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BioWare: take the feedback for once and increase difficulty going forward


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Can you answer this question: Does the combat get any more challenging after the start of chapter 4. I understand that one persons challenging is anothers faceroll but I am trying to find some confirmation that challenge exists outside of the usual reply of "play the game with your character naked and punch everything to death" shtaco.


If it doesn't then I can unsub again, uninstall and leave you all to have your spat about who is the majority or not until they realise what opportunity passed them by and switch the lights off.


OK to be fair this game was never what one would call "challenging" during normal game play. Through levels 1-50 the only times i died was when I got lazy with my gear or careless with my mob pulls, even the RotHC and SoR content didn't feel any more or less challenging then vanilla so KotFE not being a "challenge" as people say doesn't really seem like a valid argument to me since the game has always seemed like it was challenging.

Edited by Anaesha
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So, to summarise your post: "If you want a game where the combat involves you actually having to think go play something else". Be careful what you wish for.


Yeah, that's ooooooobvioysly what I said in that 'NOPE!' sort of way, with just a dash of 'if you were more wrong, you'd be pedobear' for accuracy's she.


What I am saying, since this is apparently fricken difficult, is that some of you need to take some responsibility for yourselves.


Skill levels differ. By a lot. Say they don't and you're stupid and wrong.


You think everything is too easy? If your RL job doesn't require a doctorate and ten years experience and five thousand plus hours' worth of assorted certifications, I think your whole damn RL is pathetic and easy and you should feel bad, scrubby.


See how pointless such invective is?


No, probably not, but anyway... Here's your sign.


Don't play that which doesn't give you the experience you want.



And with that, everything relevant to say is said.


The end.

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ok? so argue with those people?


Don't you understand, Pagy?


Because you disagree with them on this, you obviously disagree with them on every other issue too. You're one "those people" with "badwrong" opinions who wants to "ruin the game for real gamers" or "whines about every change".



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Don't you understand, Pagy?


Because you disagree with them on this, you obviously disagree with them on every other issue too. You're one "those people" with "badwrong" opinions who wants to "ruin the game for real gamers" or "whines about every change".




Hey if the shoe fits wear it and for some of you that is the dead honest truth. BW changes something you whine to high heaven about how much you hate it on the forums.

Edited by Anaesha
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I approve of making the game more open, accessible, easier and less complicated.


There are entire servers, worlds, environments which go unplayed because users spend way too much time gearing up, gearing up comps, and asking general chat for groups.


Progression should last weeks and months not years.

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He's wrong for all kinds of reasons. People like him love to think they know what they're talking about.


Here's how to shut them up:


Elite Server...we will just need one because nobody really wants to play on these. Regular content will all use higher caliber mobs. You will have to prove you can do 4k+ dps on Star Parse in order to be allowed on this server. That way, all the casuals will be gone. Raids will start with hard mode, go through nightmare mode up to FML mode.


See? Problem solved. Give the 100 people who think they're leet this server and the rest of us can have fun.


Normal Servers...servers as is...


Fun Server...as it was just before 4.01 patch.


Also, you will find this in the patch notes if you know how to look for it. They just nerfed companions. And they beefed up 2+ missions. They don't state it explicitly, but they did. Go try it out, see what you find. Tried a few today with Khem (around lvl 17 influence), and couldn't believe how weak and stupid he got overnight.


I had been thoroughly enjoying 2+ missions solo. Still have to be a little careful with pulls and cc, but I was able to rock through 2+s to make up for the 12x exp loss for story-based missions (for those of us who think the rest is a massive waste of time--not fun). Oh look, someone is having fun...NERF. So the original poster got what he wanted. And I guarantee, BW will pay for it over time because people pay for fun and leave when things aren't. They'll blame the idea that the lvl cap bores people, but that's just not true. They could have left a lvl 50 cap and added story content, new companions, even new classes, and people would still come back to check it out. Their problem is endgame content not that things are "too easy."


4.0.1a patch nerf, do you mean?


What role had you assigned Khem? If tank, you're absolutely spot on; tanking comps are now useless once again, hooray!:rolleyes:


And yes, I think you're right; a few days ago, I had no trouble taking out at least the first Aurora Cannon mob on my Engineering Sniper with Kaliyo tanking (Influence 1); today, she fell to the first mob, but there was only one strong alive when she did.


