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Don't Rush to endgame...


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Posted this a few days ago, updated my thoughts on the 2 8man raids currently available at the bottom of this wall of text


Im apart of one of the largest guilds in Swtor and we populate about 2/3 of the republic side on a full server (about 1600 members)(Ruin Gaming). We have about 40 players who have been 50 now for a few days and have nothing to do but farm warzones.

Yes we love to farm warzones but more importantly we like to dominate in world pvp.

The world pvp is non existent in this game. Illum is dead and offers no incentive for players to go there unless its to complete the daily. You do not get merc commendations from killing other players which is incredibly stupid. The only viable way to farm gear is to spam warzones until you converted your warzone commendations into merc commendations. Once you have the number of commendations you then have to pray to your god and find your nearest 4 leaf clover in order to be lucky enough to get a single piece of gear.


I have been luckier than my fellow guildies as i have attained 4 pieces of gear in 13 bags.

Most of my guildies are now hitting the 20 bag mark (which can take days to get) and have only received 1 piece of gear. Sometimes you get really unlucky and get the same piece of gear 2-4 times in different bags.

The tokens you receive from the bags allow you to buy gear but the vendor does not tell you the set bonus until you have already purchased the gear. If you are like me you will probably make a mistake the first time around and buy the wrong piece for a different spec or advance class.


Illum needs to offer a lot more. I see most players trading bases with the opposite faction in order to complete the daily after wards both factions leave and don't ever return.


I understand bioware is trying to get the players to start their own "problems/beef/hate/etc..." with the opposite faction in order to get organized fights to happen but there is just no incentive for us players to go out their and fight each other with out any reward but the satisfaction of victory (increase in e-pen)


The current PvE content at 50 is a joke. We steamrolled through everything without breaking a sweat or wiping more than once. It is incredibly disappointing. As one of the ranked members in my guild everyday i try to keep more and more players interested in the game but as each day goes by and more people realize all the flaws in the game more players are being lost.


The amount of bugs is understandable for a game that just launched. But the terrible community service is not. I have been suffering with the "hold right click bug" now for 3 days and I can't even pvp effectively now. Everytime i hold my rightclick button for too long or try to use it to turn my screen does a 180degreee turn...

Targeting is also very choppy.


I slept for about 4 hours each day on my grind to 50 and I feel like it wasnt even worth the effort. There is no content. I encourage everyone to view every scenario between 1-50 and enjoy the game. Hopefully it'll take you 4 months to get to 50 that way bioware can atleast fix some issues with the game in that time. (highly unlikely since they don't tell u s**t...


Heres the Link to a thread made by my guildmaster explaining what most players are looking for. Please reply with everything you hope bioware will change or add to the game.



Please refrain from replying troll comments... TL;DR blah blah blah


Edit: Just finished Normal mode eternity vault and the hut raid.


Eternity vault was extremely easy. One of our tanks "towelliee" had mostly lvl 43-49 tank gear... the rest of the raid was in a mix of pvp/50 flashpoint/49 blue gear. We 2 healed and the only problem we had was when we faced the final boss, our dps lacked a bit and we wasted about an hour-hour30mins trying to down him till we finally pulled it off.

I can only imagine how easy it will be with a team that is fully geared. Again this is only normal mode so I imagine easy fights. The 2 fights prior to the final boss are a complete joke. 1 is a puzzle boss and the other is a mirror boss where each raid member must beat an image of themselves.

Thought the final boss fight was extremely fun, something wow has not been able to provide me in along time.


The Hutt rankore boss Was fun aswell. Had a ton of hp but we figured out the fight mechanic pretty fast and kited the boss to victory.


I am excited to see what the hardmodes have in store for us tomorrow. I do believe that the normal eternity vault is too simple and has several easy to earn epics. Of course buffing the raid would only lead to too many QQ threads and this is too hard why does it feel like this is everquest...


when running the operations BEWARE OF BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing that slowed us down was the multiple bugs that we came accross. We were not able to receive loot from 2 bosses due to chestloot bugs in the game. After an hour we figured out if you pass raid leader to who ever won the loot they are able to loot the chest and get their free easy to earn epics.


for those of you that have not hit 50 yet, keep enjoying the cutscenes you are not missing out on much. You can easily catch up once you are 50. It is still very hard for "randoms" or people not in big guilds to find groups for hardmode flashpoints and 8man operations.

Edited by Mazing
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I imagine those at lvl 50 need a new space bar key on their keyboard.


