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Tactical flashpoints = FAILED MISSION

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I am done with any type of flashpoints till something is done. Just did Assault on Tython. I was grouped with a lvl 20, 24 and a 47. they all had 56k HP. I have over 77k. Guess who had agro for the whole thing? Sents cant tank, why does the game force me too? First boss, my hp went away so fast. i lasted about 30 seconds. If Bioware is going to keep these as is, they need to place a balanced group in them and completely do away with the idiotic level sync. I used to love flashpionts. Best way to get comms and hone my skills. Now they are just ruined, and the game has lost its appeal. It' no longer fun.
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Same thing happens to me but as a Merc I am squishy. Was grouped with 2 juggs and an assassin. Guess who had aggro the whole time? It's ridiculous. 65's shouldn't have to play with low levels who don't know the story or the mechanics of the FP. One day I was on my Jugg, I force pushed a mob over the edge and this level 20 in the group leaped to his death after it! LOL He immediately quit group, from embarrassment I can only guess. He died time after time because he ran ahead of everyone the whole time. Every single tactical I've done has been a mess.
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and perhaps the most lovely feature on 4.0, you can get a full 65 group but that doesn't mean anything, they could have started playing yesterday using the free 60...just LAME.


Its pretty easy to identify those:


1) The quickest way is to look at ther achievements but before that...

2) they dont spacebar and pretty much they don't know the fights, die quick.

Edited by psikofunkster
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Ok, I gave bioware the benefit of the doubt. Did another tactical. Again, I got Taral V, for the umthteen time. Once again, we could NOT get past the first boss. Everyone in the group was one shoted. Our HP went so fast we lasted bout 45 seconds each time. This is ridiculous. If you cannot get past the first boss in what used to be one of the easiest FP's in the damn game, then its time to just quit. Get rid of the level sync, because with it you will not complete a flashpoint. 4 DPs in a group in the new FP's = WIPE!
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sounds like you've found out that you don't like role neutral encounters, and favor the trinity system.


Whilst you may not be wrong, you simply cannot apply this to "tacticals". We have had role neutral tactical since launch and now, all of a sudden, we don't and a LOT of people are finding the "tactical" option near impossible. Just yesterday I was in one, as a 65 healer and I simply could not keep the entire team up as aggro was all over the place.


This is not fun,


While I can applaud the idea of making things harder, you cannot - and should not - simply wreck one playstyle to do so.


And don't even get me started on how come tacticals don't actually count as tacticals for the weekly... that's just a piss take.

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Whilst you may not be wrong, you simply cannot apply this to "tacticals". We have had role neutral tactical since launch and now, all of a sudden, we don't and a LOT of people are finding the "tactical" option near impossible. Just yesterday I was in one, as a 65 healer and I simply could not keep the entire team up as aggro was all over the place.


This is not fun,


While I can applaud the idea of making things harder, you cannot - and should not - simply wreck one playstyle to do so.


And don't even get me started on how come tacticals don't actually count as tacticals for the weekly... that's just a piss take.


Pretty sure tacticals have not been around since launch. The role neutral content at launch were heroic 2s and 4s planet side. Tacticals didn't crop up until much later on in this game's history. At launch we had normal flashpoints, hard flashpoints (which later had two tiers for Kaon and LI), and one operation. Secretly, or not so secretly, I really hope this "outcry" ends tactical flashpoints existence as I think it's been a contributing factor to the player base being ruined in terms of skill. I still think most people that post here about tacticals struggle not because of the tacticals inherent difficulty, but more so it's a lack of skill not neccessarily on their own part, but on the part of someone in the group. That, unfortunately, is the ugly truth of random group assignment. I'd venture a guess that player skill is at it's lowest denomination in tacticals because people who are competent don't want to play it because it presents absolutely no challenge what so ever. So people who are heavily investing their play time into tacticals have to deal with players who are more often than not beginners. I'd agree that tacticals should not be including such a wide range of players level wise, but they really aren't hard.

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Pretty sure tacticals have not been around since launch. The role neutral content at launch were heroic 2s and 4s planet side. Tacticals didn't crop up until much later on in this game's history. At launch we had normal flashpoints, hard flashpoints (which later had two tiers for Kaon and LI), and one operation. Secretly, or not so secretly, I really hope this "outcry" ends tactical flashpoints existence as I think it's been a contributing factor to the player base being ruined in terms of skill. I still think most people that post here about tacticals struggle not because of the tacticals inherent difficulty, but more so it's a lack of skill not neccessarily on their own part, but on the part of someone in the group. That, unfortunately, is the ugly truth of random group assignment. I'd venture a guess that player skill is at it's lowest denomination in tacticals because people who are competent don't want to play it because it presents absolutely no challenge what so ever. So people who are heavily investing their play time into tacticals have to deal with players who are more often than not beginners. I'd agree that tacticals should not be including such a wide range of players level wise, but they really aren't hard.


