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Creepiest Romance? (Spoilers, obviously)


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They are rather close to the PCs age in terms of the storyline. What I wonder is why a lot of the female romances always seem to feel to be 10+ years older than the PC :p Torian the exception (actually feels to be younger than the BH) and Vector is about the Warriors age (but I thought he came off older).



Well, I believe Torian is about 18 when the BH meets him, so he is younger than the BH, by at least a few years. But he is one of my favorite LIs, and a friend of mine says he comes off as very mature for his age, which I agree with. If you choose not to romance him right away, he's okay with that, and plans on self improvement to make himself worthy of you, but he doesn't throw it in your face. He doesn't act like you're the bad guy for not wanting to date him (actually, most of the male LIs, don't, but they don't take rejection in stride quite the way Torian does).


And I have to say, on a female JK, your padawan has your back. She doesn't like Doc, but she knows you do, so she makes sure he won't hurt you.

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Equality my ***! I demand a patch that lets me romance Vette but still bang Jaesa on the side (or vice versa).


My comment was a reply to the comment that the female rapes the male int he SW storyline. :p As for romance Vette and bang Jaesa, wouldn't that mean your Warrior has to beable to keep such an act secret on a small ship?

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Equality my ***! I demand a patch that lets me romance Vette but still bang Jaesa on the side (or vice versa).

You have a brain to do it :p My first SW literally owns them, he does with them as he pleases. And he had a taste for threesomes since his stint with Lady Grathan and Vette :p

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My comment was a reply to the comment that the female rapes the male int he SW storyline. :p As for romance Vette and bang Jaesa, wouldn't that mean your Warrior has to beable to keep such an act secret on a small ship?


Force Persuade for the win.


"This is not the cheating husband you're looking for"

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My comment was a reply to the comment that the female rapes the male int he SW storyline. :p As for romance Vette and bang Jaesa, wouldn't that mean your Warrior has to beable to keep such an act secret on a small ship?

Who said anything about a secret?


"I'm a Sith lord I deserve both" should totally work.


You have a brain to do it :p My first SW literally owns them, he does with them as he pleases. And he had a taste for threesomes since his stint with Lady Grathan and Vette :p

I'm not sure if it's still possible to glitch it. If it does I think it requires keeping the collar on Vette while you romance Jaesa and then doing all of Vette's stuff.


But still, on the one side we have to glitch on the other, the SW female seemingly just tells her conquests what's up. I call shenanigans.

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Dark sided Jaesa hands down.

First you stalk her and kill all her family and friends. Then you torture her teacher and when she shows up you first torment her psychologically and then you beat her up physically. She finally completly snaps under all that and becomes a broken insane husk of the person she used to be and is completely stripped of all humanity she once posessed.

And then, and only then , do you f*ck her.


Honestly it's really really disgusting.


Everybody go home. This post wins the thread.

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Dark sided Jaesa hands down.

First you stalk her and kill all her family and friends. Then you torture her teacher and when she shows up you first torment her psychologically and then you beat her up physically. She finally completly snaps under all that and becomes a broken insane husk of the person she used to be and is completely stripped of all humanity she once posessed.

And then, and only then , do you f*ck her.


Honestly it's really really disgusting.



This sounds eerily like the backstory of Angelus and Drusilla from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' tv series. *shudders*


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Just had a thought for a decent number two contender.


Assuming they let it go anywhere, flirting with Senya... while Valkorion is in your head.


That could be worked into making it kinky and not creepy. Or perverted! Or weird! Or just funny! It doesn't have to be made creepy :p

Edited by SithKoriandr
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>MFW People are treating characters four years older than me as if they're super young


Personally, I'd say Theran and Holiday are the closest to a creepy romance, and even that's not particularly creepy.

Age is not really a factor unless the player makes it one in their head, since the love interests are all legal adults. However there are "romance" options that involve psychological torture and abuse of power, and generally push the concept of "consent" well past its breaking point. Granted, "creepy" might be too mild a word for those.

Edited by Joachimthbear
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Age is not really a factor unless the player makes it one in their head, since the love interests are all legal adults. However there are "romance" options that involve psychological torture and abuse of power, and generally push the concept of "consent" well past its breaking point. Granted, "creepy" might be too mild a word for those.


Those who think Cedrax and Holiday's romance is creepy is likely only thinking it because it's between a human and a sentient hologram. Been done in other mediums to no problem, and I wonder if those who think it's creepy are just upset they couldn't romance Cedrax or that he breaks off a relationship for Holiday before one can start.

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Age is not really a factor unless the player makes it one in their head, since the love interests are all legal adults. However there are "romance" options that involve psychological torture and abuse of power, and generally push the concept of "consent" well past its breaking point. Granted, "creepy" might be too mild a word for those.

It is interesting that there is a dark-side relationship, between two individuals who are both bad people (if the player plays DS, of course), where despite the imbalance in Force power (none versus a lot), it doesn't feel like there's any abuse of that power going on. F!Inq and Andronikos. He's a pirate, a bad man through and through, and the DS-played SI is more evil still, and yet if you follow the romance, none of that Force-power imbalance shows up. I think it's partly because Andronikos is already a bad man, and he isn't ashamed of it, and there's no possibility of DS-Jaesa-style corruption/abuse, nor of Ashara-style corruption/abuse either. In the end, it's just two bad people learning to appreciate each other's evil nature, and getting along well as a result.


You can also point to psychological elements like a certain weakness on the part of both Ashara and Jaesa, a weakness that Andronikos totally lacks. If pushed, he would push back, not yield and break. I haven't reached that part of the F!SW story yet, but I'm guessing from (a) what I've seen of him in the M!SW story and (b) what people have said here, that Quinn has a similar weakness.

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