I take my time with dialogues (because I love them), what's the point of ignoring one of the best features of this game? Without that it's just another random mmo.


Excuse me, friend.


Since I've playd and tested the beta up to level 50.


Is the a reason I need to hear the same dialogue!?


Listening through the side quests is probably even worse than the grind.

* Blabla save the empire, bla bla your our only hope, etc etc

Edited by Valperion
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I'm enjoying the crap out of the game, and I'm level 20 on my trooper, After making 3 different before deciding. At my rate it will take a couple months to hit 50.



In my opinion this is what end game GAMERS should do. If your looking to be an end game guild/player DO NOT get a new MMO at launch. There is 17 planets for christ sake.


BTW, the game is beautiful, and I am having a blast

Edited by Notannos
rude, no warning
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The game is officially 6 days old...

How much end-game content were you expecting there to be?


Now that BioWare knows it's too easy, they will make new harder events.

You just have to wait...


When i hit 50, I am immediately making another character to check out that story too.

These stories are well done!

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It's sad you wasted so much time in typing this DUMB thread. I'm enjoying the crap out of the game, and I'm level 20 on my trooper, After making 3 different before deciding. At my rate it will take a couple months to hit 50.



In my opinion this is what end game GAMERS should do. If your looking to be an end game guild/player DO NOT get a new MMO at launch. There is 17 planets for christ sake. Either wait for more content to be release, or STOP posting these dumb threads.



BTW, the game is beautiful, and I am having a blast


Yeah, its a great single player game.


I just thought I was playing a MMO.


Rarely I've ever seen a group of 4+ people.

* Other than warzones of course.

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I rushed to end game to play with 16 people on the operation, its quite boring to do only 4 player heroics.


I've heard this before.. I think the game was called World of zorcraft.. something about a core that had melted and there was only one of them.

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The game is officially 6 days old...

How much end-game content were you expecting there to be?


Now that BioWare knows it's too easy, they will make new harder events.

You just have to wait...


When i hit 50, I am immediately making another character to check out that story too.

These stories are well done!


Have fun, re-grinding the same side-quests.


Best side-quest.



Stage 1

0/35 killed tusken raiders.


Stage 2

0/35 killed tusken raiders


Stage 3

0/6 poisoned wells


Stage 4

Kill the boss chief.

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I've heard this before.. I think the game was called World of zorcraft.. something about a core that had melted and there was only one of them.


Hey bro, If I wanted to play single player game that is great, I'd rather play Skyrim or Kotor1 again.


I've already beaten the class quest story and it was fun.


Now since I am finished with the story, I personally want to do more "MMO" events.


Large scale pvp, maybe some operations?

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Excuse me, friend.


Since I've playd and tested the beta up to level 50.


Is the a reason I need to hear the same dialogue!?


Listening through the side quests is probably even worse than the grind.

* Blabla save the empire, bla bla your our only hope, etc etc


Why did you play the same class/faction you were going to play at launch during beta? That was foolish of you. I have no sympathy for people like that. Anyone with any foresight who got into beta always rolled on the opposite faction they intended to play at launch for this very reason.

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If your saying space bar skips cutscenes, I kinda wish I didn't know that :p Not that I ever wanted to skip a cutscene or skip dialog, but I thought it was impossible.


Oh, it's always possible

I can neither confirm nor deny that it adds that functionality, however.

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Why did you play the same class/faction you were going to play at launch during beta? That was foolish of you. I have no sympathy for people like that. Anyone with any foresight who got into beta always rolled on the opposite faction they intended to play at launch for this very reason.


I played the SI, to give bioware details on what to fix.


People that didn't want to play their fav class on beta and only leveled up to 15, they wasted their beta testing position.


I kept on sending bug reports on bugs that would happen wrong, in the SI story line.


"No spoliers"


For example : in the SI ending


The SI lighting ability kept on making static background, and it would continue non-stop.

If I didn't report that.


More than likely that would not have been fixed.


But I've played the same mission on the official client and its have been fixed and even got a email for bioware reading the bug report.

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Im just amazed.......



So this guy rushed to endgame, and now complains about the lack of 'content'........WE KNEW THIS BETA BUILDS AGO YET THESE PEOPLE STILL HAD TO RUSH TO ENDGAME IN ORDER TO HAVE THE BIGGEST EPEEN ON THE SERVER....



Well now that youve done that, you DESERVE what you get. I have no sympathy for these people that have to rush to endgame in order to be the most 'leet' player on the server....The stupidity is amazing. Just confounding.............


Serves you right.


Now go stare at the wall..................

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