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Worries about story, conversations and cutscenes for special companions like Jaessa


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After meeting my old shipdroid on oddessen; which was talking about me behind my back about how "ruthless of a master I was" or something like that... I now worry about companions like Jaessa. Because I was never once rude to my ship droid but whomever created this cutscene seems to have only assumed everyone is rude to the ship droid.


So I now worry if once I meet Jaessa if she'll automatically be a dark side Jaessa because that's what most people make her. Will bioware take this route and not many any of our past decisions matter? Because the Jaessa I had was too pure to ever be corrupted.


And what about Vette? Will she remember me as the kind sith that showered her with gifts, praise and removed her shock collar the first time I could? Or will it assume that I was a merciless slaver?


Please don't take this route bioware. Make the conversations different based on those past choices.

Edited by Noyjitat
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2V-R8's shtick is that he's terrified of the Imperial player, no matter who they were. I think that's mostly what his reaction is a play on.


If we ever meet Jaesa, she presumably should remember that she is Lightside if you meet her on a Sith Warrior who made her Lightside.

Edited by OldVengeance
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I was always nice to that droid. He always got to craft, not gather, never took him on actual combat, etc. That conversation ticked me off- let him keep going before some threats.

Wish o could have force choked him but now when I don't have Lana by my side I make him tank- he's just as good as my Lady of the Sith. And sometimes I leave him to die (which he rarely does...)

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Personally I think they made mistake in original SW story with conversion being optional.


While of course I have no idea what they actually do, I do expect her to be LS for warriors who played through their story without converting her. Another interesting question is will her alignment be same for everyone else or will it mirror/opposite based on their own alignment, class or side.


The Spoiler one is more complicated since rather than extra lines would also have extra VA.

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Valkorian does have two different descriptions of her in A Dream of Empire, based on whether she is Lightside Jaesa or Darkside Jaesa. The question is whether they will be able to adapt those two versions of her into any kind of meaningful role in the story parts to come at any point in the future.
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For people who went thru the whole story, I think they'll end up giving you whatever you made her.

For pre-made chars they will most likely make her similar to whatever they will do with other classes "followers" - although in her case, since she is the only one with a dark/light variance - is one of the following -

<i'd prefer the first option>-

1. player gets choice to recruit a "light"-sider or a "dark"-sider

2. player is stuck with whatever their own alignment is by that point in the story.


I like having both versions of her on "display" in my stronghold <from 2 different chars> - although they're both just holograms now <before entering KOTFE, only the one that was the "alignment" of the char playing would show as a visible decoration, the others looked like holograms just like other class companions>. Now they're all holograms, even the ones we've "gotten back" in the alliance story : - ( .

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