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Maybe not spoiled, probably the wrong term but she's soo....I'm not sure how to describe it, I just don't like the personality all that much..or well what little of.


She's like the kids that got bullied in grade school and now that they are bigger and stronger they're the ones doing the bullying now only in Vaylin's case she is more homicidal then your normal bully.

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Maybe not spoiled, probably the wrong term but she's soo....I'm not sure how to describe it, I just don't like the personality all that much..or well what little of.


Now, I'm only on chapter 7, but so far, it seems to me Arcann treats her like I treat my foster Chihuahua. /e pats tiny Tasmanian rat on the head "oh you crazy little psycho you!" He doesn't seem at all afraid of her, just patronizingly indulgent of her sadism. Of course things might change in two chapters...

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Now, I'm only on chapter 7, but so far, it seems to me Arcann treats her like I treat my foster Chihuahua. /e pats tiny Tasmanian rat on the head "oh you crazy little psycho you!" He doesn't seem at all afraid of her, just patronizingly indulgent of her sadism. Of course things might change in two chapters...


Lol mental imagery for the win... i can so see him doing just that her... but yeah i agree, shes an extremely useful tool for him for keeping people in line,,,


"If Arcan isnt in tbe mood to kill you himself, he will just toss you into Vaylins path and let the cards fall where they may"

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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She's just such a generic villain, especially for a sith. Same with Arcann.


I was hoping for a little more thought beyond "lol I like killing people!" for two of the main villains but...oh well.


Gotta agree on this one, myself. Arcann's not badly done so far, but still very basic and straightforward in being a pretty clear stereotypical sort.


Vaylin seems like the Chaotic Stupid trope brought to life. Arrogance, puerility and psychopathy that so far seems the type that's just violent and murderous because she can be.


It'd be nice if they pull some big reveal later in which she was pretending to be like that to mask a more brilliant mind and goals that her fratricidal brother didn't need to know about, but that's pure wishful thinking on my part.


So far, she seems awfully annoying and ultimately forgettable - an angry child with some power to abuse. Nothing more.

Edited by Uruare
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Gotta agree on this one, myself. Arcann's not badly done so far, but still very basic and straightforward in being a pretty clear stereotypical sort.


Vaylin seems like the Chaotic Stupid trope brought to life. Arrogance, puerility and psychopathy that so far seems the type that's just violent and murderous because she can be.


It'd be nice if they pull some big reveal later in which she was pretending to be like that to mask a more brilliant mind and goals that her fratricidal brother didn't need to know about, but that's pure wishful thinking on my part.


So far, she seems awfully annoying and ultimately forgettable - an angry child with some power to abuse. Nothing more.

Yeah, Arcann is a generic "I want power just to have it" villain and I absolutely agree that Vaylin falls into a chaotic trope.


It's such a disappointment too after Valkorian. Before KOTFE it was hinted that he was more in the grey territory. He killed because he had to accomplish something, not because it was fun. He didn't appear to be a fan of wanton destruction and seemed to have a higher purpose in mind. Then they just kindof threw that away for two generic bad guys.

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Yeah, Arcann is a generic "I want power just to have it" villain and I absolutely agree that Vaylin falls into a chaotic trope.


It's such a disappointment too after Valkorian. Before KOTFE it was hinted that he was more in the grey territory. He killed because he had to accomplish something, not because it was fun. He didn't appear to be a fan of wanton destruction and seemed to have a higher purpose in mind. Then they just kindof threw that away for two generic bad guys.


Valkorian's so far getting all my votes as the most interesting villain that's ever been depicted in this game so far.


I don't know anymore exactly what he's after. The Sith Emperor has gone from being just another throw-away boss fight at the end of the JK storyline, with no identifiable personality or even motivation other than 'I'm big, you're all small, yay power' to really grabbing my interest.


I want to know more about this guy.


I'm genuinely uncertain as to just what the heck he's actually up to, because it COULD be exactly what he seems to be doing and says he's doing.


Totally plausible that he's not even lying.


Totally likely that he's got a whole deck of cards up his sleeves though.


All in all, Id Valkorian to be quite engaging so far.


Arcann? Meh. Begone, angry mask boy, go stand on something tall and brood ominously.


Vaylin? Girl needs a nap. Probably a dirt nap. Binky optional.

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Valkorian's so far getting all my votes as the most interesting villain that's ever been depicted in this game so far.


I don't know anymore exactly what he's after. The Sith Emperor has gone from being just another throw-away boss fight at the end of the JK storyline, with no identifiable personality or even motivation other than 'I'm big, you're all small, yay power' to really grabbing my interest.


I want to know more about this guy.


I'm genuinely uncertain as to just what the heck he's actually up to, because it COULD be exactly what he seems to be doing and says he's doing.


Totally plausible that he's not even lying.


Totally likely that he's got a whole deck of cards up his sleeves though.


All in all, Id Valkorian to be quite engaging so far.


Arcann? Meh. Begone, angry mask boy, go stand on something tall and brood ominously.


Vaylin? Girl needs a nap. Probably a dirt nap. Binky optional.


Valkorian can very well still be the main antagonist. I say he is a highly manipulative yet charismatic sociopath and not the newly enlightened Christ figure he portrays himself as... Yes he is interesting and far more complex than his children. Like you said who knows what the hell is his endgame anymore?

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Valkorian can very well still be the main antagonist. I say he is a highly manipulative yet charismatic sociopath and not the newly enlightened Christ figure he portrays himself as...Yes he is interesting and far more complex than his children. Like you said who knows what the hell is his endgame anymore?


