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A conversation with a Pug


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I had a conversation with a random pug in a warzone to try and get into the mind of bad pvp players. I do not think this game has anything to do with skill to a point. It's not like you have to aim or have twitch reflexes. I will not give out the name of the person but here is the exchange we had.


ME:Hello I would like to ask you a few questions about PVPing. I am not trying to be rude, I truly want to know.




ME: The expansion has been out for a bit how can you justify pvping in pve gear when tier 1 pvp gear is so cheap.


Pug: My gear is fine


Me: Ok. In the last two matches You did around 200ish dps While another Sage did 2900 dps. Wouldn't getting gear improve your dps and contribution to a winning effort. (we lost the match) (he was not healing)


Pug: I did more than 200 dps.


Me: I have the screen shot of both matches I can send them if you like.


Pug: When I'm getting killed every 2 seconds. I cant do anything. (he/she died twice)


Me: I assume you understand Keybinds and general mechanics in MMO's. I also realize that your gear is not up to par with other pvpers. I will gladly help you with your gear and any other questions you might have.


Pug:My gear is fine. I know how to PVP everyone else just stands around not doing anything.


I asked a few more questions with no response. This is the exact reason pre-mades exist. I will never again go out of my way to try and help another player again. If you can't even but in the slightest bit of effort to get better I have no time for you.

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Honestly, that's just one player. Although I have seen similar behaviour in others. I've seen some folks say they couldn't dps much because they kept dying. I told them what cool downs they could of used and kiting techniques.


Sometimes they're responses were along the lines of "My bad. I'll try something different next time" (which is actually very encouraging unless they are just saying that to finish the conversation


Seen some responses like "meh, who cares, it's just regs". It is true that it's regs, and it doesn't count for any points like ranked would, but responses like that show a lack of caring to increase their abilities. I just classify them as "tried to help, but they just aren't interested" and move on.


A few friends of mine and I actually helped a few folks out, gear wise and tips on how to improve their game play.

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I would like to thank you for attempting to help another player. I have been a non PvP solo only player for some time for various reasons. But, I am always willing to lend a hand if I can. Glad to still see others doing the same.


Remember we're not all bad.....lol

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you realize there is a companion that requires 20 warzone matches people who normally would have nothing to do with PVP have to do warzones to get him so people must get use to seeing PVE geared players in warzones Edited by Thorlan
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you realize there is a companion that requires 20 warzone matches people who normally would have nothing to do with PVP have to do warzones to get him so people must get use to seeing PVE geared players in warzones


PVE gear is fine - but if you're going to enter a warzone, either do some research first, or at least be receptive to constructive criticism. Ideally, nobody should be in a warzone with PVE mods over 190s (due to bolster) - and certainly not after someone has pointed out their mistake.


If you keep queuing like this, you're actively screwing your team over:


Edited by Jherad
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you realize there is a companion that requires 20 warzone matches people who normally would have nothing to do with PVP have to do warzones to get him so people must get use to seeing PVE geared players in warzones


You realize that there are 20 other companions that DON'T require PvP, and that you can only use 7 at a time, right? so comp #21.... the PvP comp.... is completely useless to you right? Right? :rak_03:

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Generally, I will help people if they ask for it. If people are bad I will spend the entire warzone roasting them because it isn't worth the effort to go out of my way to help someone who just doesn't care. Sometimes when they do care I will still roast them. Because I'm the greatest. :rak_03: Edited by cyber-sub-zero
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You realize that there are 20 other companions that DON'T require PvP, and that you can only use 7 at a time, right? so comp #21.... the PvP comp.... is completely useless to you right? Right? :rak_03:

depends on the player what it comes down to is if they really want that companion or not determines how usless it is some republic players want M1-4X as a companion

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You realize that there are 20 other companions that DON'T require PvP, and that you can only use 7 at a time, right? so comp #21.... the PvP comp.... is completely useless to you right? Right? :rak_03:


Not for a completionist, that player that has to get every achievement and every accomplishment. There are many completionists that want nothing to do with PvP and are angry that they have to do PvP to get a companion they want. Do they HAVE to have M1-4x or LT Pierce? Nope. Do you have to have every member of your team, in a regs group geared to the teeth? Nope.

M1-4X is a cool droid and fun to quest with, it's like running around with a psychopathic version of the Robot from Lost in Space.


