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Galactic Starfighter vs. Battlefront Fighter Squadron, pros and cons (and video)


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Here is a 20 minute video of Battlefront Fighter Squadron, all ships and maps.





Falcon (hero ship earned by powerup)

TIE Fighter (brief--just didn't have a chance to get much footage before trial time ran out)

TIE Interceptor

Slave I (hero ship earned by powerup)



Tatooine mountains

Tatooine canyon (dusk)



(fifth map Jakku coming free in December)


Note that in the video, there are both bot fighters and real player fighters. Bots are all in TIE Fighters and X-wings. Real players may be in TIE Fighters or X-wings, or they may be in A-wings or TIE Interceptors.


You can tell a real players in TIE Fighters and X-wings by the fact that their username appears when you get them under your reticle. Also, you kill one, you will hear radio chatter like "Rebel pilot down", "Nice shooting," etc.


As you can see by the scoreboards, at least some measure of GSF skill transfers. :) I can pretty casually clean up, and if I get a hero ship it's over.


Pros vs. GSF

-Matches are fast and constant. No waiting for queues. If I want to fly, I can do so instantly.

-Visuals and sound can't be beat.

-No Evasion!

-No entrenched fortifications to slow a match down.

-Bots mean even non-aces can score some kills and help the team .... or at least feel like they are doing so.

-Doing well in Fighter Squadron can quickly earn you rank/credits to buy ground game stuff!


Cons vs. GSF

-No distinct classes (though choosing to fly your faction's weaker ship in order to "blend in" with bots is interesting)

-No [Ops] or [Gsf] channel to get praised/cursed. Though if I got enough pilots I could get a TeamSpeak going.

-No customization. At least not yet.

-Not as much mechanical depth as GSF (though more than I expected).

-Only 1 combined objective/TDM gametype (though 5 maps as of December--same as GSF)


Overall, I suspect I will play both games. When I just want a quick hit of flying action, I'll go for Battlefront. When I want to fly with friends or queue while playing SWTOR, I'll go GSF.


Much like GSF and SWTOR, I'd probably play Battlefront exclusively for Fighter Squadron.


Feel free to ask me any questions.

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Thanks for making this list. It's quite useful. Can you play battlefront exclusively for squadron? I was thinking of picking it up on Tuesday for PC, but looking at your pro/con list it's probably not worth it. The first two pros have to do with current popularity and an obviously superior graphics engine, the rest are kind of opinions (i.e. some people thing evasion is good/bad). You mentioned that doing well lets you get stuff for the ground game, so there's no progression in squadron? You mentioned no customization, which I read as saying no progression as well. If that's true, unless they add content, do you think it has any staying power or will be a wasteland of mostly AI bots once everyone gets over the hype? Thanks
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Thanks for making this list. It's quite useful. Can you play battlefront exclusively for squadron? I was thinking of picking it up on Tuesday for PC, but looking at your pro/con list it's probably not worth it. The first two pros have to do with current popularity and an obviously superior graphics engine, the rest are kind of opinions (i.e. some people thing evasion is good/bad). You mentioned that doing well lets you get stuff for the ground game, so there's no progression in squadron? You mentioned no customization, which I read as saying no progression as well. If that's true, unless they add content, do you think it has any staying power or will be a wasteland of mostly AI bots once everyone gets over the hype? Thanks


Yes, you can exclusively play Fighter Squadron, as there is a dedicated queue for it. And, unlike GSF, which debuted to widespread scorn and criticism, Fighter Squadron has been a surprise, breakout mode in terms of popularity. So far, everyone in the Battlefront subreddit who has tried it says it exceeds their expectations. So I suspect population will be healthy.


Right now, there is no progression or customization for Fighter Squadron; however, if the mode remains popular, I suspect DICE will add in some custom skins or new ships. The expansion packs already list having new vehicles.


That being said, right now, Fighter Squadron is one of the quickest ways to ramp up rank and credits to unlock perks, weapons, and cosmetics for the ground game.


Also, keep in mind that vehicle play is very important for several modes. Though you cannot choose to spawn on a vehicle in those modes, if you can get the power up for one, you can help carry your team to victory. Plus, air-to-ground Star Wars combat is a rare breed. We haven't had it before except for Rogue Squadron.

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I was just wondering if you've seen any offensive difference between the A-Wing's duel cannons and the X-Wing's quad cannons? Also does it seem like the X-Wing is more durable than the A-Wing? (basically I'm curious how closely DICE followed previous Star Wars games in the stats of the two vehicles).


