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Companion Chatter Issue


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I have seen it before some time ago and notice that this was not addressed.


Please, for the sake of my sanity, give us an option to be able to disable the in-game voice of characters when attacking.


I use Treek, the Ewok, who insists on saying "You underestimate me!" on EVERY single attack command issued to her, in her native tongue. It is extremely, extremely annoying!


Enough said.

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That's the primary reason I've never acquired Treek. I didn't get her when she was considered superior to every other companion, and I certainly won't get her now that every companion is the same.


On a related note though, Theron is overusing his "Should I say it like a spy? 'Target eliminated.'" line.

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Yeah, Treek was a considerable boon back on release.


Nowadays, she is just simply annoying beyond belief. I can understand that this issue slipped below the radar but, I would love to see this get fixed. I am sure there are many players who would benefit from such a simple change.

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They never fixed Treek, they fixed so that we can use all companions instead.


Use the companion that you like best and leave Treek on a planet to hunt creatures :tran_cool:


Well, after spending hard-earned cash on Treek, back in the day, that advice comes as a rather bitter pill to swallow.


I would much rather there was a fix but, in the meantime, I believe I am forced to take your advice because I can't take it a moment longer; it really is that bad!

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I would love to have Tree accompany me on my dangerous missions.




I can't she keeps repeating the same line OVER AND OVER AND OVER! Every 3-5 secs she says the same thing in an unending loop! FIX PLS! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

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It's not limited to Treek anymore. Lots, if not most of the new companions keep babbling during combat, all the time. It's so annoying. Some of them give more than one comment per mob attacked.


I have noticed this too, especially with Lana.

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I haven't heard what any of these companions have said, I treat them the same way I treat my friend of the past 25 years, I pretty much ignore anything he says, unless it includes the phrase 'get pizza' 'get tacos' erm, and a few other 'gets' ;)


Otherwise I'm not exactly sure what he's saying, I'm sure it's of some importance, maybe.

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I haven't heard what any of these companions have said, I treat them the same way I treat my friend of the past 25 years, I pretty much ignore anything he says, unless it includes the phrase 'get pizza' 'get tacos' erm, and a few other 'gets' ;)


Otherwise I'm not exactly sure what he's saying, I'm sure it's of some importance, maybe.


This gave me a good laugh :)

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