Also, yes, I would've left the cap at 50.

Edited by sentientomega
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Yea, two patches already and no comments, no changes. This might be WAI....and perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps they will leave them as is.


Just as I supported levelsync being optional, I'd like to see companion "power" more adjustable by each player, to taste.


To some degree that could be done with their gear when companion gear actually meant something. For example, a companion tank with 35k p and low "soak stats" was significantly less effective (in my experience) than one with 45k or 50k hp and high "soak stats".

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Its a common trend in MMOs. Theyre becoming less and less challenging to appeal to more and more casual brain deads. SWTOR is just following suit. Compare Vanilla WoW leveling to modern WoW leveling. You'll see the same thing.
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Try Aurora Cannon, having a comp either tank or heal, right now, isn't quite what it used to be at 4.0, it's noticeably different, either that or I'm tired.


It would've been better, if BW:A waited, then came up with a system that gave our chars/comps extra stat/endurance buffs commensurate with difficulty settings.


You'd get difficulty settings under Preferences, where you'd get extra stat/endurance nerfs or buffs or nothing extra, depending on your choice of difficulty.


And here's the thing, all the complaints were almost entirely exaggerated and/or biased; like with demonstrating low-level companion capabilities, not testing them at the higher-end heroics.


As of right now, tanking comps are now just as utterly crap as they were pre-4.0; if not even worse, though I think healers are just fine, but it makes life unnecessarily difficult for my ranged dpses, and melee dpses who have to get behind peeps to use signature moves, who use tanks (who wants to see a sniper shoot point-blank at someone the entire fight?).


I'm unsure if I've said this before, but tanking companions need massive self-heals (just themselves, not us, though a bit of off-healing [not as much as the actual healing role, though] from them would be nice) with colossal threat generation attached to them, then they'll actually do their job as a tank, stay alive and take aggro.


Failing tanks actually being useful (yes, at 4.0 tank companions were useful, now, today, they are utter bollocks, PAPER tanks), what we need is to be able to bring out two companions if we want, one each for whatever role we ourselves, do not do as that character; if you dps, for instance, you'd have healer and tank comps out, if you wanted to do things by trinity roles, that is, otherwise, you could do whatever you wanted. Have all healers, all dps, all tanks. :p

Edited by sentientomega
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I am in the same boat, once I realized how easy the game became i just stopped. Just quit Tera like after only a month cause it was too easy, now I come to this and its even worse. I mean the guy you quoted says just play another mmo, but is there really any hard mmos out there anymore? Answer is not really. What SWTOR did isn't unique or original every mmo is doing it. Making their game piss easy so people can feel that they are good at something.


And there you have it. There arent any MMOs that get harder. WoW tried ti in Cata and that was spectacular failure.


EvE was staring to mess with high-sec and look where it is now after almost 10 years of growth.


What some people fail to understand is that games like SWTOR need massive playerbase. And that means game for masses. There are some super niche MMOs that have what you want. But im starting to wandering (not really) these people need actual audience to feel they are "better" than the masses, so playing such games with small hardore population is no good.

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no casual can tell me anything about it feels right.

But it feels right to me. I come to play this to relax and have a nice story, not for competition or "challenge". I play other games for that. Or even better, I actually challenge myself on something that matters, like increasing irl skills.

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Its a common trend in MMOs. Theyre becoming less and less challenging to appeal to more and more casual brain deads. SWTOR is just following suit. Compare Vanilla WoW leveling to modern WoW leveling. You'll see the same thing.


What, you would rather see games shut down?


That was the attitude of "forum community" in WS. Procaliming they would rather see WS shut down than being "dumbed down" and devs supported it.


Now those devs are history (read: fired) and WS is substantially "dumbed down", and, ironically same hardcores now trash WS, as they would rather see it shut down.


And then people wonder why devs dont collect "feedback" from such people any more lol

Edited by Mikahrone
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Can you answer this question: Does the combat get any more challenging after the start of chapter 4. I understand that one persons challenging is anothers faceroll but I am trying to find some confirmation that challenge exists outside of the usual reply of "play the game with your character naked and punch everything to death" shtaco.


If it doesn't then I can unsub again, uninstall and leave you all to have your spat about who is the majority or not until they realise what opportunity passed them by and switch the lights off.

