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Carnage PVP augments and min/max


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Wondering if anyone has any info on optimal augments and min max info for carnage spec specifically for pvp. I've researched a good amount on this and it doesn't seem like anyone is confident in what exactly to run. Any info would be appreciated!
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I'd also like to know, but I've only been able to find PvE guides this far into 4.0. It seems Crit augs usually give the most DPS with Alacrity right on its heels but I've heard Power augs provides the highest burst at the expense of a DPS loss. Right now I'm leveling up with around 13% total Alacrity and it feels amazing.


I'd more like to know if it's ok to run full Alacrity augs. Less damage upfront compared to Crit or Power but Ravage on a 2 second channel and significant time shaved off the global cooldown and most ability cooldowns seems like a great advantage in PvP.

Edited by Troelsen
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I'd also like to know, but I've only been able to find PvE guides this far into 4.0. It seems Crit augs usually give the most DPS with Alacrity right on its heels but I've heard Power augs provides the highest burst at the expense of a DPS loss. Right now I'm leveling up with around 13% total Alacrity and it feels amazing.


I'd more like to know if it's ok to run full Alacrity augs. Less damage upfront compared to Crit or Power but Ravage on a 2 second channel and significant time shaved off the global cooldown and most ability cooldowns seems like a great advantage in PvP.


In my personal opinion- the only way to make "full alacrity" augs work in pvp for mara/sent, is to play watchman/annihilation since they are the only DoT pressure spec

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In my personal opinion- the only way to make "full alacrity" augs work in pvp for mara/sent, is to play watchman/annihilation since they are the only DoT pressure spec
Are you saying Alacrity works best for them in reapplying dots more frequently? I know Alacrity doesn't affect their tick speed, so I'm just asking where else it helps those specs.
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form 4 is all about speed. You want to attack blindingly fast. So that your enemy is overwhelmed by the value of strikes and slashes he leaves himself open. Form 4 concentrate on Speed with power. In this game you can recreate lore with Alacrity and Power or Alacrity and Crit.


Howerver ive notice that splitting your stats up into 2 or 3 categories isnt always the best. Sometimes its just better to stack one. The stats in this game can be misleading like that. In lore, you picked a form based on what best suited you. This being a game a lot of people want to spread their stats across the board to be a balance dps by min/max stats. In lore you went with just one 'stat' and you used it or you switched into a different form for the situation.

Edited by Silentcricket
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I know Alacrity doesn't affect their tick speed.


In fact it does. Alacrity speeds up everything since 3.0., including dot tick speed, abilitiy cooldowns, internal cooldowns (like e.g. proc lockouts) etc.


What it does not shorten though is the duration of relic uptimes, meaning alacrity builds, especially in dot specs with frequent ticks going on, will have more dps events inside the 6sec of relic uptime.

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You should be more worried about Accuracy than Alacrity for Form 7. You cannot afford to miss a DoT in that form or your dps goes way down. In PvP, Accuracy is still important to Form 7 users because most form 3 and Shadows/Sages have high defense values. So you need more Accuracy than you think for PvP. Form 7 "will give up landing a powerful blow, for an accurate blow".


If you truely want a better understanding of the Forms we use in this game, seriously read up on the lore about the forms. If you do youll see the forms in a different light than the traditional MMO dps specs everyone on these forums are trying to make.

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Are you saying Alacrity works best for them in reapplying dots more frequently? I know Alacrity doesn't affect their tick speed, so I'm just asking where else it helps those specs.


I play PvP almost exclusively so maybe I can answer you as both my sentinel and marauder are now full 208 gear.


105% accuracy is all you need for PvP, so start there (but I really do feel like you need that minimal accuracy).


Alacrity does accelerate DoT ticks. It is a flat % DPS increase. This means it will benefit specs with maximum on target time more, where power will benefit "burst and run" spec's more. The theory that DoT spec's benefit more from alacrity is based on the idea that damage uptime is 100% once they are applied. I think that watchman and annihilation do not fit this idea as well because they have relatively short duration. What I have found in some limited parsing, is that once crit is increased to about 40%, alacrity and power outperform it. And I have not seen a definable difference between power and alacrity augs for the remaining.


