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Dear Bioware, please implement 12x story XP so I can resub


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Firstly no, because grinding sucks. Secondly, this is a lie. It takes both story and planetary missions now to level, which is unacceptable.


You don't like the "grind"? Hahahahahah. Yeah there isn't a grind and you picked the wrong game if you don't like certain "mmo" aspects. You can literally solo everything except a few world bosses and HM/NiM ops.


I suggest letting the sub lapse and you find something else to do. Game has changed enough we don't need that 12 xp back.

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I agree. It takes a lot longer now to leel up. Don't let anyone else tell you differently.


See this is the thing... It can be established quite easily that you are in fact wrong. This isn't a matter of opinion, you are making an objective statement.


It is quite clear that if you look at the current rate of level/hour played it is as fast if not faster than it was with 12xp. Yes you may have to do more quests, but you gain more XP per planet then you did before. So people are apparently now hitting lvl 65 before they even finish the first 3 chapters. Something I know you couldn't do with 12xp because I leveled a smuggler from 1-53 under 12x XP.

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See this is the thing... It can be established quite easily that you are in fact wrong. This isn't a matter of opinion, you are making an objective statement.


It is quite clear that if you look at the current rate of level/hour played it is as fast if not faster than it was with 12xp. Yes you may have to do more quests, but you gain more XP per planet then you did before. So people are apparently now hitting lvl 65 before they even finish the first 3 chapters. Something I know you couldn't do with 12xp because I leveled a smuggler from 1-53 under 12x XP.



The word you want is subjective, a subjective statement is a statement of opinion, which their statement was. Objective is fact.


Now I want to run an experiment. I have been playing on my main server for a while, so do have all the bells and whistles, yet I see the complaint being made about leveling sucking for a fresh new character without the legacy bells and whistles. I would be willing to test out how fast a toon on a new server, fresh legacy levels, I would be willing to bet I'd be able to level without having to do all the planetary stories (and puh-lease, come talk to me when you have to level 5 or more toons doing planetary mission, I learned in base game how to level to cap without doing content I didn't want to do again, as I had 5 50s when RoTHC launched, and currently have 19 toons at 60+, only one of which is a start at 60). Now to pick a class and server to do this little experiement on...I remember how long it took me to level my first 50, he was about 5 days /played, doing all class and planet story missions, and every side mission I could find, or about 2 weeks of slogging through 8+ hours a day playing (yes, I tend to have no life, I have balanced play time and work/home better now), but it would have been aout 5 days /played, whether I did it on one marathon session, or spread it out over playing for 2-4 hours a day. This was before exp boosts, before guild leveling bonus, before Cartel Market, and I didn't want to spend the credits on the legacy unlocks, so none of those either, just bare character and my drive, and also no presence bonuses from comps (had only got 2 toons to 40ish before this one, and a couple into the teens and 20s, before I made this one and took him up to 50).


Anyway, off to test a theory on a fresh server, now, what class to play?

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Yep. Did Planetary and Story quests to level 15 and was still a level behind curve. Even this was way too grindy as Planetary quests are nowhere near as fun as main story ones. As to the guy above, no I will not grind your silly dungeons and heroic missions. I'd prefer to just play the class story like people did several months ago, which even then if you wanted to waste your life mashing buttons you could disable the XP boost.


That doesn't sound right. The only way you're "behind curve" is if you're in the middle of Taris/Balmorra which is 16-20. I just don't believe you did the Starter planet then Coruscant/DK and wound up only at 15. Most people are sitting well in the 20s now after doing the Capital.

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See this is the thing... It can be established quite easily that you are in fact wrong. This isn't a matter of opinion, you are making an objective statement.


It is quite clear that if you look at the current rate of level/hour played it is as fast if not faster than it was with 12xp. Yes you may have to do more quests, but you gain more XP per planet then you did before. So people are apparently now hitting lvl 65 before they even finish the first 3 chapters. Something I know you couldn't do with 12xp because I leveled a smuggler from 1-53 under 12x XP.


Nope. I'm sure I'm right.

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They revamped the leveling system so that you can get xp while still being overleveled for a planet. In fact you can level up like 5 times in a flashpoint now. Also you can go from 60 to 65 in one operation. So this system is better than 12x because not only do you get more xp for story but you also get it for everything else as well
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Dear Bioware, if you do indeed implement 12x story XP, then please also make sure to add an option to disable extra xp for those who don't want it. In fact, please add this option in any case to disable the current 6x, 36x or whatever the latest fashion is.


I'm starting on Republic Taris (lvl 15-20 planet) as lvl 30 by just doing planetary missions, this current XP rate is beyond ridiculous.

Edited by Styxian
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Dear Bioware.

You are an amazing game developer and have created a lot of great content in SWTOR.

The problem is, the "mmo" aspects of the game (walking long distances, quest grinding) suck. I've only been playing for a week but I read that months ago you had 12x XP for story missions, which would make the game way more fun.