I also don't think you mentioned this but is there any sort of solo mode that you can use to practice/is there a tutorial? Since that's been one of the most glaring flaws in GSF's accessibility I'm very interested to know whether DICE has set things up so new pilots can get some basic flight experience against bots before taking on human pilots.

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I was just wondering if you've seen any offensive difference between the A-Wing's duel cannons and the X-Wing's quad cannons? Also does it seem like the X-Wing is more durable than the A-Wing? (basically I'm curious how closely DICE followed previous Star Wars games in the stats of the two vehicles).


I also don't think you mentioned this but is there any sort of solo mode that you can use to practice/is there a tutorial? Since that's been one of the most glaring flaws in GSF's accessibility I'm very interested to know whether DICE has set things up so new pilots can get some basic flight experience against bots before taking on human pilots.


Without hard numbers, it is hard to draw many conclusions, especially since laser fire damage varies inversely with the shooter's throttle.


I will say that A-wings are consistently, appreciably harder to hit than any other craft, even when you think you have them centered. It almost feels like they popped Distortion Field sometimes. This is already widespread feedback.


There is a training mission in which you fly am X-wing against waves of bot TIE Fighters.

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Without hard numbers, it is hard to draw many conclusions, especially since laser fire damage varies inversely with the shooter's throttle.


I will say that A-wings are consistently, appreciably harder to hit than any other craft, even when you think you have them centered. It almost feels like they popped Distortion Field sometimes. This is already widespread feedback.


There is a training mission in which you fly am X-wing against waves of bot TIE Fighters.


Hopefully we'll be able to get some hard numbers as the game goes on. I for one would really be curious about that (and I really hope they did follow that sort of formula which more or less followed the old canon). At least they have a training mission where you can practice flying and shooting bots though! I found it very cumbersome trying to learn to fly in the beta in the Walker Assault mode (in no small part due to the ability to spawn with an enemy on your six).


Thanks Nem for the reply!

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You forgot an important pro for Battlefront: it's actually being maintained.


Well, we don't know that Fighter Squadron is going to get any love. I suspect it will, but it's possible it won't.


It is clear right now, for example, that Rebels are overpowered. It is much easier to win when you are them. A-wings, like Flashfires, are extremely hard to kill.


It could remain this way for years. Or they could make an adjustment next patch.

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Well here my opinion after about 15 hours on Fighter Squadron




Very fast queue time (tons of people)

Easy to learn, each ship only has 2 abilities to learn and flying is quite straightforward

You either fly faster and do less damage or slow down and do heavy damage

On fights where no hero ships have spawned, its mostly down to player skill on using their ships

Even new players can contribute by blatting AI ships


You have 3 evasion/manoeuvre abilities on each ship and it helps new players survive as you can use it to dodge missiles or hopefully shake off someone chasing you.


Theres no 'turbo-boost' aka GSF spacebar so its easier to control your ship and everyone is at roughly the same speed




Hero ships totally unbalance when summoned, especially when a good player uses them and rest of the team supports it.


The objective other than to kill deathmatch style is to kill escaping transport ships. This is problematic as if the transport ship spawns where there more of the enemy ships flying about, it will get melted in 10-20 seconds before the enemy team can zoom over and respond.


Its 200 points to win but the games can end very fast and very lopsided.


No obvious matchmaking


There is no Target ability and with everyone more or less flying the same ships its easy to get confused to who you were shooting/chasing. This is especially annoying when for example you are shooting a A wing with just a sliver of health left he does a manoeuvre, you chase and as you fly through clouds for example 2 other A wings join it, unfortunately you cannot split your fire 3 ways


Tie fighters/interceptors have speed boost ability but compared to the X/A-wing shield boost its not as good in terms of survivability as you can still get shot at while speeding away, while shield boost makes you invulnerable to laser shots. Not good Asymmetrical balance.


There are 4 ship choices , X+A wing and Tie Fighter and Interceptor, no other choices unless you spawn a hero ship


Ship Balance:

X and A wing have noticeable differences, the X is slower and less agile but has more firepower. The A-wing is a lot more agile and with a smaller hit box, a lot harder to catch unless your firing from its front or rear.


The Tie fighter is bog standard (weak), Interceptor hits harder but that's about all I notice


The Rebel hero ship Millennium Falcon can take out a unwary Imperial hero ship (Boba's Slave) by simply ramming it with shields on.


