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Names all taken.


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í & ì are your friend, if you have an 'i' in the name...


you can use them on a lot of other letters too, but on the i or j they won't be noticable.


Yes, special characters are your friend, if you want everyone to hate having to deal with you.


I like to use the Random Name Generator and insert letters here and there. For a few I have used outside name generator's, like for my Chiss I gave him a "real" Chiss style name. Non-English names are also a place to look, my Red Head Smuggler has a Celtic name. I guess the biggest tip is don't go in with your heart set on a name.


It would have been cool if they had thought ahead and had a name system like some other MMOs where you can use any name you want and instead have an account identifier, but that ship has sailed.

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You mean Legacy name? My Legacy on Harbinger is Babylon and my Legacy on Ebon Hawk is Rhee.


I don't hyphenate last names if you mean that.


No, I don't mean Legacy names, as they don't truly count towards the character's identity. Plus, if what if someone from the Babylon Legacy has a surname other than Babylon? And someone from the Rhee Legacy has a surname other than Rhee? Where's their identities?

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I haven't made a character in a long time, but even then I recall having difficulty finding something I liked that wasn't taken. I'm not sure a name purge is the way to go, but there needs to be more room for 'duplicates'. Perhaps a combination of char name and legacy name or something.


They had a chance to address this during the summer before F2P, but failed to do so. They should have made character names non-unique, and left legacy names as unique. Instead, they just made legacy names non-unique and once servers started merging, good names became more rare.

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I recently made a fat bald inquisitor. I wanted to make a name that played of his obesity. I ended up naming him Quieroingtacos. If they had freed up names I wouldn't have named him that. Now whether that encourages BW not to free up names, or to immediately free up names is yet to be seen.
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I use phoenetic spellings of Firefly characters' names for most of the characters in my Serenity legacy. Rivyr, E'nahra, Sy'min, etc. Didn't even have to modify Yosaffbrij for my impside toon. Even with the wave of Ahsokas following the release of the Togruta playable species, I had no problems with my "Hakosa" anagram : )


Zoe was the hardest to do. Zøë was the first time I actually used alt-codes.

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No, I don't mean Legacy names, as they don't truly count towards the character's identity. Plus, if what if someone from the Babylon Legacy has a surname other than Babylon? And someone from the Rhee Legacy has a surname other than Rhee? Where's their identities?


Then what do you mean? Like because I can't be Olivia... I should be Olivia-quinn ?

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I have Adrian on BC and I haven't used the free 60 token yet, which means I could re-create him under a different name inside a half-hour (mostly spent moving his stuff to other toons before I deleted him). I've had that name since the CE early release.


I wonder how many credits someone would pay for that name...


I've also had some success naming alts by using LOTR-inspired names.


(I also have Andreus, made a few months later, and Darrien, made about a year and a half ago, but those are my active mains for PVP and PVE, respectively.)

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I recently made a fat bald inquisitor. I wanted to make a name that played of his obesity. I ended up naming him Quieroingtacos. If they had freed up names I wouldn't have named him that. Now whether that encourages BW not to free up names, or to immediately free up names is yet to be seen.


I lol'd ^ :D


Yes, OP. High time for another purge. I can make up original names every day and twice on Wednesday, but I lost some dear names when servers merged and I loved them. If there's a chance I can have them back, I'd like the opportunity to get them back. Inactive squatters are inactive squatters. Nobody really loses with another purge.

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Then what do you mean? Like because I can't be Olivia... I should be Olivia-quinn ?


Let me just use some familiar names for a frame of reference.


You have one character, Luke. And then you use the legacy feature to give him the last name Skywalker. Then you create another character named Anakin, and the legacy feature automatically gives him the surname Skywalker. Sure, that's nice, but what if you want a character on the same legacy with a different surname? What if you want to make someone named Han and give him the surname Solo? Not doable, as his surname is either Skywalker, or just non-existent. And no, HanSolo is just mashing two words together. Han'Solo is still just the first name, as an apostrophe is just a cop-out. Han-Solo is a compound first name, and belongs in a seat next to Jean-Luc Picard. (... on second thought, Solo deserves to usurp Picard and take his command, entirely.)


