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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you still have your first character? How are they doing?


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My first character is a Human DS Sith Warrior (Juggy) who romanced Jaesa and remained loyal to her - Sardorim, second is a Human LS Bounty Hunter (Powertech) who romanced Torian though also beds Lana - Tytti.


Played this account, as I lost my old one, when SWTOR first went f2p with only 2 slots and level 20 as Max level. So I settled for what I saw as the coolest classes. That and why go JKwhen I have SW and limited slots?


Both are still my mains though I favor the BH moreso. Think it's because I love fire. May have a problem, don't judge.


Evetually made more as restrictions were lifted than subbed down the line. However those two are still my favorites.

Edited by Sardorim
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First character was a sniper.


At level 8 he went into a heroic area on hutta alone. Died 3 times in a row (kept respawning in same spot cause I didn't want to go to medcenter). At 4th death, I gave up and went to medcenter, learned what "repairing" was, realized I had almost no credits to repair with, and quit the game.


I didn't play again for 11 months.

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My first was a sniper, and he went to delete-heaven at lvl59, half a year ago. This often happens with my first character, I remember the difficulties of learning my way through and deside to do the same again properly. And I did level another sniper who is now leveling to 65 by doing heroics. I will never delete him.


My SECOND character on the other hand still rocks, nothing stops Darth Marnh of being simply awesome. He is the first who got to lvl60, and I'm very attached to him.

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My first character was a Zabrak Jedi Shadow and, despite accidentally deleting him shortly after the game's official launch and almost a month before CS had the ability to restore characters, I still consider him my main character.


I tend to enjoy playing my Sorcerer and Gunslinger more these days simply because they have ranged attacks, but he's the one that collects all my vehicles and pets and I always run him through new content first.

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I do still have a couple of my original characters I rolled up during early game access. (Yeah, I went there ;-p) though they never quite made it to the cap. My Powertech is about 45 (I think) and my Sorcerer is about 50. Like many I didn't stick around long after launch.
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My first character was Vallin, a Twi'lek smuggler girl. I leveled her to 50 years ago, then discovered the joys of being an Imperial force user and pretty much stopped playing any of my republic characters. Poor Vallin eventually got deleted to make space for new characters, but I ended up asking CS to restore her for me when SoR was released. She is happily chilling out at max level in her Coruscant apartment right now.
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She's a sassy Sith assassin that I still play and tank on pretty regularly.


She's very not interested in any sort of romance with Andronikus. Here's just a scrubby rebel without a cause. She's all about power, control and style along with substance.


So, pretty much herself. She's such an unwitting narcissist.

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She was a Twi'lek Gunslinger, she still exists, although she's no longer a Twi'lek. She's level 60 currently and thinking about going through KOTFE., she was my first 50 once... My second character, that I tended to play at the same time as the Smuggler is a Mirialan Sage and she's still one of my favourites, she's 65 and currently helping my main (Gunslinger, not the first, obviously) build up her alliance. Once all her specialists are rank 20, the Sage is next on the list. Those were my main two back in the day.
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My first character was a female human DS marauder...got her to 50 but deleted as soon as I realized I will never play that class :p

Then came my female human LS scoundrel that got scrapped as well because I stopped liking her name all of a sudden.


Then there was tons of other deleted chars but that was all before we could have more than 8 characters per server, only recently do I keep them all regardless if I plan to play them or not - some are just filler for my family tree :D

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First was a Sith Marauder. Doreian. Still kickin and still my main. Made him in beta..loved it made him my main in Early Access live.


Same for me. Made a smuggler in beta to save the Jedi experience for the live game and ended up loving her so much that I rushed to recreate her in early access. Still alive and kicking, my main and alter ego, and the one who gets to do everything first before anyone else. :D

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sith pureblood sorc. not just first character - first character created in Beta and then recreated in live game.


still have her. still my main. was the first (and currently only) through KOTFE story. romanced Lana (no cheating - she and Andy are just colleagues, and the other potential.. well.. fem inquisitor story spoiler)

basically, she's doing pretty great. aside from the whole "no more reusable stims" thing


P.S. I got lucky enough to have created her on a destination server, so I got to keep her name.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Female Smuggler, Myarav. Still in the fray. I changed her name couple of times, I think, and I've changed her skills more times than I can remember, but she's still my main. Because being a force user and using a lightsaber maybe a good thing, but, at the end, "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid"


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I don't remember which of my characters I created first. I created a bunch during beta, and then re-created them during early access. Either way, I still play them all. I don't really delete characters. I've got 20+ alts, of varying races, genders, alignments and classes, the majority of whom are 65 and waiting on KotFE Ch. X.
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