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Space combat...good or bad?


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The space battles where the only thing Star Trek Online got right.


Yeah, because spamming your space bar was super fun.


STO had some good aspects, but the fact that you couldn't turn toggle more than two weapons at a time was gamebreaking for me. I wanted feel like a starfleet captain and yell "Fire Phasers!"


Not "Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers! Fire Phasers!"

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space combat here is a side game nothing more, I have fun with it, if it was the main focus of the game it would be problem..LOL


Really I enjoy it for what it is.. a break form the ground, extra exp, coin, and I have fun with it. Allot of different opinions on space, best way to decide is to play it yourself, no one knows what you like but you..:)

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After comng from SWG I really hated the idea, then I saw videos and said meh, tried it in beta and said meh. Since the game launched, I can actually say I enjoy it. It's an addicting min-game for me providing decent xp, and credits whe I have a mission for it. Not sure how long it will last. I hope they do a lot more with this before it becomes a complete afterthought to many players. They need to have an aspect of it off the rails, perhaps later expansions? Edited by Vanive
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Personally I think it's fun as is. It's not the epic space combat it could be, but I like it and find it a great distraction. I would love if later they added some open pvp zone that was space combat off the rail. If they don't do it I won't be disappointed, but I have a feeling one day they might
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what is everyones opinion on space combat?


space combat in this game is very limited and in my opinion not up to the same style of play as the rest of the game.


Did you really want to know our opinion on it?


I'm playing an MMO so for me it is fine. I think they knew it was limited and not up to the same style of play as the rest of the game. It is instanced completely.


So for someone who never played the games you mentioned, this is fine for me. If I wanted to pvp in space I'd play EVE.


Also, my hubby and I (who play together) have found it useful for "catching up". He forgets to log out in cantinas and so I wind up leveling faster so he will sometimes do a few space battle quests just to catch up.

Edited by Msbungle
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I think is a quick way to make a bit of xp/cash... alot of the missions last like 5-10 min. It's like alot of games I used to play on the Sega Genesis/SNES (Starfox rings a bell), so it's enjoyable for what it is. However, I would like and hope Bioware decides to expand on this. Hell, they already got a ship avatar for adding the ship upgrades as gear, I do think they could make some free flying areas for pvp/pve. It would add alot to the game if they did. As it is... it's a fun little distraction.
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If this was a standalone F2P game I wouldn't have much negative to say about it.


To me, this form of space combat doesn't do the game justice on its own.


Whilst some like it, I just think its out of place for my personal taste.


I'd say keep it in (for those who enjoy it), but also offer something more "rich" which can be a foundation for the future and offer so much more that is indicative of a typical MMO experience that people yearn for.


A design which possibly includes the following:

  • Full control of the ship (this is of paramount importance if any of the below is to be achieved well).
  • Typical MMO style Multiplayer capabilities (squadrons of ships).
  • PVE and PVP style activities (think of warzones in space).
  • Solo missions, group based Flashpoints and raid sized Operation style missions.
  • Guild specific functionality (being able to visit guild ships, organise guild specific space combat).
  • Class specific missions: Smuggling, bounty hunting, diplomatic missions (jedi), infiltration (Agent) and destruction (Sith).
  • Ability to "hang out" with friends in space a player wants to.
  • Maybe even allow same-ship multiplayer functionality (like that found in SWG) where one player controls the ship, and others "man the turrets".
  • Ability to explore the galaxy.
  • Storylines involving the on coming war.

Something that helps to take the gameplay experience BEYOND the class story and into the realms of the unknown. Where the player is immersed in the feeling of being part of something "greater".

Edited by Tarka
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The space battles where the only thing Star Trek Online got right.


100% AGREE, thats the only reason i still play it. i love the pvp space battles, and the pve isnt bad either


very similar to galaxies, except galaxies allowed you to free roam entire galaxy and engage andy pvp toon or pve. you could mine asteriods, set up ambushes, it was your ship you could fly it to anywhere you want.

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If this was a standalone F2P game I wouldn't have much negative to say about it.


To me, this form of space combat doesn't do the game justice on its own.


Whilst some like it, I just think its out of place for my personal taste.


I'd say keep it in (for those who enjoy it), but also offer something more "rich" which can be a foundation for the future and offer so much more that is indicative of a typical MMO experience that people yearn for.


A design which possibly includes the following:

  • Full control of the ship (this is of paramount importance if any of the below is to be achieved well).
  • Typical MMO style Multiplayer capabilities (squadrons of ships).
  • PVE and PVP style activities (think of warzones in space).
  • Solo missions, group based Flashpoints and raid sized Operation style missions.
  • Guild specific functionality (being able to visit guild ships, organise guild specific space combat).
  • Class specific missions: Smuggling, bounty hunting, diplomatic missions (jedi), infiltration (Agent) and destruction (Sith).
  • Ability to "hang out" with friends in space a player wants to.
  • Maybe even allow same-ship multiplayer functionality (like that found in SWG) where one player controls the ship, and others "man the turrets".
  • Ability to explore the galaxy.
  • Storylines involving the on coming war.

Something that helps to take the gameplay experience BEYOND the class story and into the realms of the unknown. Where the player is immersed in the feeling of being part of something "greater".


good points, keep it in like it is for mini games, but add for more in depth game play.


my favorite aspect of galaxies was the community and space combat. need both in this game. off to a good start hope they listen and expand. that was galaxies problem, they didnt listen and after NGE they lost it. this game was just the tombstone

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It's fun as a break from questing and grinding. It could be better. There's every reason to think that BioWare could improve upon it. I suspect it will get better down the road.


But here's what I want to see: Pod Racing! It could be done in a similar fashion (against AI), with other players (for rewards that scale with place), and best of all- there could be pvp races where there is not only the racing aspect, but being able to sabotage and interfere with other players as you race to the finish line.


Oh please Santa...

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That's a nice minigame, feels refreshing between quest sessions. Too bad it's only solo, this game could really use more multiplayer interactions.


A point that should be emphasized - for an MMO, it feels an awful lot like a single-person console game with some multi-player features. There simply aren't enough reasons yet for players to interact with each other.

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