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Can we get a Stealth bar


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I don't need control j.


I can just go alt/shift everything on the left side of the keyboard, plus scrollwheel. That alone is easily 50 binds. Then you can go one step further and rebind a modifier key to another key. And you'll get to 80 without ever reaching for the YHB and beyond part of your keyboard.


ps. I don't use S for movement.


Sure replace control j with alt g the same principle still holds. Not to mention you want to remove as many keys off your ring finger as possible. But once again, you're super human each one of your fingers is equally reactive.

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Sure replace control j with alt g the same principle still holds. Not to mention you want to remove as many keys off your ring finger as possible. But once again, you're super human each one of your fingers is equally reactive.


Alt G is perfectly doable for me?


Don't think it has a bind in tor for me, but in wow I focus gouged blinking mages with that. No problem.

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Alt G is perfectly doable for me?


Don't think it has a bind in tor for me, but in wow I focus gouged blinking mages with that. No problem.


I never said it isn't doable. Hell Alt+h or shift k is doable with my hand size within the GCD timer of SWTOR. The difference is between doable and optimizable and nasty wrist/finger strain.

Edited by Kaeozz
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I never said it isn't doable. Hell Alt+h or shift k is doable with my hand size within the GCD timer of SWTOR. The difference is between doable and optimizable and nasty wrist/finger strain.


I feel no strain. You must have tiny hands.

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not even vanilla shaman need 85 keybinds and that class had the most abilities in the history of WoW. redundancy is redundant.


I am more than comfortable with 1-7, q, e, v, z, plus ctrl+1-7, shift+1-7 and alt+1-7. 32 keybinds in every mmorpg, even eq2 with it's insane bloat.

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Hand size has very little to do with strain. Strain is caused by crossing your fingers. You can't hit things like alt + f quickly without crossing your fingers.


Tumb on alt, pointer finger on F. Not crossing anything. No form of strain whatsoever.

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not even vanilla shaman need 85 keybinds and that class had the most abilities in the history of WoW. redundancy is redundant.


I am more than comfortable with 1-7, q, e, v, z, plus ctrl+1-7, shift+1-7 and alt+1-7. 32 keybinds in every mmorpg, even eq2 with it's insane bloat.


I lol'd. You obviously never played a Hunter in MOP.

And like I said, some abilties needed 2 bindings for multiple functionalities.

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Tumb on alt, pointer finger on F. Not crossing anything. No form of strain whatsoever.


It might be annoying if you are in the middle of strafing and coming of another ability. Not a huge thing though. And sometimes you want to quickly change targets and kind of screw yourself by clicking alt just a bit before.


Less ability bloat and more keys to press is always a good thing.

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It might be annoying if you are in the middle of strafing and coming of another ability. Not a huge thing though. And sometimes you want to quickly change targets and kind of screw yourself by clicking alt just a bit before.


Less ability bloat and more keys to press is always a good thing.


If you do it for a while you won't have those issues.


Besides, I'm sure you have watched my stream before, you seen my movement being a problem ever? :p

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If you do it for a while you won't have those issues.


Besides, I'm sure you have watched my stream before, you seen my movement being a problem ever? :p


Meh, not everyone is you. If BW can do something simple to reduce ability bloat and free up some keys I think it's a good idea.

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Meh, not everyone is you. If BW can do something simple to reduce ability bloat and free up some keys I think it's a good idea.


what ability bloat? sin tanks have LEAST amount ability to keep track of least to be used..


And i have small hands we dont need sleath bar there is no reason


of all my toons sin tank has LEAST amount abilities hotkeyed granted I has mouse with tilt wheel that let bind so i have like 6+ thing bound to tilt wheel tilt left/right scroll up/down and alt+ tilt left/right scroll up/down. but even with out that sin tanks have the least amount ability to deal with then any other class i played

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Tumb on alt, pointer finger on F. Not crossing anything. No form of strain whatsoever.


Bahahaha you're so full of yourself it's really hilarious.


So now you're telling me you move your entire arm sideways to achieve this. Guess what that does, puts strain on your elbow.

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Bahahaha you're so full of yourself it's really hilarious.


So now you're telling me you move your entire arm sideways to achieve this. Guess what that does, puts strain on your elbow.




Do you need me to take pictures or something?


There is no effort, there is no strain.. and most of all.. I don't even put any thought to it once the game is on.

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Bahahaha you're so full of yourself it's really hilarious.


So now you're telling me you move your entire arm sideways to achieve this. Guess what that does, puts strain on your elbow.


You know, I was going to let this whole "keybind" thing just going about its merry way. But this... I can't resist.


Are you human? Do you have normally proportioned hands? Can your thumb not move one inch left while your pointer finger moves half of an inch to the right? Are your hands backwards? If you answer yes to any of these questions, can we get pictures?

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if you wouldn't use a stealth bar for mind trap and blackout, no one is making you.


but on the subject of keybinds, i hope everyone has keymapped something else to caps lock because thats prime keyboard real estate and NOBODY LIKES SOMEONE WHO YELLS AT PEOPLE FOR NO REASON

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You know, I was going to let this whole "keybind" thing just going about its merry way. But this... I can't resist.


Are you human? Do you have normally proportioned hands? Can your thumb not move one inch left while your pointer finger moves half of an inch to the right? Are your hands backwards? If you answer yes to any of these questions, can we get pictures?


Please show me a picture of you putting your hand position over alt + f with your arm within a 30 degree angle away from perpendicular to the keyboard.


I'd love to see you do this without crossing any appendages.




Do you need me to take pictures or something?


There is no effort, there is no strain.. and most of all.. I don't even put any thought to it once the game is on.


By definition if you're moving any muscle, it takes effort. If you're doing anything other than laying down, it puts strain on your body. But then again, you're super human right!

Edited by Kaeozz
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