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Top 3 Things to Fix PvP


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Here is my top 3-


1. Tier the warzones (10-19, 20-29, ect)

Warzones break down to who has the most lvl 40's and 50 players. The complaint to "just level up" is worthless. Everyone should be able to have a fun in warzones and tiering the zones would work.


2. Allow to boot AFK players

We have started to see AFK players in games. Allow for vote kick by teams to deal with this.


3. Reward players with more medals for actually doing things that pertain to the match

scoring / passing medals, killing blows on a defend point, planting or defusing a bomb



What is your top 3?

Edited by thebadger
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Here is my top 3-


1. Tier the warzones (10-19, 20-29, ect)

Warzones break down to who has the most lvl 40's and 50 players. The complaint to "just level up" is worthless. Everyone should be able to have a fun in warzones and tiering the zones would work.


2. Allow to boot AFK players

We have started to see AFK players in games. Allow for vote kick by teams to deal with this.


3. Reward players with more medals for actually doing things that pertain to the match (scoring / passing medals, killing blows on a defend point, planting or defusing a bomb)



What is your top 3?


I agree with your last 2 issues but not your first I do fine with low level toons against high level toons. Just need to learn how to use your abilities you DO have and for lack of a better term "Exploit" weaknesses I.E Troops are SOL if you get in close


as for my tops 3 they include your bottom two as well as my number one


Allow full 8 man premades with about 8 guildies online and on vent/teamspeak/mumble its kinda meh not being able to have us all in the same match.



I also hope to see HUGE raid style Warzones available in the future example being Aleric Valley in WoW

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1. Fix the Warzone performance ASAP! In PVE everything is fine. When I enter PVP it is hell: FPS drop, clunky abilities etc.


2. Fix the sound!. It is a total mess!


3. We need just normal WOWish brackets: 10-14, 15-19 etc...



pretty easy...

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1. CC and knockbacks are a little out of control.


2. Take a hard look at the damage done data for all classes and it'll be apparent what class needs "adjusting".


3. Put level 50's with full pvp sets already in their own tier. If it's not feasible yet- put it in the pipeline. These guys wreck every game.

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I've noticed major things that are gamebreaking in certain situations.


For instance the way lag is compensated for with channeled dmg spells/interrupt:


I play smuggler, so smuggler vs. scorceror here's the scenario:


He casts that channeled lighting spell, I interrupt it at about 90%, he keeps casting lightning, I'm running around trying to que my skills to either to cc, close distance or do damage. He keeps lightninging me. So now finally my interrupt goes off ( I can tell because his cast bar quit all of a sudden around 30-40% and he acts a bit stunned ) but what the hell man?


Yes I used my interrupt correctly, yes I clearly hit him at 90% because I had time to curse and run around a while watching him just drain my hp before it finally registered the interrupt going off. Now where's my 60% hp back for using the interrupt at the right time? The game just lets him cast right through it, it's very unfair.


I can tell by the way he acts and the way we're BOTH moving that we are live. Our walking is not de-synced at all. You can tell because a good pvper keeps the proper distance from his target. We were neck and neck many times with no lag on movement or registering range for damage between us.. It's just the interrupt timing!


I've also tested this by doing nothing but spamming stuns and interrupts on casters and same thing with dirty kick. The ONLY one that isn't jacked up is flash grenade. That one will always stop them INSTANTLY like they're ALL supposed to but it has a long CD in comparison.


So more than anything FIX the things associated with CC, breaking CC, timed interrupts and casts! TIMING is everything in those pvp matches and the warzone hang ups a lot of times just cater to button mashing.


This leads to my next complaint: #2


This may be smuggler only, but I asked in general and other people are complaining too. Here's the for instance:


I take cover and start casting aimed shot. The bar fills up, no aimed shot. ***? I try again, (this all takes place over like 5 seconds real fast) same thing. So I exit cover, re enter cover, use aimed shot. FINALLY it goes off.


So now I've taken 15 seconds to do like 1k damage. TOTAL CRAP. I've resorted to just using quick shot and Charged burst ( WHICH USES THE SAME MECHANIC AS AIMED SHOT JUST LONGER CAST TIME ***? ) because they actually work, EVERY time. Still I'm missing a ton of DPS due to being unable to rely on my most powerful skills.. unlike Sith Sorceror or Bounty Hunter. I've played them both ALL their skills work.


edit: I also want to say I know it's not my network or PC if you read and noticed I pointed out skills I can rely on every time. It's not lag in general, but how they compensate for timing on your end. Sorry I know I said "lag" didn't want to mis-communicate.


