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Characters stuck in stronghold


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This is the second time this month all my characters are stuck inside a stronghold.


No loading bar appears at the bottom of the screen when I try and load into the game. Then I get this pop up: "Your characters on this server are currently unavailable due to maintenance. Please try again at a later time." and it puts me to server selection screen.


This is becoming a joke Bioware. I can't even play my characters are they are stuck in the stronghold. You didn't even acknowledge the problem the first time this has happened. Now it's the second time I want recognition for this freaking bug and compensation for not being able to play. I'm a subscriber. I pay for services I am not receiving.

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Bumping this again.


I do know there is a fix, but when your guild leader is stuck inside a stronghold too, it's impossible to have your character kicked from the guild.


Bioware. Freaking sort this out. The first time this happened. I was unable to play my characters for 2 days. And oh looking. Shockingly it's been 2 days again that I can't play on my characters. Thats 4 days of subscription WASTED.

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So yeah.... I guess this is a thing..... Logged of on my guildship last night.... today I cant log in... having SAME message that OP is getting.


And while I understand that kicking my toon from the guild will resolve the issue, this is not a "FIX." its a BS workaround. A fix would involve Bioware addressing and patching whatever is causing this issue to begin with.

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My whole guild is having this issue. And it shows that it's not just my guildies that are struggling too.


I'm gonna keep posting here until Bioware acknowledge there is a freaking problem. I'll be counting each day I can't play due to this bug. If I don't get those days credited back to my account I'll be taking my money else where. I already know that half my guild are thinking of quitting and going to Final Fantasy 14.

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There are a couple of threads on this. But since yours is currently at the top, I'm going to post here.


If you are in another persons stronghold, they need to remove access from you, and your chars will all be kicked out finally freeing them.


If you are stuck in a guildhold/ship/whatever the fix is to kick you from the guild, then reinvite you.


Now if your gleader is stuck in the guildhold/ship they are sorta screwed. :(


If the stronghold you are trapped in is yours, there is one option to free yourself, and this is an option I do not recommend. You can delete your stronghold. That will boot all your characters back out. I would NOT recommend that if you have spent money unlocking rooms. However if it is the DK or Coruscant starter apartment with no unlocks, delete that damn thing. You will get your deco back, you can make a new one with no real loss other than time to put your deco back down. But if you have say the Yavin stronghold with all the rooms unlocked DO NOT DELETE it. Just... no. You will regret it later.

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There are a couple of threads on this. But since yours is currently at the top, I'm going to post here.


If you are in another persons stronghold, they need to remove access from you, and your chars will all be kicked out finally freeing them.


If you are stuck in a guildhold/ship/whatever the fix is to kick you from the guild, then reinvite you.


Now if your gleader is stuck in the guildhold/ship they are sorta screwed. :(


If the stronghold you are trapped in is yours, there is one option to free yourself, and this is an option I do not recommend. You can delete your stronghold. That will boot all your characters back out. I would NOT recommend that if you have spent money unlocking rooms. However if it is the DK or Coruscant starter apartment with no unlocks, delete that damn thing. You will get your deco back, you can make a new one with no real loss other than time to put your deco back down. But if you have say the Yavin stronghold with all the rooms unlocked DO NOT DELETE it. Just... no. You will regret it later.


This is nice and all. But this doesn't solve the issue. There is still a bug. And Bioware, so far, are refusing to acknowledge this bug. It's becoming stupid how little they actually care unless money involved.


"Oh noes. The level 60 tokens don't work. We must fix those else people will stop buying them and we'll lose money."


This proves that all they give a crap about is making money. Instead of making us, the consumer, happy.

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I really wish I had the magic fix to make the bug go away, however this is the info I have collected in game on how to potentially get your chars out and moving again.


Right now I am afraid to log off in my stronghold, anyone else's strong hold, or even my ship.


I agree though, Bioware needs to get this bug squashed fast. At the very least they need to post something saying that strongholds are broken and to avoid logging off in them until they get it fixed.

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I had to actually call them and have a live CS person teleport my character out of the zone (he put him on Dromund Kaas). I got trapped on a friend's ship after having "returned" there directly from a stronghold when that player wasn't online, so it's not exactly the same situation but I bet the same solution would work.




Good luck.

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