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Cartel market prices are abusive


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I have to take extra exception at the use of the term abusive. You don't need a single thing from the cartel market to play the game, that goes double for vanity armor. If you had to have health potions to make it through fights, and the only place to get health potions were the cartel market... then you could say the prices were abusive. But when you can't buy some vanity armor you think looks cool, where's the abuse?


If that is abusive pricing, BMW has been making abusive cars for years.

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Cartel market prices are also entirely optional, and not required to partake in game content.



Though I must admit the decorations are very high considering you only get 1 and it cannot be unlocked to get more or for other servers. So just don't buy them. Armour sets to me are ok for the cost. However with the changes made so new companions cannot use them I also think BW should consider the cost. as they are not worth as much if a lot of companions cannot wear them.

Again though don't buy if you are not happy with the prize. As Idoya says it 100% optional.

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That would be a great solution if we were all connected together in a hive mind, you know like the borgs in star trek. And every single player is a borg, and every borg reads your advice and in one nanosecond agrees that is the logical course of action and goes with it. Then bioware would be like oh **** whats going on, they are saying no to our high prices, I guess we need to stop being greedy little *****.


What is your problem? You don't want to spend real money than spend in-game credits to buy stiff you want. If there are people willing to spend 2600CC than the price is right.

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I would personally be mad to see the CM sell it for cheap when players are allowed to sell it for unreasonable prices and i am not speaking about that set only but every set. This is really tiring to see people wanting everything handed to them on a golden plate.


That should just teach some of us to be more *realistic* about their prices.


Personally i hope they will not put the price down for any of complete set. (and when i want a set, i take my characters and get the money for it, i had sometimes to wait one year to get it but each time i did it.)


You do realize that a lower CM price means more people will buy this with Cartel Coins, which means more will be resold on the GTN, which means increased availability and competition, which in turn should lower the GTN prices, right? If you're really that upset about high GTN prices, then lowering the CM price should be a good thing.


Also the whole "if they lower the price more people will buy it" is simplistic nonsense. While yes lower price does tend to drive up demand, that doesn't mean the profit margin is going to be the same.


First off, it's not "simplistic nonsense," it's basic economics (which may be simplified but is far from nonsense).


Secondly, your reasoning seems to be based in the idea that there is a fixed cost for each copy of the item sold, and so a lower price will result in lower profit per item (and potentially lower total profit margins, depending on the change in quantity sold). While this model works for material goods, it does not hold true for virtual goods, and implying that it would is in fact "nonsense".


Once the game asset has been designed and implemented, there are no further costs to develop copies of the item. They could sell one copy or one million copies, and the manufacturing cost would remain the same. If they cut the cost in half, and twice as many players bought the item, the overall profit would remain constant; nothing gained but also nothing lost. If however cutting the cost in half increased the purchase rate by better than double, the profit margins would increase. It would either take an in-depth analysis or some trial and error to determine, but it is reasonable to assume that there is some lower price point for this (and other) cartel market items which would increase sales at a rate better than the reduction in price, which would therefore increase total profits.

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t's not "simplistic nonsense," it's basic economics (which may be simplified but is far from nonsense).


Actually it is since you cherry pick the basic economics to suit your point. There is a point where lowering the price doesn't cover the costs to produce even with digital items.

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