It would be a total sociopath move to have a Messiah complex going on there, wouldn't it?


I dig the fact that it's not transparent. Even if he turns out to be just that, at just he'll have been a curious and engaging mystery for a little while.

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Maybe not spoiled, probably the wrong term but she's soo....I'm not sure how to describe it, I just don't like the personality all that much..or well what little of.


Actually, based on her backstory, most of her personality is locked up somewhere in her mind. Makes you wonder what will happen if/when that part is unlocked.

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Valkorian's so far getting all my votes as the most interesting villain that's ever been depicted in this game so far.


Meh, I have zero time left for "Vitiakorian", that character jumped the shark the moment the end of the JK storyline wasn't the end of him (V, not the JK), and then everything after through Ziost was just layers of icing on the shark cake.


Doesn't matter what they do with him or how "interesting" he is now, any storyline that features him is off my list of things to play through.

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The thing is, she is not like Dark Jessa, but like how Dark Jessea should have been. Dark Jessa is just a sadistic *****. Vailyn on the other side is like the perfect persona of a worthy Sith aprentice. She is like a spoiled titan child. Huge potential, strong in the Force, cruel and driven. Just perfect.




She sounds like an example of everything wrong with how the Sith are portrayed, "evil for the sake of evil, and make sure everyone always knows how evil you are!"

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Even most Joker fans don't want to make The Joker their errand-boy or get in his pants... contrast, reaction to Vaylin.


It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the joker is male? Ask how many fans or Harley Quinn wouldn't jump her bones if they got the chance.

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It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the joker is male? Ask how many fans o[f] Harley Quinn wouldn't jump her bones if they got the chance.


Harley is different. Much of Harley's problems result from her being near the Joker. I mean he's the one who broke her mind so much. More to the point, she is also, in many ways, a symbol to some of what happens in abusive relationships.


She's also incredibly smart (she got a PH.D in Psychology, after all).


Frankly, half those who like her identify with her in some way. And many would love to be able to save her. (Though, frankly, the only way I see to truly save her would be to kill the Joker. And see the Arkham City DLC for how that might turn out.)


Whether that feeds into something else, I do not know.

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Harley is different. Much of Harley's problems result from her being near the Joker. I mean he's the one who broke her mind so much. More to the point, she is also, in many ways, a symbol to some of what happens in abusive relationships.


She's also incredibly smart (she got a PH.D in Psychology, after all).


Frankly, half those who like her identify with her in some way. And many would love to be able to save her. (Though, frankly, the only way I see to truly save her would be to kill the Joker. And see the Arkham City DLC for how that might turn out.)


Whether that feeds into something else, I do not know.


True he created her but at the same time she can be just is cruel, psychopathic, and cunning as the Joker is.

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She sounds like an example of everything wrong with how the Sith are portrayed, "evil for the sake of evil, and make sure everyone always knows how evil you are!"


too bad he blocked me and can't see this. i actually agree with him on this point :D

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She sounds like an example of everything wrong with how the Sith are portrayed, "evil for the sake of evil, and make sure everyone always knows how evil you are!"

Actually, I would disagree with that.


I've played a few Imp characters now (BH, IA, and Sorc) and I realize that, within SWTOR they try to make the Republic versus Empire more of a "blue vs red" or "spy vs spy" sort of thing, but in the original movie (and book) universe, the Sith are "evil for the sake of evil" and Vaylin fits that mold very well. :p

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She sounds like an example of everything wrong with how the Sith are portrayed, "evil for the sake of evil, and make sure everyone always knows how evil you are!"


There are lots of those on Korriban and Dromund Kass. Thana Vesh, a former star pupil of the Academy, is Vaylin without the skill/power.

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She sounds like an example of everything wrong with how the Sith are portrayed, "evil for the sake of evil, and make sure everyone always knows how evil you are!"

I haven't said she is the perfect Sith, but the perfect candidate to be one. If you don't have these attributes, you'll going to have a quite hard time being a Sith. Even worse, you are actually no Sith if you haven' embraced or lived the credo.


And please don't even tart arguing "grey Sith, blabla, Light Sith blaba" it's nonsense. There are neither grey Sith nor grey Jedi. This doesn’t mean this isn't possible, but those categories fall off the grid. Sith and Jedi is about dogmas and interpretation of the Force. Everything between is neither Sith, nor Jedi, but something else. Like all the Force user boundaries we met during TOR. Recently the prominent being the Knights of Zakuul.


But back on the topic:

I truly believe, Vaylin has everything that is needed to be a prominent Sith apprentice and with time she even could get a prominent Sith. She is already powerful, but she lacks of understanding how the Sith dogma works. She is just controlled by evil emotions. And Vaylin is but an inch to understand how to use them properly, like Sith do. These are my arguments for liking her.

It's not like, "wow, that evil b/witch! Makes me ******! Yea, snap at me baby!" :D

Rather it's, "Wow! A worthy apprentice for my Sith. Do the Sith thing, break her psyche to obey, build her again as a Sith. ...and mate with her, because she is the only one worthy being at your side, ...if even!"


Yea, I know, sounds kinda sick, but a Sith works that way. Oh, you 'don't believe me? Bane, Zannah, Palpatine, Maul, Ventress, VADER. They are all at first tragic personalities, who were broken by their master. After that they grew more or less to be quite prominent Sith Lords. This is exactly the same sick idea, which made them.

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