Just, no. You can't have have your Han Solo, because Skywalker has exclusive surname rights to the entire legacy. Not every character in a story has the same surname, and SWTOR should finally realize that and fix their naming system to accommodate this. Plus, doing so, will astronomically expand the naming pool, meaning pretty-much no one will ever have a dispute over their character names again.

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To the people saying "be creative," sorry to break it to you, but Star Wars names generally aren't. A lot of humans have normal human names. There are a lot of names that are simply basic words. There are a lot of names that are extremely simple, short combinations of letters. There are a lot of names that simply reference Earth mythology.


I shouldn't have to bust out the old Sindarin or Klingon dictionary just to translate a word or two I want for a character name. And even then, a lot of made up Elvish names are taken!

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Its been years. Gonna free up some names like you did in the very beginning any time soon? Seems kinda wrong for people who haven't played in years to keep there inactive names.


I always considered it extremely bad form from Bioware to allow only short character names without spaces for our characters. Much longer and more 'sw'-like names would have been so much better.


With short names, this is what happens, names all taken and you have to make a character with random assortment of letters and numbers for it to be accepted..


ps. Yes, I am a proponent of 'proper' star-warsy names. What a fever dream.

Edited by Karkais
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On the one hand, why can't we all name ourselves whatever as long as you don't repeat within your legacy? Just display both the first and legacy name. On the other hand, every legacy will have Luke, Leia, Darth, Han, Boba etc... so I can see why they don't do that. I think if they did that though, eventually people would be openly mocked for not being original in their names. So it would balance out over time.
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On the one hand, why can't we all name ourselves whatever as long as you don't repeat within your legacy? Just display both the first and legacy name. On the other hand, every legacy will have Luke, Leia, Darth, Han, Boba etc... so I can see why they don't do that. I think if they did that though, eventually people would be openly mocked for not being original in their names. So it would balance out over time.


The /whisper system requires unique first names to work properly.


If we had a legacy-wide /whisper system though......./SIGN

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Let me just use some familiar names for a frame of reference.


You have one character, Luke. And then you use the legacy feature to give him the last name Skywalker. Then you create another character named Anakin, and the legacy feature automatically gives him the surname Skywalker. Sure, that's nice, but what if you want a character on the same legacy with a different surname? What if you want to make someone named Han and give him the surname Solo? Not doable, as his surname is either Skywalker, or just non-existent. And no, HanSolo is just mashing two words together. Han'Solo is still just the first name, as an apostrophe is just a cop-out. Han-Solo is a compound first name, and belongs in a seat next to Jean-Luc Picard. (... on second thought, Solo deserves to usurp Picard and take his command, entirely.)


Just, no. You can't have have your Han Solo, because Skywalker has exclusive surname rights to the entire legacy. Not every character in a story has the same surname, and SWTOR should finally realize that and fix their naming system to accommodate this. Plus, doing so, will astronomically expand the naming pool, meaning pretty-much no one will ever have a dispute over their character names again.


Oh so your post was a complaint about the legacy system and had nothing to do whatsoever with me, yet you quoted me. K.

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I never understood the appeal to name characters in this game after characters from the movies. It seems so unoriginal. Having said that, I do think the names that are already taken take up a lot of really good, original names that would be nice to be used. It's why I think Legacy should determine the last name, but also free you up to use any first name you like. Like, Legacy is your account and so you can have any given name you choose because of course no other account can have the same legacy name. Although that will open up a lot of people to be unoriginal and name themselves Luke, Han, Leia etc... but like I say, that will get "stupidly old" very quickly even to the point of being mocked for using it. But if I want a character named Mike, Tom, Jim, Pete, Bill, Lucy, Karen, Vickie or Darla, I should be able to do that as long as my legacy name is the surname. And although I haven't checked all those names, I'm quite sure they're all taken already.
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I still look for answers back when the servers merged with fairness in mind.


I had a max lvl Jugga who was forced to change name as there was a lvl 44 in active player on the server.


Played since day 1, been a subscriber since day 1.


The customer service always just shrugged me off when I ask.


Now the name is active again.


Maybe I have a case for Passing off with a common Law tort. Lol

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