Fair enough, I played at launch and month 1 (to get the title) then left for over 2 years :) I also agree that I wish the game have never had tacticals...


but it has.


you can't go back, not in games, not in MMOs. Chnage goes forward, it should never replicate a past choice in this way.


Alls they had to do was say "hey we are removing tacticals, all FPs are trinity based" and probably after the initial outcry, we'd have settled into our respective roles.

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Ok, I gave bioware the benefit of the doubt. Did another tactical. Again, I got Taral V, for the umthteen time. Once again, we could NOT get past the first boss. Everyone in the group was one shoted. Our HP went so fast we lasted bout 45 seconds each time. This is ridiculous. If you cannot get past the first boss in what used to be one of the easiest FP's in the damn game, then its time to just quit. Get rid of the level sync, because with it you will not complete a flashpoint. 4 DPs in a group in the new FP's = WIPE!


Looks like you expect healer to heal you through bad and tank to tank.

How about clicking those Kolto things?


Taral V first boss? Interrupt interrupt interrupt... Oh, sorry. That's droid boss. Do you mean the guy with two friends or the guy at the door?

Edited by Halinalle
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Ok, I gave bioware the benefit of the doubt. Did another tactical. Again, I got Taral V, for the umthteen time. Once again, we could NOT get past the first boss. Everyone in the group was one shoted. Our HP went so fast we lasted bout 45 seconds each time. This is ridiculous. If you cannot get past the first boss in what used to be one of the easiest FP's in the damn game, then its time to just quit. Get rid of the level sync, because with it you will not complete a flashpoint. 4 DPs in a group in the new FP's = WIPE!


Really? Caused just yesterday I soloed Taral IV up the last boss cause a friend said it would be good exp to lvl (it was got 2 lvls out of it) had to have my friend come in on the last boss because I couldn't cleanse the bosses dot as a vg and healer company no longer have a cleanse

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I feel your pain. Since about a week after 4.0 I ceased doing any tacts and FPs. I saw a few people asking in Fleet for the cheeve to get in a sm EV and EC and it made me lol untill I tried a few Ops and realized why. Now I look for those myself just so I can have a chance at a somewhat experienced group for completion. Also, the tacts/FPs are too hard for the average players who are the bulk of this game now.


Insta-60=insta-noobs...what a mess this made lmao.

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That's what happens when you make a game's solo/levelling component so piss-easy that one can hit the level-cap by all but literally spamming the basic attack.


And then eliminate all connection, character power/progression wise and mechanics-wise between the solo and group components.


Result: No-one knows how to play anymore because they don't need to, and accordingly, no-one cares.


The [TACTICAL]s aren't hard --they never really were except for maybe the original début versions of the SoR ones --what are now Strongs were Elites, what are now Elites were Champions, which could result in some comical wipes on trash if you were grouped with leapy-glowbatty-bads who didn't understand CC-discipline-- but they are not all one size fits all either. Certain FPs need things to be interrupted, or CC'ed, or cleansed, all of which a lowbie may not have.


The dev-team, in their usual arrogant myopic incompetence and/or living the Dunning-Kroeger Effect, utterly refuses to see this, and tries to do it anyway. This has been the case since Beta --there was a time when criticising anything about the game or its development-strategy could get you permanently banned from the forums-- just such comically Brobdingnagian levels of sanctimonious denial, it's not even pitiful, and it infects this game to this day.


This fiasco is just the latest example.


As usual, EAWare's fault.


Oh, I don't do Tacs anymore either --not because their rewards are worthless to me, and because of repair bills due to lowbies who shouldn't be there and/or horible, horrible bads --but actually because,


A) The same *********** instance. All. The ***********. Time.


B) The 5-instance [WEEKLY] simply will not update, and my bug-report about it, as well as a forum-post were completely ignored.


The latter ios what's got me on the edge of un-installing, along with the utterly poisonous ruin that this community has become. (Don't even talk to me about PvP --I used to do nothing but at level cap, but it stopped being fun back when flippin' Obroan gear was the highest tier, and you actually had to earn that tier.)

Edited by midianlord
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Sents cant tank, why does the game force me too?

Seriously? Well maybe if it's sents... I enjoy maratanking a lot and still do, under some conditions mara can survive prolonged pressure better than some tanks I've seen :p


With that new skill tanking is even more fun.


And ofc kolto stations and camo are designed for unskilled players only.

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The funny part is that BW is most likely achieving the contrary of what they wanted, I guess helping lowbies to find a group to run flashpoints... but if everyone deserts groupfinder it won't help them to find a group or at least a decent group to complete their run.


Bolster is also useless if you are in greens 10 lvl lower from where your gear should be.


