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The fairness in Preferred Status, or lack thereof.


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I don't mean all this in a leeching and give me stuff-for-free kind of way, rather someone who believes things could be tweaked so as to give costumers a better and more fair experience.


You mean ex-customers...


If you're not a sub, then you're not a current customer. I'm sure a small fraction of F2P/Preferred players do buy CC and such, but I can't imagine it is much. If you buy more than a rare handful of CC, you might as well sub.


I recall a year or so ago EA even saying that something like 80% (if I recall) of the CM sales were to subs. Which makes sense, people willing to buy CC are willing to sub.


So frankly, you won't get a lot of compassion for F2P here. If you like the game, sub. If you don't, then don't. And don't play it, go do something else if you don't have the money or don't want to spend it.

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I'm led to believe you didn't read neither the OP nor through the thread because:


a) that's already been said.


b) nobody is claiming equality between subs and preferred status.


Bad strawman. ;)


Your're right I'm not going to read through six pages of a topic when I know what it amounts to.


Group One: I want almost everything the Subs get without having to spend a dime on it.

Group Two: No because you are not earning it through your wallet like we are.


This is what happens EVERY TIME a topic like this is made.


P.s. 9 times out of 10 the people who make topics like this are subs who want to stop paying but they don't want to loose the benefits that they can't buy unlocks for.

Edited by Anaesha
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Your're right I'm not going to read through six pages of a topic when I know what it amounts to.


Group one: I want almost everything the Subs get without having to spend a dime on it.

Group Two: No because you are not earning it through your wallet like we are.


This is what happens EVERY TIME a topic like this is made.


What about Group Three, who are fine with not getting everything a sub gets, but wouldn't mind a few tweaks to the Preferred limitations? Is that a group of one (me)?

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Your're right I'm not going to read through six pages of a topic when I know what it amounts to.


Group one: I want almost everything the Subs get without having to spend a dime on it.

Group Two: No because you are not earning it through your wallet like we are.


This is what happens EVERY TIME a topic like this is made.



Yet you're the first to bring it up. Funny innit?


What the poster above said.

Edited by richiesilva
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What about Group Three, who are fine with not getting everything a sub gets, but wouldn't mind a few tweaks to the Preferred limitations? Is that a group of one (me)?


out of every topic like this that I've read people that just want the F2P/Pref restrictions tweaked rarely voice their opinion and the ones who do get drowned out by the other two groups.

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out of every topic like this that I've read people that just want the F2P/Pref restrictions tweaked rarely voice their opinion and the ones who do get drowned out by the other two groups.


I feel like this discussion is becoming a bit dumb. However, I'll give it a last try: nobody, besides you, has yet mentioned giving preferred the same rights as a sub. Not here, not yet. It doesn't matter what it usually boils down to. You coming here guns blazing, hijacking the thread and framing the issue doesn't do much good. What is to be gained by discussing bad hypotheticals? ;)


All in good spirit. There's still honest people in the world

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I feel like this discussion is becoming a bit dumb. However, I'll give it a last try: nobody, besides you, has yet mentioned giving preferred the same rights as a sub. Not here, not yet. It doesn't matter what it usually boils down to. You coming here guns blazing, hijacking the thread and framing the issue doesn't do much good. What is to be gained by discussing bad hypotheticals? ;)


TBH nothing will be gained by what I'm doing but at the same time nothing will be gained by what you're doing.


People can preach to high heaven that they want this or that tweaked for the F2P/Pref system but it won't be changed anytime soon if ever.


This is nothing new people have been asking for changes some even demanding it and in the years since the F2P system was released BW has changed NOTHING!!

Edited by Anaesha
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This game actually gives you a huge chunk of solo play for free. It's really when you want to group or interact with others that f2p becomes really restrictive. If all you want to do is play class stories, you can do so as f2p. They can play all 16 advance classes by making characters on multiple servers.


There's nothing as f2p that you need to play the game from 1-50.

Lots of stuff you may want, but nothing you need.


No f2p player needs to spend more than 200k to play the game. They can own strongholds, have guilds, participate in conquests, run ops and warzones with passes. It's true that many unlocks and passes cost way more than the credit cap, but f2p players that really want them can get them thru credit escrows, guildies, or a transaction broken up in multiples of the credit cap. I have sold a few expensive items to f2p players this way.


Yes, once you have subbed, it is very hard to play as preferred unless you have unlocked most everything. But once you have, all you really need are ops/warzone passes and escrow unlocks until the next time you sub.

Edited by Machinder
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Then you may as well nuke the entire forums, because, more often than not, this sort of thing is that it all boils down to. There's discussion to be had. and I don't think any of it is impossible.


