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Need vs. Greed


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I dont agree with restrictions because I dont like people policing my, or others behaviours.


If some guy yanks items he doesnt need then dont group with him. Let human interaction have a chance here.


/Agree with Eegore here. :)

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I just want to point out that Sorcerer can use mods from saberstaff. Ofc if Knight, Trooper etc would have needed there would not be justification but Sorc needs mods. Most of people just reap mods off from dropgear and move to gear that pleases their eyes anyway. Still, I feel for you but luckily it was only BT you can get better stuff from comms vendor soon :)
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Sometimes its an honest mistake that people select need for an item. I was in a group a couple of days ago and I hit need for an item only i could use in the group, but one other person also selected need, even though he couldn't use it. He quickly realized this and traded me the item for nothing.


This, usually everyone rolls need and greed as they go.

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If the item is a gear drop, then the game should do a check on party and only let people who can actually equip it and have the actual stats as a main stat (strength vs aim, or whatever) hit need. If they choose to hit greed, then it's up for grabs.If it's something everyone can use (power crystals in TFB, mounts etc) then remove need as an option and only let people hit greed or pass to avoid drama with "oh i thought we were all hitting need" etc.


But honestly all of this could be avoided if people would join guilds and do content with friends, or if people weren't so selfish and anti social.

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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I've got it. A new Cartel Market item that allows you to summon a pack of hounds when someone in your group ninja's loot. The hounds will maul the ninja like a rag doll within inches of death, then take the item they ninja'd & bring it to the player who should get it. Done. :)
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There is no programming that the devs could do in order to stop greedy jackwagons.


Maybe not, but changing Need rolls to usable only items is a start.


Never understood why people whine about necromancing if the poster wants to get attention on a still existing issue.


I suppose this means we should all go back and resurrect threads from beta (if they're still around) and pre-launch through 2013 for things that still haven't been fixed in game.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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I suppose this means we should all go back and resurrect threads from beta (if they're still around) and pre-launch through 2013 for things that still haven't been fixed in game.


Don't see the problem with that.

Edited by Cleev
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Who is to say that making a run to gear up an alt is wrong? NOT YOU.


Who is to say that making a run to gear up an alt is right? NOT YOU.


There is something called decency, you've heard about it?

Edited by Cleev
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I was doing the Black Talon flash point today, and the saber staff dropped when we killed the jedi boss. Seeing as I was the only Sith Assassin in the group, I rolled need on it. The Sith Sorcerer in our group also rolled need and won the roll. Now I have to do the flash point again if I want the upgrade. I asked the person to trade me the saber staff since he couldn't use it, but it was bind on pickup.


Is this a bug, or is this intentional? If it is intentional, seems unfair to me that someone who cannot use a piece of gear is still able to roll need on it.


In the future, I would like to see a system whereby you can only roll need on items you can use. I would also like to see a system similar to WoW where you can still trade bound items a certain amount of time after you win the drop. These would solve the issue of people rolling need on gear they don't need or can't use.


next time that he wil ltell u that is ''bind on pickup'' tell him that still can trade it with only group members in a specific period of time. That guy was a pirate looter, nothing more nothing less

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I've got it. A new Cartel Market item that allows you to summon a pack of hounds when someone in your group ninja's loot. The hounds will maul the ninja like a rag doll within inches of death, then take the item they ninja'd & bring it to the player who should get it. Done. :)


I might not need the item, but I would buy this just for the animation of the hounds mauling the ninja...

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Decency is just common sense.


High Horse the the luncatic that rolls for his alts, thinking he wont piss anyone.


Unfortunately decency, common sense and general courtesy don't seem to make it through most of the firewalls of the internet. It's a shame.

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Unfortunately decency, common sense and general courtesy don't seem to make it through most of the firewalls of the internet. It's a shame.


and life that doesnt mean that shouldn't be ecouraged by players.

Edited by ZahirS
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You're kidding right? People would roll on everything. No one would get what they need. Need/greed is a far better system.


While true, the ideal system would be one where everyone got their own loot. The hell with need/greed or anything like it.

Edited by Solo-Jo
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I would actually like to see a system that drops tokens that one can turn in to get the gear they need. The entire gear slot machine is a silly archaic practice IMO.


Like Ops tokens. Would be good tough while leveling you can get gear from comms vendor so its not THAT big deal. Token system is used on Ops, which is good

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Should just do it like guild wars 2 and not have this come up at all, each player simply getting their loot on an individual basis.


Really wish this game promoted teamwork more, GW2 rewards players for helping each other.

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