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Can we get a Stealth bar


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So you proved you can't press alt + f without crossing over two appendages. Funny how that works.


And jesus wipe down your keyboard.


Well, you were implying that it was impossible:

Hand size has very little to do with strain. Strain is caused by crossing your fingers. You can't hit things like alt + f quickly without crossing your fingers.
You then laughed at him when he said he could. You also called him full of himself, which is really odd, considering he wasn't really bragging:

Bahahaha you're so full of yourself it's really hilarious.


So now you're telling me you move your entire arm sideways to achieve this. Guess what that does, puts strain on your elbow.

I also don't think you understand what the word strain really means (secondary list).


By definition if you're moving any muscle, it takes effort. If you're doing anything other than laying down, it puts strain on your body. But then again, you're super human right!

None of the four listed definitions meets the criteria of what he did. Even if you use the engineering definition of strain, he certainly didn't do that, because, while I don't know the yield strength of human fingers, I'm pretty sure his hand didn't plastically deform (or just break) after he did that, especially considering I did it myself numerous times and my hand looks quite the same as before.


Now, if you had said that it puts stress on his body, I couldn't have disagreed, because it does: he put energy into his hand to put it into that position, and not all of it was to overcome inertia, some of it did go into stressing his bones. However, all materials have some amount of stress they can suffer before hitting yield and either breaking or plastically deforming, which is one definition of strain, which his hand really didn't do. The only other reasonable definition to use here is the medical one, and I'm pretty sure he didn't hurt himself doing that.

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Now, if you had said that it puts stress on his body, I couldn't have disagreed, because it does: he put energy into his hand to put it into that position, and not all of it was to overcome inertia, some of it did go into stressing his bones. However, all materials have some amount of stress they can suffer before hitting yield and either breaking or plastically deforming, which is one definition of strain, which his hand really didn't do. The only other reasonable definition to use here is the medical one, and I'm pretty sure he didn't hurt himself doing that.


Not even if "strain" is just supposed to mean it feels funny, it doesn't.

It feels completely natural and I can hit that keybind in less than 100 milliseconds easily.

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How did a topic about a Stealth bar turn into people with deformed hands ranting about WoW PvP and hilarious amounts of keybinds? Castsequence macros and old expansion Videos, really? Such toolery, can't believe you people even needed those.


To answer the original question, BioWare simply forgot to abuse the intern who coded the Smug/Agent bar to copy and paste it. It can be very glitchy as-is and usually gets disabled by players, and I don't think many Shadow/Assassin's would prefer a broken version over no version at all. :rak_03:


It may end up as a QoL feature in a few years.

Edited by Knighty
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not even vanilla shaman need 85 keybinds and that class had the most abilities in the history of WoW. redundancy is redundant.


I am more than comfortable with 1-7, q, e, v, z, plus ctrl+1-7, shift+1-7 and alt+1-7. 32 keybinds in every mmorpg, even eq2 with it's insane bloat.


This is one of the things that makes me laugh, people who complain about not enough keybinds need to think about getting a gaming mouse with 12 keys on the side, and/or a specific gaming keyboard or gamepad. I use a Logitech G13, and G600 MMO mouse combo so that I can easily get all the keybinds that I want without any amount of strain. I use the joystick on my G13 for movement, and I have a lot of empty keys that I could use if I needed to.


However I do agree that we need a Stealth bar as there are abilities that we can only use in stealth or use differently in Stealth for both Assassin/Shadow, and Scoundrel/Operative. Most MMO's with a stealth class have a Stealth Bar, and we do have a Cover Bar, why is it so difficult for some people to just accept that it's a standard of living upgrade that is long overdue?

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This is one of the things that makes me laugh, people who complain about not enough keybinds need to think about getting a gaming mouse with 12 keys on the side, and/or a specific gaming keyboard or gamepad. I use a Logitech G13, and G600 MMO mouse combo so that I can easily get all the keybinds that I want without any amount of strain. I use the joystick on my G13 for movement, and I have a lot of empty keys that I could use if I needed to.


