has 45 days left on it . Thats plenty of time for them to fix it or implement it and for me to know the outcome. For now they know im not happy with it. You can try and make it sound like everyone that is unhappy with the company is just a lying shill , but the reality is in a free market economy this is how you let a business know you are unhappy with the direction they are taking with their product.

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Also we can just look at BW track record on nerfs , they dont do subtle , they dont do mild , they dont do incremental and lets see if we can find a happy spot. They do nuclear warfare nerfs ,ill be surprised if healing companions are even useful for solo mode content when they are done with them.


Which really does not matter to me , but it does matter to all the casual people i paid for subs for , my wife , my sister , a friend of ours , and my niece , none of them would spend the money but i didnt mind to since the game was in a state they could play it and enjoy it. This will no longer be the case.


Exactly. I don't mind budgeting to pay for a monthly sub because I want to "give back" to the game I am enjoying. And yes, I have to budget for it. Money is tight. But if I am literally paying for a game I can barely play because they've made it near impossible to do so as a casual player...that's money being flushed. This was THE MAIN reason I stopped playing WoW years ago. They started catering to hard-core end-game raid type material where you either had to be in a good guild or have a ready group of friends to party up with to even set foot in the expansions areas. Casual players were basically ignored. I quit because I simply could barely play. If SWTOR goes that same general direction...where you can barely do anything without a fellow player or group...then I will quit this as well.


Like it or not, the main player base of MMO-styled games these day are CASUALS. They are the adults with jobs and lives outside of the game. THEY are the ones paying for the subs for their kids, etc. You don't take a giant dump on your main player base.

Edited by mrsrachelm
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Id like to say i was really enjoying 4.0 also.


I have been farming heroic 2+ weekly every day , at least 100 or more of them per week across my 5 65s, Ive been playing class quests with my wife and other friends and enjoying watching them . We have enjoyed doing flashpoints with however many of us were on and knowing we could just take my rnk 40 comp as the extra person or someone elses lower comp if only 2 of us were on and we could still win if we CC mobs and used teamwork.


But now they will nerf companions and much of what i have been enjoying with my friends and wife and family ( the reason i paid for extra accounts) will be gone from the game. Prior to 4.0 i ran group finder a lot i heal mainly and i pug with other people , or i would pvp. Now i would still do that even after these changes except here is the thing. I just spent 5 x 90 day subs because the game i was playing after 4.0 was so fun i decided it was time to buy game codes for all my friends so they could play also. Now that game experience that i spent that 200 ish US dollars on is changing less than half way into the time i paid for.


Now im no noob to online games i get it experience is subject to change. But what recourse do i have left , the only one is to come here say that while i was enjoying the game i cannot and will not tolerate changes to companions which were the most important pat of me spending that 200 bucks. Maybe 200 dollars is not a lot of money to you and you are willing to just let it ride with a "wait and see" attitude , i am not and i dont think i should have to act that way either. I subbed those accounts for a specific reason , it is changing , i have the right to say what i think and especially as far as i do so in an eloquent and articulate manor while not berating or belittling anyone else for their opinion , id kindly ask everyone that posts in this thread to do the same.


That said calling for people to cancel their subs and to say here we are doing so is fair play since the only real power we have to control the shape of game development is through our wallets.

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Id like to say i was really enjoying 4.0 also.


I have been farming heroic 2+ weekly every day , at least 100 or more of them per week across my 5 65s, Ive been playing class quests with my wife and other friends and enjoying watching them . We have enjoyed doing flashpoints with however many of us were on and knowing we could just take my rnk 40 comp as the extra person or someone elses lower comp if only 2 of us were on and we could still win if we CC mobs and used teamwork.


But now they will nerf companions and much of what i have been enjoying with my friends and wife and family ( the reason i paid for extra accounts) will be gone from the game. Prior to 4.0 i ran group finder a lot i heal mainly and i pug with other people , or i would pvp. Now i would still do that even after these changes except here is the thing. I just spent 5 x 90 day subs because the game i was playing after 4.0 was so fun i decided it was time to buy game codes for all my friends so they could play also. Now that game experience that i spent that 200 ish US dollars on is changing less than half way into the time i paid for.


Now im no noob to online games i get it experience is subject to change. But what recourse do i have left , the only one is to come here say that while i was enjoying the game i cannot and will not tolerate changes to companions which were the most important pat of me spending that 200 bucks. Maybe 200 dollars is not a lot of money to you and you are willing to just let it ride with a "wait and see" attitude , i am not and i dont think i should have to act that way either. I subbed those accounts for a specific reason , it is changing , i have the right to say what i think and especially as far as i do so in an eloquent and articulate manor while not berating or belittling anyone else for their opinion , id kindly ask everyone that posts in this thread to do the same.


That said calling for people to cancel their subs and to say here we are doing so is fair play since the only real power we have to control the shape of game development is through our wallets.


I'll bet you your sub money verses mine that everything you said you want to do, you'll be able to do aftervtuesday.

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Exactly. I don't mind budgeting to pay for a monthly sub because I want to "give back" to the game I am enjoying. And yes, I have to budget for it. Money is tight. But if I am literally paying for a game I can barely play because they've made it near impossible to do so as a casual player...that's money being flushed. This was THE MAIN reason I stopped playing WoW years ago. They started catering to hard-core end-game raid type material where you either had to be in a good guild or have a ready group of friends to party up with to even set foot in the expansions areas. Casual players were basically ignored. I quit because I simply could barely play. If SWTOR goes that same general direction...where you can barely do anything without a fellow player or group...then I will quit this as well.


Like it or not, the main player base of MMO-styled games these day are CASUALS. They are the adults with jobs and lives outside of the game. THEY are the ones paying for the subs for their kids, etc. You don't take a giant dump on your main player base.


QFT, and I never thought I'd ever say this; but if BW:A starts kicking casuals when they're down, then economic viability will tell me to unsub and move on as the game will no longer be for me. Until that time though, I'll enjoy swtor for what I can get out of it, since I've been subbed for over 2 years now; I'd really rather not give it up, it is a really great game, for the most part.

Edited by sentientomega
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Refund based on what?


You sign their contract when you sub that lets them change the game however they want.


On base i dont have access to same stuff i had before tuesday based on their changes on the game.


And that is not true, they can say whatever they want, but they are not above the law, for instance large parts of TOS are crap and not legally binding, they just scare unaware people.

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On base i dont have access to same stuff i had before tuesday based on their changes on the game.


And that is not true, they can say whatever they want, but they are not above the law, for instance large parts of TOS are crap and not legally binding, they just scare unaware people.



And I bet you my swtor account that you won't get a refund.

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forgive me to be blunt, buti think there are thing you do not tell us.

it does seems to be an overreaction given that the change aren't live, or even confirmed yet, could change at any moment, or could simply don't have such a huge impact.


what i mean is, when in the past i was really enjoying something, a restaurant, a tv show, a game, just enjoying something, and a change occur. I would always try the change and even try to make it work. If i really like something, i will try to make it work. Sometimes it doesn't work unfortunately, but at least i've tried.


so it seems to give up on something you say you really enjoyed without even trying for a minute, that tells me that you don't want to make it work, that somehow you were not enjoying that much anymore.


Let's be honest, if you have a good thing going, you will try to keep it up for as long as you can. if a change comes along that might disturb your happy setup, you will try to resist, or be in denial at first. To immediately say "it's over" at the first hint of change is not a natural response.


I think you were thinking of quiting even before the change on the companion were known and the change was just the excuse for you to stop.

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