I'm assuming since this is your first Topic on the forums that you're new to the game. I've been here long enough to not expect anything from BW when it comes to things like the F2P System and we can debate the usefulness of such discussions until the cows come home but in the end nothing will change.


I don't like it any better then you do I've even tried in the past to get things tweaked for them but I've long since given up the ghost.

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Easing Preferred restrictions would make more people stay Preferred, not get more people to subscribe. Preferred is not intended to be a viable alternative to subscribing.


^ This... My god I just agreed with Bran, something just froze over!


If the credit cap was raised or there was a way to remove it, I could unsub tomorrow. It is the only thing really keeping me subbed.

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What about Group Three, who are fine with not getting everything a sub gets, but wouldn't mind a few tweaks to the Preferred limitations? Is that a group of one (me)?


No, you're group one, you just have something specific you want to avoid having to sub.


Frankly, if it were up to me... I'd level cap all F2P at lvl 50, you can play the class missions until the cows come home, you want more, pay for it. If you unsub, you're level synced to 50 until you sub again...

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Preferred Status feels like one big hit in the stomach. The distinction between PS and F2P is almost non-existant, and I don't think this is remotely fair. After having spent quite the money by subscribing to the game, one would expect less restrictions when downgraded than we currently get, but instead we become leveled almost on par with free-to-play; and though you may argue the usual same (BW's only source of income are subs, so why would others get any benefits whatsoever), I fail to see how being treated with such disdain will get people to subscribe again.


My subscription is nearly ending and due to personal reasons I won't be able to re-subscribe for a while. The quasi-insulting way of treating costumers who have spent actual and relevant quantities of money on a similar fashion to those who did not contribute a dime makes me sad to say the least.


Being capped at 350K is unreasonable: only 150K credits more than F2P? Some of the unlocks may come with the friends bundle, but that's not nearly as sufficient, especially considering how lesser they are. This is meant generically, I'm sure at least a few agree with me and can point out specific things that could be changed.


I don't mean all this in a leeching and give me stuff-for-free kind of way, rather someone who believes things could be tweaked so as to give costumers a better and more fair experience. I know this is controversial - you may disagree, and share your opinion all right, but please don't attack me. :)


Yours kindly.


There is no point trying to reason and present a good argument for most of the people on this forum. So many subscribers seem to have their head up their ***. They actually think their measly subscription to this game is what keeps it alive . (Prior to KOTFE anyway) 1 hypercrate is the same worth as 3 months of a sub, let that sink in for a moment. Its people who buy 30-40 hypercrates each month that keeps this game alive . If you sub and never buy anything from the cartel market , you are like a fart in the wind , a drop in the sea. Time for a reality check people .

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There is no point trying to reason and present a good argument for most of the people on this forum. So many subscribers seem to have their head up their ***. They actually think their measly subscription to this game is what keeps it alive . (Prior to KOTFE anyway) 1 hypercrate is the same worth as 3 months of a sub, let that sink in for a moment. Its people who buy 30-40 hypercrates each month that keeps this game alive . If you sub and never buy anything from the cartel market , you are like a fart in the wind , a drop in the sea. Time for a reality check people .


Guess what the people who BUY those packs ain't F2p/Prefs they are SUBSCRIBERS!!!


Think that one over for awhile. :D

Edited by Anaesha
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No one has yet tried to explain how a reworking of f2p/preferred status would be bad for the game, monetarily.


It would be bad because if I could cancel my sub and keep my benefits, I would.


So BW would lose out on my sub money.


That is bad for the game, monetarily.

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Guess what the people who BUY those packs ain't F2p/Prefs they are SUBSCRIBERS!!!


Think that one over for awhile. :D


You missed the point . There seem to be this fallacy going around that if you sub you magically keep this game alive , while the reality is that there are a few rich people who are willing to drop alot of money on the cartel market that keeps this game alive, wheter they are F2P/Prefered or a sub is irrelevant, and mere speculation anyway.

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Because clearly, the only reason people are subbing is to avoid the credit cap. Raise the credit cap, and no one will sub. At least, that's the argument I hear.


Oh really , and how would people get access to warzones and raids then, assuming noone is subbing?

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You missed the point . There seem to be this fallacy going around that if you sub you magically keep this game alive , while the reality is that there are a few rich people who are willing to drop alot of money on the cartel market that keeps this game alive, wheter they are F2P/Prefered or a sub is irrelevant, and mere speculation anyway.


The sub money is between 1/3 and 1/2 of the total revenue of the game. That isn't nothing...

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It is not an all or nothing thing. The sub count doesn't have to drop to zero for it to become a problem.


A low sub count doesnt have to be a problem either , aslong as money is spent on the cartel market . Quite frankly they seem to be going for a less regular subscriber mass anyway , now with the focus on story and no new content to speak of.

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