However I do agree that we need a Stealth bar as there are abilities that we can only use in stealth or use differently in Stealth for both Assassin/Shadow, and Scoundrel/Operative. Most MMO's with a stealth class have a Stealth Bar, and we do have a Cover Bar, why is it so difficult for some people to just accept that it's a standard of living upgrade that is long overdue?


Because you can bind everything you would ever use in stealth to normal binds? And pretty much everything on my main bar are abilities I at one point or another use in stealth anyway. So there isn't any room for switching bars.


Options are never bad, but it's so pointless that it's hardly worth bothering with.

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Well, you were implying that it was impossible:


And I did prove it. It is impossible to hit alt+f without crossing over any two appendages while holding your arm approximately perpendicular to your keyboard.


You then laughed at him when he said he could. You also called him full of himself, which is really odd, considering he wasn't really bragging:


You can be full of yourself for other reasons than bragging.


I also don't think you understand what the word strain really means (secondary list).


None of the four listed definitions meets the criteria of what he did. Even if you use the engineering definition of strain, he certainly didn't do that, because, while I don't know the yield strength of human fingers, I'm pretty sure his hand didn't plastically deform (or just break) after he did that, especially considering I did it myself numerous times and my hand looks quite the same as before.


Now, if you had said that it puts stress on his body, I couldn't have disagreed, because it does: he put energy into his hand to put it into that position, and not all of it was to overcome inertia, some of it did go into stressing his bones. However, all materials have some amount of stress they can suffer before hitting yield and either breaking or plastically deforming, which is one definition of strain, which his hand really didn't do. The only other reasonable definition to use here is the medical one, and I'm pretty sure he didn't hurt himself doing that.


Not once did I claim he would strain his fingers or get a strain. I suggest you pick up some reading comprehension skills before making yourself look more ignorant.

Edited by Kaeozz
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And I did prove it. It is impossible to hit alt+f without crossing over any two appendages while holding your arm approximately perpendicular to your keyboard.
It's awfully nitpicky to call the palm of his hand an appendage. But hey, if you wanna really stretch it so you're kinda right, go for it.

You can be full of yourself for other reasons than bragging.

Like saying possible things aren't impossible, right? Because that makes lots of sense.

Not once did I claim he would strain his fingers or get a strain. I suggest you pick up some reading comprehension skills before making yourself look more ignorant.

Or, y'know. You did:

Hand size has very little to do with strain. Strain is caused by crossing your fingers. You can't hit things like alt + f quickly without crossing your fingers.

By definition if you're moving any muscle, it takes effort. If you're doing anything other than laying down, it puts strain on your body. But then again, you're super human right!

So, in a basic logic format, what you've said:


1) If you move a muscle, you strain your body [i'm just gonna go ahead and take a little liberty here and make a simple jump to that piece of your body being what gets strained].

2) Last I checked, fingers have muscles in them. (roughly translates to fingers ~ muscles)

3) Because physics: if you move your fingers, you move your muscles in them. (using 2)

4.0) Assumption: You move your fingers

4.1) You move your muscles in your fingers (modus ponens, 4.0, 3)

4.2) You strain your muscles in your fingers (modus ponens, 4.1, 1)

4.3) You strain your fingers (substitution, 2, 4.2)

5) Therefore, if you move your fingers, you strain your fingers. (4.0-4.3)


So yes, you, by pretty simple logic, said that if he moves his fingers, he'll strain them. Considering you told him that you wanted to see him try it, you basically told him to go strain his fingers. Y'know, just taking what you said and applying logic. But my reading comprehension skills need some work, I guess.

Edited by Aelanis
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It's awfully nitpicky to call the palm of his hand an appendage. But hey, if you wanna really stretch it so you're kinda right, go for it.

Like saying possible things aren't impossible, right? Because that makes lots of sense.


Or, y'know. You did:



So, in a basic logic format, what you've said:


1) If you move a muscle, you strain your body [i'm just gonna go ahead and take a little liberty here and make a simple jump to that piece of your body being what gets strained].

