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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please, Bioware, something needs to change- An open letter.


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Hey I'm your biggest fan!!! Now that I've got your attention, let me list all the ways in which I despise you and your product.


I'm not really sure that's how being a fan works.


I don't despise them. I don't despise their product. I am disappointed and frustrated with the current product, and their communication about said product. As for 'how a fan acts,' I would say a friend who enjoys my company and has a vested interest in my life comes to me with worries about my safety, well-being and happiness being a good friend. While the relationship is based on consumerism and products, it is a similar exchange for fans; because I am a fan, I care about the product, and I want it to be the best it can be. Also, perhaps less ad hominem in the future would be more beneficial to constructive dialogues.

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Not to post again, but reportedly, the level 60 character tokens have been/are being returned properly now. If this is true, I wish to say I am profusely happy with Bioware for fixing the issue. This hasn't left me feeling personally and completely satisfied, but I thank them for their efforts, here, and I hope they fix the issue with the tokens working next.
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I agree wholeheartedly with this letter. While I adore the game, it's heart-breaking to see large bugs go unfixed for years or more.


As an example, I recall one of the alignment vendor equipment pieces, which I personally campaigned many, many months about, not working properly on several body types - for over a -year-. I don't know if Bioware simply isn't competent, I don't know if they just need more people, but whatever they do need, they need to get it and get it fast. This practice of leaving bugs for months and years is very unprofessional. Yes, software development takes time but there's no excuse for retasking your people to work on other things when large bugs still have not been squashed.

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Let me give you the bare, honest truth about how it's going to go down - basically what EA and Bioware employees think all the time, but don't have the guts to tell you up front:


This game is about money. If it wasn't Star Wars, it would be something else. They don't care what you have to say because in a lot of cases, subscribers come and go over the years to see if the game has improved - and that's how they get ya. The way they market things is worded as such to get your attention, and get you to subscribe "one last time" because those new updates look good. You try 'em out, then find that they didn't lie about what they said, but they weren't candid about it either - this is marketing 101 in the video game age.


You probably don't like hearing this, but that's how it goes man. Many people are frustrated, and it sucks - there's absolutely nothing we can do, but simply unsubscribe and move on.


The best advice I can give you, is look for game companies that LOVE to make games and aren't in it "for the money". It's about making money, as with any job sure - but the companies I'm talking about are confident enough, and passionate enough about their games to know that if they really put time and effort into their passion, it will pay off - and in many cases the payoff is far bigger than they ever thought.


A REALLY good example of what I'm talking about there: Before GTA V was released, EA approached Take Two because they wanted to capitalize on their game, as they knew it was going to be BIG. Take Two basically told them off. Then this happened:


Goldfarb, Andrew (20 September 2013). "GTA 5 Sales Hit $1 Billion in Three Days". IGN. Ziff Davis. Archived from the original on 21 September 2013. Retrieved 21 September 2013.


They took time to make a great game, and it paid off. These are the companies you should be buying games from, not from EA. Electronic Arts is a cash machine that basically makes money off of ripping off other games. Since game designs can't be copyrighted according to law - they have used that to their advantage.


If I still haven't convinced you at this point - ask yourself why Casey Hudson (creative mind behind Mass Effect) and the original two founders of Bioware no longer work for the company.


Play what you love - maybe check out some older Star Wars games in the mean time. I suggest looking at indie games on Steam because a lot of them are very unique in their design and a lot of fun. But you need to always keep in mind, EA is a cash machine, that's all they want, and that's all they will work for. They don't care about pushing the envelope, or giving players new experiences - they leave that up to everyone else to do for them so they can cash in on it.


I hope you find what you're looking for.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Let me give you the bare, honest truth about how it's going to go down - basically what EA and Bioware employees think all the time, but don't have the guts to tell you up front:


This game is about money. If it wasn't Star Wars, it would be something else. They don't care what you have to say because in a lot of cases, subscribers come and go over the years to see if the game has improved - and that's how they get ya. The way they market things is worded as such to get your attention, and get you to subscribe "one last time" because those new updates look good. You try 'em out, then find that they didn't lie about what they said, but they weren't candid about it either - this is marketing 101 in the video game age.


You probably don't like hearing this, but that's how it goes man. Many people are frustrated, and it sucks - there's absolutely nothing we can do, but simply unsubscribe and move on.


The best advice I can give you, is look for game companies that LOVE to make games and aren't in it "for the money". It's about making money, as with any job sure - but the companies I'm talking about are confident enough, and passionate enough about their games to know that if they really put time and effort into their passion, it will pay off - and in many cases the payoff is far bigger than they ever thought.


A REALLY good example of what I'm talking about there: Before GTA V was released, EA approached Take Two because they wanted to capitalize on their game, as they knew it was going to be BIG. Take Two basically told them off. Then this happened:


Goldfarb, Andrew (20 September 2013). "GTA 5 Sales Hit $1 Billion in Three Days". IGN. Ziff Davis. Archived from the original on 21 September 2013. Retrieved 21 September 2013.


They took time to make a great game, and it paid off. These are the companies you should be buying games from, not from EA. Electronic Arts is a cash machine that basically makes money off of ripping off other games. Since game designs can't be copyrighted according to law - they have used that to their advantage.


If I still haven't convinced you at this point - ask yourself why Casey Hudson (creative mind behind Mass Effect) and the original two founders of Bioware no longer work for the company.


Play what you love - maybe check out some older Star Wars games in the mean time. I suggest looking at indie games on Steam because a lot of them are very unique in their design and a lot of fun. But you need to always keep in mind, EA is a cash machine, that's all they want, and that's all they will work for. They don't care about pushing the envelope, or giving players new experiences - they leave that up to everyone else to do for them so they can cash in on it.


I hope you find what you're looking for.


Umm... I don't disagree? However, that was not the point of my post, overall. I understand that this is a business, I do; my issue is that, in the end, it is severely bad business that they do not have a better rapport with their customer base, and in the end, it will cause harm. Look at the current tidal wave of frustration that is the nerf of companions.


I just want Star Wars: The Old Republic to be successful, to be around for a long time; I have spent FAR too much money to just want anything else. Also, thanks for the suggestions, but not looking for a different Star Wars game, just hoping the community communication here gets better. ;)

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