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Ticket created no response - 5 days and counting


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Ok let me try to understand you prolly rage quit deleting 5 chars and now your upset you had to wait to get them back....


Do you remember your last post in May 4 2012....if not here it is....


"I only agree with the lack of players to play with and loading screens, i stopped at GW2 fanboism.


Anyway I voted with my wallet out today. too bad cause i like this game, but I cringe everytime i have to play against my own faction or see empty chat, or see same old faces in wzs. And yes i rerolled about 3 times and played on different servers. The only one that was a good choice was Fatman us, but since I don't like pings of 110ish ms I stopped. Do not have time to waste on gearing up characters that will just stand around in fleet all day. I guess its back to BF3 and some other outside gaming hobbies. "


Just sit back an wait Bioware will get to ya.

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Ok let me try to understand you prolly rage quit deleting 5 chars and now your upset you had to wait to get them back....


Do you remember your last post in May 4 2012....if not here it is....


"I only agree with the lack of players to play with and loading screens, i stopped at GW2 fanboism.


Anyway I voted with my wallet out today. too bad cause i like this game, but I cringe everytime i have to play against my own faction or see empty chat, or see same old faces in wzs. And yes i rerolled about 3 times and played on different servers. The only one that was a good choice was Fatman us, but since I don't like pings of 110ish ms I stopped. Do not have time to waste on gearing up characters that will just stand around in fleet all day. I guess its back to BF3 and some other outside gaming hobbies. "


Just sit back an wait Bioware will get to ya.


And here is where you are wrong, I did not rage quit as I came back last year to play some..and I have kept my characters, I have many alts on different servers so I was making some space and this happened. Effort - 10 . Next theory please

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You deleted FIVE characters and you expect them to bring all five back within a few days? You really need to cut Bioware some slack. Given that 4.0 just released barely a week ago (two weeks if you count early access), I'm sure they've been downright *flooded* with tickets and issues. You probably couldn't have picked a worse time to post a ticket, let alone expect it to be answered and resolved so quickly. Hopefully your ticket had a better attitude than your forum posts. :eek:


I, too, have a ticket up and it's been longer than five days for me. Just give them some time. I'm sure once the dust settles they will fix it for you, or at least respond to you.

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You deleted FIVE characters and you expect them to bring all five back within a few days? You really need to cut Bioware some slack. Given that 4.0 just released barely a week ago (two weeks if you count early access), I'm sure they've been downright *flooded* with tickets and issues. You probably couldn't have picked a worse time to post a ticket, let alone expect it to be answered and resolved so quickly. Hopefully your ticket had a better attitude than your forum posts. :eek:


I, too, have a ticket up and it's been longer than five days for me. Just give them some time. I'm sure once the dust settles they will fix it for you, or at least respond to you.


My problem is not the amount of time it takes them to restore the characters, the issue is that I do not want to wait 3 weeks and just to get: No it cannot be done, or just ticket closed (as it was with some people here) I want to have simple answer, then they can take their time. If I get a straight no then I start creating alts with the same names and lvling them up now.

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My problem is not the amount of time it takes them to restore the characters, the issue is that I do not want to wait 3 weeks and just to get: No it cannot be done, or just ticket closed (as it was with some people here) I want to have simple answer, then they can take their time. If I get a straight no then I start creating alts with the same names and lvling them up now.


Well, while I've never deleted a character and asked to have it restored, I have had friends who were in a similar situation and have seen numerous threads where deleted characters have been returned to them. So it is possible and I don't see why they would tell you it wasn't. Did you just recently delete these characters or were they deleted some time ago? Maybe next time, try moving them to another server while the process is still 90cc, that way you can simply move them back if you ever want them again.


Hope you get this resolved.

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