2) Last I checked, fingers have muscles in them. (roughly translates to fingers ~ muscles)

3) Because physics: if you move your fingers, you move your muscles in them. (using 2)

4.0) Assumption: You move your fingers

4.1) You move your muscles in your fingers (modus ponens, 4.0, 3)

4.2) You strain your muscles in your fingers (modus ponens, 4.1, 1)

4.3) You strain your fingers (substitution, 2, 4.2)

5) Therefore, if you move your fingers, you strain your fingers. (4.0-4.3)


So yes, you, by pretty simple logic, said that if he moves his fingers, he'll strain them. Considering you told him that you wanted to see him try it, you basically told him to go strain his fingers. Y'know, just taking what you said and applying logic. But my reading comprehension skills need some work, I guess.


Nope. First premise is wrong. But try again.

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Nope. First premise is wrong. But try again.


Or, y'know, it's right, because you said it, and you obviously know better than any of the rest of us:

By definition if you're moving any muscle, it takes effort. If you're doing anything other than laying down, it puts strain on your body. But then again, you're super human right!


Emphasis mine. But sure, I guess my reading comprehension still sucks.


Do you even physics, bro?


It's not even physics. It's him denying he said things that he hasn't even edited himself into not saying. Then again, you can always just do this when you quote people:

I'm a pretty pink princess who loves to go to tea parties.
Edited by Aelanis
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Because you can bind everything you would ever use in stealth to normal binds? And pretty much everything on my main bar are abilities I at one point or another use in stealth anyway. So there isn't any room for switching bars.


Options are never bad, but it's so pointless that it's hardly worth bothering with.


It's actually not pointless, it's actually just as important as the cover bar. Stealth specs in SWTOR can only use the stealth CC while stealthed, and generally abilities that you use regularly should be on the main toolbar, but Spike and Mind Trap are useless outside of stealth for most specs. Also it would be useful to have other abilities that don't break stealth on a stealth toolbar. It isn't like we can make an addon which would allow those who would like to have one, to have it, while the devs continue to focus on improving the overall game.


It would also be a very simple addition to either double the cover bar mechanism with a stealth trigger, or to even just make the new temporary toolbar that pops up situationally trigger during stealth.

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Just a few things.


1. no need for a stealth bar

2. my gunslingers cover bar is turned off, i find it confusing.

3. My vanguard and PT cant even fill up the first 2 bars with useful abilities I have 2 open slots in my 2 main bars for those classes.


OK so if you could turn it off just like you can the cover bar then you would have no problem with giving the stealth bar to the people who do want it.

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Or, y'know, it's right, because you said it, and you obviously know better than any of the rest of us:



Emphasis mine. But sure, I guess my reading comprehension still sucks.




It's not even physics. It's him denying he said things that he hasn't even edited himself into not saying. Then again, you can always just do this when you quote people:


Yea it does. It is very much a distinction between a medical terminology and physics terminology. I am very precise with my wording. I suggest you try reading again :3


Do you even physics, bro?


Apparently you don't.

Edited by Kaeozz
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It always perplexes me why some people read a suggestion like this and decide to argue against it. If they created a stealth bar, and made it optional like the cover bar, how would that in any way hurt the game? It would be a win/win situation, since it's optional.


And don't tell me it's because it would dumb down the game. Turning 6 keybindings into 3 would not dumb down the game. I'm using 37 keybinds right now, and I'll reach 40 by the time I have all my abilities. I can't use Spike, Blackout, and Mind Trap out of combat, so they're dead weight 90% of the time, but they still need a keybind, because clicking is so 2005.


I'd kill a room full of younglings to get a stealth bar.

Edited by Qaoz
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It always perplexes me why some people read a suggestion like this and decide to argue against it. If they created a stealth bar, and made it optional like the cover bar, how would that in any way hurt the game? It would be a win/win situation, since it's optional.


And don't tell me it's because it would dumb down the game. Turning 6 keybindings into 3 would not dumb down the game. I'm using 37 keybinds right now, and I'll reach 40 by the time I have all my abilities. I can't use Spike, Blackout, and Mind Trap out of combat, so they're dead weight 90% of the time, but they still need a keybind, because clicking is so 2005.


I'd kill a room full of younglings to get a stealth bar.


The argument against it would be that it would be a poor use of developer resources (time, money, etc.).

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