Sure I don't have the metrics but flashpoints were fine the way they were, I was soloing the older HM for decos and achievements and I was always seeing at least one group of lowbies. If all they wanted was allowing people to see the story behind the FPs, the solo versions were good enough, there was no point in screwing everyone over tacticals with such a huge level range.

Edited by demotivator
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I tried Kuat Drive Yards. Had a level 17, 27, and a forty something and I was 57 (healer). I was the bullet magnet and just could not keep up healing the group (I've been playing for almost 3 years). Tried Flash Point 3 different times. Finally gave up. This is the only MMO I've played, not sure what the point is on making the FP's in the game so blasted hard to do. I didn't think I was lame at being a healer, but with the current setup....
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I must say the newly tactical FPs took some getting used to. I never played the old FPs before, since they required groups at specific levels, by the time I was max level (55 back then) basically all of the end-game bosses were completely immune to being interrupted, so it stopped being some thing I thought about for boss fights. I logged on in 4.0, was annihilated by the first tac FP I tried and then read up on it. Since then with frequent use of interrupts the boss fights aren't particularly hard (unless they glitch). Now, if we could just tune down the trash maybe 15% I think Tacticals would be in a great place.
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I had a lvl 16 mando healer who kept everyone alive through False Emperor tactical without any need for kolto stations, carried the group myself as a sorc healer through LI HM with sin DPS who queued as tank "cuz it pops faster". Yes it was hard, but it was challenging and the clear was satisfying. When you are facerolling the same tactical with a group of skilled andgeared 65's it is boring as hell.

Since solo content provides zero challenge your average newbie, he comes into group content without having a clue about how his own abilities work, what defensive cooldowns he has and what do they do exactly.

I lost track of how many times i saw a jugg or a sin tank popping literally every single cooldown at once, waiting for 5 seconds and only then pulling the pack.

Majority of current inhabitants of tactical FP's are having no clue about their own abilities, any sort of rotation, CC and kill order. And instead of providing assistance to these newbies via proper tutorials for each of those aspects, educational missions or even in-game tooltips bioware just dumbs the content further and further with every expansion so even my dog will be able to do it by spamming its paws on the keyboard.

It does not really matter how easy BW will make tacticals, there will always be some window-licker that still will be unable to clear them and will be littering the forums with posts like OMGPLZNERF!

There is no real tragedy if some newbie is first time in a FP and wiped entire group cuz he broke a CC, as long as the guy is willing to at least assume that he might have done something wrong and try to improve next time or even ask for advice. The tragedy begins when the same guy is a self-entitled mong who just assumes that if he can't one-shot everything the content is clearly overtuned and requires an immediate nerf.

And in current iteration tacticals do nothing but breed another generation of that kind of players.

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I just love the trolls who have to come into a thread and put everyone else down and brag about their abilities to make themselves feel better.


Yeah they amuse me, the "I solo'd it all with both hands tied to a tree". You just know they didn't, but feel they have to say it.

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Kind of agree. Czerka Core Meltdown with no tank/healer was a nightmare, I'm not going in there again w/o a full trinity group. To be fair, though, the last few tacticals I was lucky enough to actually get a competent trinity group pop up and thus they were a breeze, not a single wipe in 4 runs. :)


I posted this before, and repeat again: there should be another FP section in group finder, for non-tactical version of each flashpoint. In which case, everyone who likes tacticals can queue for them, those who can't stand tacticals can queue for normal FPs, and those who don't care can queue for both (thus getting quicker pops).

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I posted this before, and repeat again: there should be another FP section in group finder, for non-tactical version of each flashpoint. In which case, everyone who likes tacticals can queue for them, those who can't stand tacticals can queue for normal FPs, and those who don't care can queue for both (thus getting quicker pops).


I like this idea. It would go a long way to alleviating the stress people are feeling when they encounter a group comp without the roles they would rather rely on. I mean we had it previously, so that might mean that it won't be brought back. But, none the less, the system itself wasn't broken from before. Granted, the que pop times were scarce. How to achieve higher population is the question with the old system. I guess this was their simplest to implement, and most effective at the same time, solution.

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Way to go, BioWare. Seriously, Bravo. Not only have you made all flashpoints unplayable, but since you did away with the requirement to have a tank and healer, NOBODY is playing tank or heals anymore. Why would they? A tank can be grouped with 3 DPS, so they get all of the aggro and no healing. A healer is now trying to heal squishy DPS that get one-shotted from bosses. Even at 65, I have a Merc that is getting killed on trash pulls. Not to mention, people are queuing up, and when they see no tank or heals, they cancel, then queue again. I swear, every time I queue up, I get spammed with "Your group is avai... oops, never mind. Your group.... nope, sorry. Your gr..."


YOU NEED TO FIX THIS. I don't know where you guys get your ideas sometimes, but making all FPs into tacticals was nothing short of raging stupidity. You have literally ruined this game.

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