- In conclusion, the game will never be balanced until what is supposed to work actually works. PLEASE fix those things first before trying any suggestions people have for changes. Maybe the way it was supposed to be in the first place is the best way but we have NO idea. I know smugglers don't.

Edited by Wrenthirtysix
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Fix warzone lag IMMEDIATELY. Before you do anything else, you MUST find a way to diminish lag. Being a scoundrel it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to use my best abilities like Back Blast and Shoot First with HORRIBLE lag in EVERY GAME. Not being able to use my best abilities makes warzones UNPLAYABLE for my class. I just played a game where I followed a Sorcerer around, in stealth, for 15 (!) seconds trying to use Shoot First and my character WOULD NOT USE THE ABILITY.
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Tiering warzones is a terrible idea. We already get Huttball 90% of games as Imperial, what do you think will happen if everything is bracketed? Bad bad bad idea.


I've managed to kill level 50s as a level 10, I don't see this as much of a problem, just an incentive to level.


Now, on the other hand, BW DOES need to add expertise to lower level. Its stupid that even the PvP gear doesn't have it.

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1- Skills taking up to 5 seconds (yeah, 5) to START casting. What's wrong with the WZs? Less than 100ms ping and only 16 players, and the server can't handle it? And no, it isn't my connection, 20mb/s should be enough to play a game without this stupid lag, plus it only happens in the WZ maps. Aion was laggy sometimes in PvP in Abyss, but only with 100+ players in screen. Clearly the problem is on the server's end.


2- Falling out of the map. You are running (simply running) or get pushed by someone and you fall through the ground, downwards. It happened to me in huttball many times. Only in huttball tho and it happens less often lately.


3- Making a solo and a group queue that mixes people, that's stupid. BW's brightest idea, put lvl 50 premades in PvP gear vs full level 10-20 PUGs. 'nuff said.


4- PvP gear rewards based on how many WZs you play, even if you just afk in a corner.


5- People leaving WZs without punishment. They should be banned from WZs for 10-15 mins for leaving.


6- Broken anti-AFK system that starts counting when you start loading the area, leaving you with 10-15 seconds to leave the spawn area if you join a match that has started already, only to find a wall blocking your way out of the spawn point. And it ports you back to the fleet ship, not wherever you were when you joined the WZ. Funny, huh?


7- Area loading error when entering WZs. It doesn't happen too often, but it happens.


8- Instant-queues kicking you to the character selection screen.


9- PvP. It's broken. It needs fixing. Period.


I count more than 3 D:

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1. CC and knockbacks are a little out of control.


2. Take a hard look at the damage done data for all classes and it'll be apparent what class needs "adjusting".


3. Put level 50's with full pvp sets already in their own tier. If it's not feasible yet- put it in the pipeline. These guys wreck every game.


I don't know about your number 2... Using that method, the class with the most noobs get boosted, the ones with the most skilled players are more likely to get nerfed.


I really don't think it's time to do any adjusting with regards to classes yet, it's still too early. Yes, I spend 60% of my SWTOR playtime in WZs, yes it's sometimes frustrating. But to do adjusting at this point in time would still be too premature.


I would vote for better balancing of teams though. It should be relatively simple to put in a weighing system so that a team of sub 30s don't have to go against a team of 40s up (with 3 50s to boot)

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1. Get developers to realize that nobody is going to bother going for objectives and thus just create deathmatch battlegrounds.


2. Abilities firing when I hit the button.


3. No more teleporting around warzones due to lag.


WAR had better scenarios and that game sucked in just about every aspect of gameplay.

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Here is my top 3-


1. Tier the warzones (10-19, 20-29, ect)

Warzones break down to who has the most lvl 40's and 50 players. The complaint to "just level up" is worthless. Everyone should be able to have a fun in warzones and tiering the zones would work.


2. Allow to boot AFK players

We have started to see AFK players in games. Allow for vote kick by teams to deal with this.


3. Reward players with more medals for actually doing things that pertain to the match (scoring / passing medals, killing blows on a defend point, planting or defusing a bomb)



What is your top 3?

I really agree and endorse/subscribe to your newsletter/sign all of the above.


The other thing I would add, would have a more direct mirrors when it comes to classes. Right now, apparently: Sith Inquisitor's Shock is instant, Consular's Project has a delay, for instance.

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An ability to report players for being unskilled. I mean really, some of you are just terrible. That said, I can somewhat deal with it, except for the fact that it is obvious that you have put no time into learning your class or the rules of the PvP warzone.


If you never pass or run the ball back towards our goal flailing around like a noob in hutball, I should be able to report you :).

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