In conclusion, Its fun and simple for someone to just jump in and leave but its not 'deep' with less options compared to GSF. I personally rate Battlefront including the ground warfare 7/10, wait for sale and not buy immediately


P.S. I just noticed Nemarus updated his post since I last read it weeks ago and I think the conclusion is about the same

Edited by Warhams
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Shoot, I really shouldn't have gotten a Xbox One, should I have? If I would've known the skills cross over, I' would've considering getting a PC copy... and a new PC. :(:p


Anyway: Good to know Fighter Squadron is pretty good in Battlefront. Now if only there was a gunship class...

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Shoot, I really shouldn't have gotten a Xbox One, should I have? If I would've known the skills cross over, I' would've considering getting a PC copy... and a new PC. :(:p


Anyway: Good to know Fighter Squadron is pretty good in Battlefront. Now if only there was a gunship class...


I am playing on Xbox One, and my skills transfer over. It's mainly about 3D spatial awareness and predicting flight paths of your opponents.


Also, some people on PC have reported a lot of frustration with the mouse-based flight controls (though to be honest, the way they are describing them, they sound like GSF's virtual joystick via mouse offset--which we know lots of people didn't like in GSF also).


ALL that being said...


... I am probably done with Fighter Squadron until it gets a significant balance pass. As it stands, the Rebel side has a significant advantage. There seems to be something really messed up with targeting A-wings--you can empty a whole "clip" into them and not hit them. And the Falcon hero ship can instantly kill the Slave I hero ship by ramming it with its shields up.


These two combine to make it incredibly difficult to win as Imperials. Granted, you switch sides every other match, but it ends up being a series of one trivially easy match (as Rebels) followed by one frustratingly difficult match (as Imperials).


I wouldn't normally dislike a challenge, but playing as Imperials just isn't very fun because all you can do is try to farm bots as fast as possible--all the real pilots have learned to fly A-wings now, and you simply can't hit them reliably enough to have a good time.


While GSF has balance issues of its own, those issues are mirrored on both sides. Everyone can fly their faction's version of the power ships.


In Battlefront, there is no way to have even a theoretically balanced match, because there is no mirroring.


Fortunately, the imbalance is so severe that it should be very easy for DICE to see in their telemetry. The Rebel side will have way more than 50% win rate. A-wings will have much higher K/D spreads. Players in Falcons will have ridiculously high XP gains due to one-shotting Slave I (doing so is worth more XP than an entire match of Fighter Squadron).


Even if DICE isn't seeing the outcry on their own forums and subreddit, they'll see it in the data. Now we just have to see what they do about it.


I will say that one prominent difference between GSF and BFFS is that the Battlefront crowd likes Fighter Squadron mode -- a lot. They want it to be balanced and succeed. There's no "real PvPers vs. space PvPers" in that community, like there is here.

Edited by Nemarus
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Battlefront is the superior game in every aspect. The only advantage GSF has is that you can farm people more skilled than you if you have a big enough gear differential(which is a huge problem in GSF).


Battlefront Fighter Squadron is less deep than GSF (no ship classes). The difference between "normal mode" and Damage Overcharge (aka Falcon/Slave) is way bigger in Fighter Squadron and there is faction imbalance in Fighter Squadron (Republic shield abilities). I wouldn't call that superior.


Also, gear is not a big issue in GSF, the skill gap is way bigger than the gear gap. I think it's funny that you complain about imbalance in GSF where everyone has acces to the exact same ships, crew, components and upgrades, but seemingly you can't see the faction imbalance in Battlefront. However, it's nice to see GSF is so popular, even people who don't like it write on the forum once a month.

Edited by Danalon
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... I am probably done with Fighter Squadron until it gets a significant balance pass. As it stands, the Rebel side has a significant advantage. There seems to be something really messed up with targeting A-wings--you can empty a whole "clip" into them and not hit them. And the Falcon hero ship can instantly kill the Slave I hero ship by ramming it with its shields up.


I will say that one prominent difference between GSF and BFFS is that the Battlefront crowd likes Fighter Squadron mode -- a lot. They want it to be balanced and succeed. There's no "real PvPers vs. space PvPers" in that community, like there is here.


Agreed on all your first few points. I've done maybe ~12 hours of fighter squadron on PC. Took a while to get used to the systems, but I have come to the conclusion that it is simply really really poorly balanced. I have to priase Bioware a bit on GSF because while it has its problems, it does a lot better than playing fighter squadron where it game literally becomes hunt for the hero pick up or run away from the hero ship.


Of if you're the millenium falcon.... find the Slave I and ram it. It's also quite silly that the hero ships basically solo the transport ships in a couple of seconds.


The support for the mode however has been quite unprecedented.


BTW. How many times did you kill the Slave I in that video you linked to get 15k final score? The most I've gotten by record so far is only 13k.

Edited by Kaeozz
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