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DEAR DEVELOPERS Let us use class ships in GSF please


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Class ships are Millenium Falcon sized. GSF ships have roughly the size of X-Wings or TIE-Fighters. The power levels are too far apart between those two ship sizes.


Besides that, from my experience a lot of people play for rewards and are doing the most effective thing to get those. For example a lot of people play GSF during the GSF conquest events. I think adding meaningful rewards would attract more people.


Also new content probably attracts players, but if it's anything more than just another map it will cost resources which BW probably spends on more profitable things. For example similar resources as those which are needed to make a new alternative model for a ship, can be used to make a new armor/mount/decoration.

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Look at what happened with Forex/Pierce and PvP: a lot of people with no clue how to PvP stuck their toes into it and got them roflstomped by premades.


Not going to go over well. People play this part of the game because they think it's fun. That should be the only reason they play this part of the game.

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