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If you dont have friends or guild to play wz why should they be removed ? I like to play premade group withs friends or guildmebers, its good practise and more fun than playing solo , where more than half think they are pro and flame on others.


So premade > solo

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I guess augments, and *gasp* purple gear should be banned in ungranked too, right?


Here's the thing, I queue solo more ofthen then I queue with a premade because of my timezone, that being said, I will never stop running premades, simply because they are more enjoyable. Not the gankfest you are talking about, but what is enjoyable is knowhing your Sage will pull you up in Huttball, NOT go off deathmatching at mid, knowing that your healer will do more than hide under your jobjective, know that your team actually watches their back in Voidstar.


I have PVPed for two and a half years in this game. I am told that I am "good", but I know I am NOT capable of carrying 7 random pugs in all games. I cannot heal, tank, and cap at the same time, all the while CCing the enemy tanks and bursting their healers....two things at a time, tops.


Even if only dedicated people do PVP, I will still queue wiht groups whene I feel like it, just for the thrill of two great teams fighitng each other.


Grouping is fun!

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I totally agree, premades should only be on ranked ques. It is so annoying to que up for unranked, only to be stomped over and over and over by the same couple of jerks who have decided they want to win every game just because! (they're already geared to the teeth most of the time, this is just to win)


Or just make a SOLO unranked que, have it have less rewards for all i care just give me the option to sign up for a fair match.

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Four years and people still don't understand that they should be asking for a proper matchmaking system in regs.


As someone who solo queues as often (or possibly more) that I group I do not want to eliminate groups from regular pvp, but a proper matchmaking system would be the single greatest thing that BW could do to improve pvp (aside from cross server, which we know is not going to happen).

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Four years and people still don't understand that they should be asking for a proper matchmaking system in regs.

Impossible without cross-server, for which we were asking all the time. Now there is no population left to support proper ELO anyway, for example almost all good pvpers have transferred or rolled alts on TRE on EU now and cross-server would not even double the pool of good players anymore.

Edited by Arunas
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It is 4, but the unranked queue happily would add 4+4 if they press the queue button at the same time, thus creating a full 8M. Instead of making each 4M a core of a group and filling the rest of the spots with solo players. Which would have been particularly effective if cross-faction was in effect. It also allows the groups of 2 and 3, that may result in illogical matchmaking for the reg arenas (like one group having 2 heals, and another - 2 tanks, instead of two balanced groups). All and all, it would be nice to have a play-group that works as a trinity 4M and is used to playing together. Edited by DomiSotto
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Impossible without cross-server, for which we were asking all the time. Now there is no population left to support proper ELO anyway, for example almost all good pvpers have transferred or rolled alts on TRE on EU now and cross-server would not even double the pool of good players anymore.


A proper matchmaking algorithm would eventually allow lopsided matches, so even on low population servers it would not be a detriment to pvp.


Eliminating premades from the regular queue would (possibly) have multiple negative consequences, implementing a proper match making system would have zero negative consequences, even if it provided little/no improvements on low population servers.

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It gets much harder the more population and more randomization you introduce in the queue (even the cross-faction would break up the sync).


On the other hand, one can introduce a specific mechanism that actually favors the full 8M Op group, and there is a strong incentive to pre-create one with a pre-set comp.


Overall, though, I do not think that it will change things that much. We tend to follow the path of least resistance. But it also diverges very clearly based on the skillset.


It is a rare player that aspires to, actively works towards and eventually acquires the skill necessary to play in a group. Until that happens it is actually harder to play as a group. Logistics of putting an 8M that is on-line at the same time in appropriate roles, coordinating with others, requires better awareness to work together and take responsibility, and maintain a team... it's all herding cats compared to just pressing the queue button whenever.


Once that is worked out though, the pay off is huge, and playing as a team becomes easier than pugging, and a matter of routine.


The trick is that you have to put in a lot of work to get there in the world of the internet and hobbie pastime, instead of hoping for them, guys, loading with 7 or 6 or relying on the random chance of everyone being on the same skill level, and a guy with leadership talent on your side.


Sorry, just thinking aloud.

Edited by DomiSotto
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It gets much harder the more population and more randomization you introduce in the queue (even the cross-faction would break up the sync).


On the other hand, one can introduce a specific mechanism that actually favors the full 8M Op group, and there is a strong incentive to pre-create one with a pre-set comp.


Overall, though, I do not think that it will change things that much. We tend to follow the path of least resistance. But it also diverges very clearly based on the skillset.


It is a rare player that aspires to, actively works towards and eventually acquires the skill necessary to play in a group. Until that happens it is actually harder to play as a group. Logistics of putting an 8M that is on-line at the same time in appropriate roles, coordinating with others, requires better awareness to work together and take responsibility, and maintain a team... it's all herding cats compared to just pressing the queue button whenever.


Once that is worked out though, the pay off is huge, and playing as a team becomes easier than pugging, and a matter of routine.


The trick is that you have to put in a lot of work to get there in the world of the internet and hobbie pastime, instead of hoping for them, guys, loading with 7 or 6 or relying on the random chance of everyone being on the same skill level, and a guy with leadership talent on your side.


Sorry, just thinking aloud.


Oh definitely, from GSF to dirtside butchery, getting any random pug group on fleet will result in headaches and nonsense, but getting together a full team with a proper comp can be ridiculously fun, even if you put in a lot of effort.


It took me a long time to train tanks and healers and offtanks and skankhealers and whatnot, but I did it, and what is funny is that after you learn how to fight as a group, you then become more able to function in a pug. You have the knowledge, the "leadership skills" which you mentioned, and you know what you are doing.

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Grouping with 3 other guildmates for regs is the easiest way to reduce potential number of pve scrubs, deathmatchers, keyboard turners and M1-4X heroes from 7 to 4. Half of the time those so-called tryhard premades are not on any voice comms and on some random undergeared alts queueing together for fun as 4 dps. But soon as ppl see 4 ppl of the same guild tag they start raging.

Half of the time i queue with 3 people who does not bear the same guild tag as me and miraculously all that nonsense about premade tryhards disappears as by magic.

Other times when people see a certain guild tag they already assume that it is a premade, although it is a single fella queueing to get his daily done.

Whining about premades on the other side is just a very simple way to justify a loss.

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