For many people PvP is just a mini game to play when you are bored, a distraction and a time filler. Not everyone takes PvP seriously, just like not everyone takes the Story seriously or PvE missions etc. Everyone has their niche thankfully SWTOR allows people to explore other paths, trolling casual PvPers because you classify them as a "bad" doesn't help to strengthen the PvP community. It hurts it

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Everyone has their niche thankfully SWTOR allows people to explore other paths, trolling casual PvPers because you classify them as a "bad" doesn't help to strengthen the PvP community. It hurts it


The point is the PvP community wants people that at least try in regs. Whether that be by listening to people more experienced or by NOT wearing their 216 pve gear in regs (your bolster will be crap). Also many people who are queuing regs with said crap gear and crappy attitude would be the first ones going ballistic if you show up in an op in pvp gear, even if you actually know how to play your spec and trash their dps/hps/tps/mechanics bc you don't keyboard turn etc. Ive seen so many Pvers just afk to get their 20 wins...how many Pvpers do you see /following on GF ops saying "whatever its just SM GF! go f*** yourself, im afking"

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Not for a completionist, that player that has to get every achievement and every accomplishment. There are many completionists that want nothing to do with PvP and are angry that they have to do PvP to get a companion they want. Do they HAVE to have M1-4x or LT Pierce? Nope. Do you have to have every member of your team, in a regs group geared to the teeth? Nope.

M1-4X is a cool droid and fun to quest with, it's like running around with a psychopathic version of the Robot from Lost in Space.


For many people PvP is just a mini game to play when you are bored, a distraction and a time filler. Not everyone takes PvP seriously, just like not everyone takes the Story seriously or PvE missions etc. Everyone has their niche thankfully SWTOR allows people to explore other paths, trolling casual PvPers because you classify them as a "bad" doesn't help to strengthen the PvP community. It hurts it


Suggest a way for completionists who PvP to do so through THEIR preferred method of gameplay then. Are you such a hypocrit that you only care about what affects you? I really do weep for you that you really want this droid. So tough it the f*ck out and finish the requirement if you want it. I didn't want to do the story quests after the first time through, but guess what? If you don't do them you don't get a ship or ANY companions (except ones you can buy of course). So where is your outrage there?

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Arguing that you're upset that you can't get every achievement without PvPing is dribbling retardery. There are already PvP only achievements in the game, and have been for a while. How the hell are you going to get the Manhunter title without PvPing?


That companion (again, just a cosmetic skin) just happens to be one of them. It's just a childish temper tantrum from kids who want something shiny that requires something they're not prepared to do.


I want (insert raid drop here) but don't want to raid. Waah. Pay a PvP guild to carry you in some warzones. Heck, you don't even have to *********** win.

Edited by Jherad
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I do not enjoy PvP in this game so once I saw the comp quest was PvP related I untracked it.


But I can certainly understand - and respect the desires of - a person who does want the companion. For whatever reason.


And if I really wanted that companion, I'd do exactly what others are doing. I'd queue and show up with whatever gear I had and have no clue what was going on. And I'd do it until I had the companion and then avoid PvP until the next arbitrary situation BW put me in requiring it.


The thing is though, I'd feel bad about it. And maybe I'm wrong, but I bet a lot of people in this situation do too.


Don't blame the players. Blame the people who thought it made sense to force the re-acquisition of a companion through PvP. Emphasis on the "re-".


If it were a totally new companion I'd side with the PvP'ers on this, because it does suck for them. But to get back something that people already had? I think the hate is directed in the wrong direction. /shrug

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If it were a totally new companion I'd side with the PvP'ers on this, because it does suck for them. But to get back something that people already had? I think the hate is directed in the wrong direction. /shrug


You are NOT getting back something you had. If you are a class that had that companion previously, you don't need to do the PVP at all - he just joins you automatically. So yeah, it's a completely new companion for everyone else.


The only 'problem' here is that PvEers are expecting to participate in a group without putting in 2 minutes of effort, whilst if the shoe was on the other foot, they be hitting the 'kick' button (and putting that person on ignore) in a split second. If only ignore prevented you from getting grouped with players in WZs like it does for PVE.


Player 1: LFM Flashpoint XYZ, please be geared and know the fight.

Player 2: **** you. I'll come along in lvl 30 greens, stand in the corner for the duration, and you'll *********** LIKE it.

Edited by Jherad
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You are NOT getting back something you had. If you are a class that had that companion previously, you don't need to do the PVP at all - he just joins you automatically. So yeah, it's a completely new companion for everyone else.


The only 'problem' here is that PvEers are expecting to participate in a group without putting in 2 minutes of effort, whilst if the shoe was on the other foot, they be hitting the 'kick' button (and putting that person on ignore) in a split second. If only ignore prevented you from getting grouped with players in WZs like it does for PVE.


Player 1: LFM Flashpoint XYZ, please be geared and know the fight.

Player 2: **** you. I'll come along in lvl 30 greens, stand in the corner for the duration, and you'll *********** LIKE it.



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  • 3 weeks later...
I run into this with strategy and gear issues as well. A lot of times players like this are very defensive because they just are, or maybe they have been yelled at that they suck, etc. So when someone comes along that actually wants to help them improve, they take it as a personal attack instead of genuine help. If more people that played were like you and really wanted to help them, they might be more open to it.
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