So what I have done is slotted 8 crit augs (enough to get to 40% crit and north of 70% surge), and slotted 6 alacrity augments because I just like the feel of the alacrity better than power. I run combat/carnage primarily on my sentinel and marauder, and I like the feel of the 8.6% alacrity I get with that setup better than the extra 50 or so bonus melee damage I get with power augs.


Hope that helps.

Edited by Vodrin
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I play PvP almost exclusively so maybe I can answer you as both my sentinel and marauder are now full 208 gear.


105% accuracy is all you need for PvP, so start there (but I really do feel like you need that minimal accuracy).


Alacrity does accelerate DoT ticks. It is a flat % DPS increase. This means it will benefit specs with maximum on target time more, where power will benefit "burst and run" spec's more. The theory that DoT spec's benefit more from alacrity is based on the idea that damage uptime is 100% once they are applied. I think that watchman and annihilation do not fit this idea as well because they have relatively short duration. What I have found in some limited parsing, is that once crit is increased to about 40%, alacrity and power outperform it. And I have not seen a definable difference between power and alacrity augs for the remaining.


So what I have done is slotted 8 crit augs (enough to get to 40% crit and north of 70% surge), and slotted 6 alacrity augments because I just like the feel of the alacrity better than power. I run combat/carnage primarily on my sentinel and marauder, and I like the feel of the 8.6% alacrity I get with that setup better than the extra 50 or so bonus melee damage I get with power augs.


Hope that helps.


I'm curious the highest dps you've achieved with this set up..... also from going full crit/Alac aug you are losing a lot more than 50 bonus power. I do love speed with alacrity higher than 7% but do not feel as though it hits hard enough.... for arena burst is king. Obtaining more power do to the coefficents related to our main skills (DB,Ravage,VT, Mass) ive found power out preforms crit/alac.


However, still early so let me know what you have achieved dps wise i could be wrong

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I use 13 power and 1 Critical Augment. It yields about the same crit chance as mastery but has higher bonus damage and an extra % on critical bonus damage.


Do you drop your accuracy stats from the base pvp gear for Alacrity?


If you only have 1 critical augment, how do you have extra "surge" percentage? Power effects your Critical damage %?

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Do you drop your accuracy stats from the base pvp gear for Alacrity?


If you only have 1 critical augment, how do you have extra "surge" percentage? Power effects your Critical damage %?


No I keep the accuracy. I find too many misses and a dps loss if I take it out. I have 2 accuracy pieces and 1 alacrity. This gives 105 acc and 4.67 alacrity. Critical now increases crit chance and crit bonus damage "surge".

Edited by Ld-Siris
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No I keep the accuracy. I find too many misses and a dps loss if I take it out. I have 2 accuracy pieces and 1 alacrity. This gives 105 acc and 4.67 alacrity. Critical now increases crit chance and crit bonus damage "surge".


This is true and is one of the set up i run as Carnage and relayed to Siris. However this set up is geared most "sustained" dps and is better for more overall dps in Wz's.


i've found in Arena it is better to run:


Full Power/Cit


or Power&Crit with 5% alac.


Still testing but found better success with these than my previous WZ set up up of Acc/Alac "sustain"


Arena is all about burst and pressure. Hence why Full Power& Crit and Power/Crit/5 Alac (NO ACC) is better preforming. Hits like a truck and is very bursty. ( hit 19-21k VT/DB) last night vs. fully geared skilled players.

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This is true and is one of the set up i run as Carnage and relayed to Siris. However this set up is geared most "sustained" dps and is better for more overall dps in Wz's.


i've found in Arena it is better to run:


Full Power/Cit


or Power&Crit with 5% alac.


Still testing but found better success with these than my previous WZ set up up of Acc/Alac "sustain"


Arena is all about burst and pressure. Hence why Full Power& Crit and Power/Crit/5 Alac (NO ACC) is better preforming. Hits like a truck and is very bursty. ( hit 19-21k VT/DB) last night vs. fully geared skilled players.


Yes he is right. That is more for 8v8. If you plan on doing mostly ranked then I would take out the accuracy. Me personally I would probably take on of those for a little more alacrity and then the other one to crit.


Also for 8v8 anni and fury I would also take out the accuracy and put it into alacrity.

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