Please implement this feature so I can resub and enjoy the class story. As it stands, there is way too much grinding (EG: Planetary missions) to justify playing 1-60. I'm playing KoTFE during my month of subscription, which is great, then ragequitting.

I will come back if you implement 12XP again.


If you didn't even play with 12x, how can you know what it was like? And yes, you still had to walk everywhere, fight through trash mobs, etc. The only difference was 1 quest instead of 2. Do some of the solo flashpoints that are marked as story content if you don't want to do the planet missions or heroics.

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Firstly no, because grinding sucks. Secondly, this is a lie. It takes both story and planetary missions now to level, which is unacceptable.


If you don't enjoy the stuff you do while leveling, you're probably not going to enjoy the stuff you do at the end of the game.

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Firstly no, because grinding sucks. Secondly, this is a lie. It takes both story and planetary missions now to level, which is unacceptable.


If it is unacceptable for you then you'll need to find another game to play. The 12x was a months long promotion which ended when KOTFE was released.


As far as leveling now it is actually faster than before, overall. Yes, you can do both the Story and Planetary Arcs, but you do not have to. Heck, you can level up strictly doing Pvp or Flashpoints & Operations if you want or just buy a level 60 token and skip all of the content.


Have a great day :)

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the only way possible is if you were only doing the class missions, and not the planetary story arcs (which you can take 1:1 and always be in the same general area) and he was stealthing past every mob he could, and he would absolutely not have been in a flashpoint or pvp match, because that would have given him at least 2 levels per game.


Agreed, OP has to be a troll.


Recommend that moderators close this thread and ban this user.


If you do the exp boost.

And the legacy boost.

You could probably get by with just doing class quest and bonus mission for it.

Worst case, do one planet with it, let level sync catch up to you, and boom.

Hell, even one run in a flashpoint will get level sync on.


Once you hit the level sync point, you can do the class only missions, and bascially be good all the way to the end...


It's insanely easy, that I'm actually rather sad how easy it is.

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The word you want is subjective, a subjective statement is a statement of opinion, which their statement was.


No it wasn't a statement of opinion. They said it takes a lot longer to level now than it did with 12xp. That is not a matter of opinion, that is a measurement of time, which is never subject to opinion.


A lot may be subjective but longer is not.


If, and I'll say I don't know this for a fact, but if it's true that people are hitting lvl 65 before finishing chapter 3. Then it is an objective fact that they are leveling up faster. Unless you are going to try and claim that the time it takes to do the planetary quests from chapter 1, 2, and 3 would take longer to do then all of the post lvl 50 content combined.


That said I'd be interested in seeing the results of your experiment.

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Considering I rolled a Sorcerer about a week ago and even skipping a few planetary quest lines I was already 53 by the time I reached Belsavis I would say leveling is very quick with the current system. As I said that was also completely skipping some planet stories.
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it seems as though newer generations of mmo players don't want to take the time to invest into the game to level up. So why don't we do what I have proposed from the beginning where on the fleet there is "insta max level" button then, you can walk over to your class trainer and get all appropriate artifact gear! then you don't have to do ANY work at all except come onto the forums and complain there is no content to do because you skipped over it all :p
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it seems as though newer generations of mmo players don't want to take the time to invest into the game to level up. So why don't we do what I have proposed from the beginning where on the fleet there is "insta max level" button then, you can walk over to your class trainer and get all appropriate artifact gear! then you don't have to do ANY work at all except come onto the forums and complain there is no content to do because you skipped over it all :p


Don't give them any ideas. :D

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I will reiterate to the OP what others have said. This is not a grindy game. I won't cite Korean MMORPGs, nor Japanese or Taiwanese or Chinese ones.


I will cite a Russian one, Allods Online.


I expect it's still true, but certainly back in the day, if you didn't use XP boost tokens, and you didn't grind dungeons, and you didn't grind various flavours of PvP, you would find yourself having to grind a couple of levels just on monster kills at the end of the "Coba Plateau" zone, and in a couple of other places, because you had NO quests left, and the quests in the next zones were too high level for you.(1)


That's grindy.


(1) Sort of like the guy I met on Imp Quesh the other day. He was desperately trying to find the NPC in the orbital station to give him the shot (the one who launches the purple planetary series). I was free, so I zapped up to the station so I could try to help him. This is the level 36-37 recommended Quesh, mind, and this chap had managed to reach there at level 30, and the NPC wouldn't give him the quest, I presume because he wasn't considered high enough level. I had the feeling he was going to continue, unable to take any purple planetary quest lines, until he met a boss on Voss or somewhere that was too much for him. Quite what he would do then is a bit of a mystery.

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Just do some PVP - as soon as I hit lvl 10 with a new character I queued (yeh - makes me popular) and hit level 20 in 30 mins or so - really far too fast.... crazy fast. I think I'll hit vlv 65 without having finished chapter one at this rate :eek:


Back in the 2.0 days a guildmate of mine got to 55 without ever finishing the prologue just by pvping

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