Or you can leave now and save us the trouble of seeing a I quit post from you.
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Because it looks silly and breaks immersion if you're fighting mobs naked just to have the fight become interesting / rewarding . Duh.


You have plenty of empty shells to choose from to still look epic. Its not lke youre FORCED to put ANY stats on gear. YOu can make it as difficult as you want. But it seems youre not really interesed in difficult, otherwise you would have used any of myriad ways to do it. Thats the problem.

Edited by Mikahrone
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Yea, two patches already and no comments, no changes. This might be WAI....and perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps they will leave them as is.


Who are your companions, WHAT roles are they in?


Because, we must be playing entirely different games; at 4.0, I've been able to solo Aurora Cannon (they changed some mechanics).


Now, with 4.0.1a, I CAN'T DO THAT ANYMORE!!!.:mad:

Edited by sentientomega
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Its a common trend in MMOs. Theyre becoming less and less challenging to appeal to more and more casual brain deads. SWTOR is just following suit. Compare Vanilla WoW leveling to modern WoW leveling. You'll see the same thing.

- Nostalgic about the tedious vanilla Wow levelling where you restart the same *********** instance everyday and have to book your whole week end with your fellow basment dwellers from the basement dwelling guild to achieve the omg so roxxxing full set pve / pvp of chaos of doom with shiny big armour and huge *** sword.

- Calls people who think this is boring and stupid casual braindeads.


The basement dwelling is strong with this one.

Edited by Nihilkult
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Ei what the hell happens with casual players lately? I'm sorry, but "casual" means "I have a job, a family and things I need to take care so I can't play 14 ours per day". But that does not mean they're bad players, or trolls, I'm casual, because I have no more than a few ours to play. And even so, somedays I'm too tired to do flashpoints or raids, or to do anything rather than die in the bed funtil dawn. Excuse me, Mr. Hardcore player, but I have to eat and I need to pay a mortgage... Maybe I'm not qualified to play this game because, nowadays, I can't play for fun.


Second, about the difficult. When exactly this game has been hard? Dark Souls II is hard. SWTOR is not. Few MMOs are hardly a challenge. Hard flashpoints, hard OPS... That's the hard content. Go there if you want to die twice per second. I've died 3 times since BETA in this game, for god's sake. One because I fall into the abyss, and two because of bad wi-fi and severe lag during some boss fights. This game it's been always easy. For us, of course. My 16 years sister finds it challenging. Me, however, after 20 years of playing, I find it easy. Maybe it's because I'm already familiar with MMO concept, the "Tank-healer-DPS" trinity, I'm familiar with "Endurance-Critical Rating-Defense Rating" thing, with main and secondary stats, etc. Some people, is not familiar with it, and for them is quite hard. Should ban them fo life because of that?


So please, think before talk. Tell me exactly when this game has been "that hard". And don't tell me about SWG. I was there, and that game was not hard, it was just a farming fest.

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Who are your companions, WHAT roles are they in?


Because, we must be playing entirely different games; at 4.0, I've been able to solo Aurora Cannon (they changed some mechanics).


Now, with 4.0.1a, I CAN'T DO THAT ANYMORE!!!.:mad:


That's one particular H2+, which may have been internally retuned.

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That's one particular H2+, which may have been internally retuned.


It's always been an H4, even at 4.0, it was an H4, it still is now; and at 4.0, it was soloable, on pretty much every spec with a healer, but my serenity shadow cannot out-damage the boss' self-heals. It should be retuned to H2+, and then it would be properly soloable.


Funny thing is, my Engineering sniper has little trouble getting the HP down and keeping it down on that boss, even today, post-4.0.1a. But, I've always had to use a healer, those H4 mobs shatter any tank or tanking comp.

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It's always been an H4, even at 4.0, it was an H4, it still is now; and at 4.0, it was soloable, on pretty much every spec with a healer, but my serenity shadow cannot out-damage the boss' self-heals. It should be retuned to H2+, and then it would be properly soloable.


Funny thing is, my Engineering sniper has little trouble getting the HP down and keeping it down on that boss, even today, post-4.0.1a. But, I've always had to use a healer, those H4 mobs shatter any tank or tanking comp.


try using ranged healer companion instead melee one.

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