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Please Remove Required PVP content from "story" missions


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Lana send the PC to Dromund Kaas to "recruit" Major Pierce to the Alliance. Major Pierce seems to think PVP wins are required to convince him to join. Forcing players into PVP is a bad choice. Many players do not like PVP and therefore do not partake. I am one of those players. I express my extreme disappointment at your choice to force players to take part in PVP for a PVE "Story" component.
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Definitely won't be getting him, also you have to fight 20 unranked PVP matches (and win at least 2, if I'm not mistaken) to get the Havoc Squad droid (don't remember his name, lol). I don't like PVP, I play on a PVE server for a reason, and the few times I have been flagged, accidently usually, I have not had a good experience, like when I went into the smuggler's den area on Tatooine for a macrobinocular quest as a lvl 53 and got shot in the back by a lvl 60 dude. And just the other day, got jumped by 2 lvl 60's at the same time. Nope, don't like PVP at ALL! :eek::mad::rolleyes:
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Yikes it effects Lt. Pierce as well as M1-4X? ***?


I can't decide if it's bad quest design on Bioware's part or lazy quest design. Or heaven forbid BOTH.


Here's hoping they add something else as a requirement so that those of us who have no desire to PvP can get Lt. Pierce or M1-4X. Maybe get us to do some heroics or solo flashpoints as both of those are doable with a companion.

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I'd like to thank BW for finally adding something to the story that will allow those of us who prefer PVP to participate. PVEers get practically all the content in this game, and then have the nerve to cry and about the one bone BW finally throws us.


What new content did PVP get in this patch again? Zero. PVEers QQ too much. I hope we see much, much more of this.

Edited by KenBoFTatooine
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I'd like to thank BW for finally adding something to the story that will allow those of us who prefer PVP to participate. PVEers get practically all the content in this game, and then have the nerve to cry and about the one bone BW finally throws us.


What new content did PVP get in this patch again? Zero. PVEers QQ too much. I hope we see much, much more of this.

Um...I'm sorry, did this actually add anything for you? No it didn't. In what way is this BioWare throwing you a bone? You gain nothing new and people who play for the story are restricted from story content. If we want Pierce and Fourex it's because we like them as characters, not because we want to collect every companion to have in combat or something. You can only have one and they're functionally identical now. Having a story thing (a companion) gated behind PVP matches is like saying you can only unlock a new warzone if you complete a romance with a companion. Makes no sense and those two things don't relate to each other.

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Um...I'm sorry, did this actually add anything for you? No it didn't. In what way is this BioWare throwing you a bone? You gain nothing new and people who play for the story are restricted from story content. If we want Pierce and Fourex it's because we like them as characters, not because we want to collect every companion to have in combat or something. You can only have one and they're functionally identical now. Having a story thing (a companion) gated behind PVP matches is like saying you can only unlock a new warzone if you complete a romance with a companion. Makes no sense and those two things don't relate to each other.


Unless you're a Trooper there is no story attached to M1-4X. And Troopers don't have to do the quest to obtain him. Likewise with Warriors and Pierce.


The companions are given as a result of a PvP quest and after you obtain them they grow in power when you PvP. They have nothing to do with the KOTFE story. They are just one of the dozen + companions you can earn.

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Um...I'm sorry, did this actually add anything for you? No it didn't. In what way is this BioWare throwing you a bone? You gain nothing new and people who play for the story are restricted from story content. If we want Pierce and Fourex it's because we like them as characters, not because we want to collect every companion to have in combat or something. You can only have one and they're functionally identical now. Having a story thing (a companion) gated behind PVP matches is like saying you can only unlock a new warzone if you complete a romance with a companion. Makes no sense and those two things don't relate to each other.


Good point.


This is not about PvP Gameplay vs PvE Gameplay.


Bioware says "...Your Story..." and yet takes away at least 2 Companions, three if you don't want to hunt down World Bosses for the Trandoshan.


Personally I had hoped to build a team that was dedicated to the Empire. In MY STORY those who supported the Empire were to be my supporters and would follow me to meet my destiny. Pierce is one companion I wanted on my team.


Looks like Bioware was wrong about the "Your Story". PvP is pointless and little more than filler content for an MMO. The biggest flaw in any MMORPG is always it's PvP. Most of the changes to both gear and abilities stems from PvP. That is not to say that PvE is flawless, so don't start that.

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I keep saying this but it keeps falling on deaf ears (well that and I did start retorting to childish comments), PvP'ing to gain alliance companions makes absolute no sense whatsoever, if M1-4X is so anti-imperial that he tells you "you can only gain me if you go and kill a load of imps" would someone like that really want to join an alliance which by definition includes members from both the empire and republic.


Besides, If word that you recruited these companions into the alliance by killing imps/pubs got out do you really think the alliance would last a day.


Fair enough if PvP players want their "rewards" but for it to be this is just silly given the above.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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I keep saying this but it keeps falling on deaf ears (well that and I did start retorting to childish comments), PvP'ing to gain alliance companions makes absolute no sense whatsoever, if M1-4X is so anti-imperial that he tells you "you can only gain me if you go and kill a load of imps" would someone like that really want to join an alliance which by definition includes members from both the empire and republic.


Besides, If word that you recruited these companions into the alliance by killing imps/pubs got out do you really think the alliance would last a day.


Fair enough if PvP players want their "rewards" but for it to be this is just silly given the above.



Only problem with this analysis is that all those heroics where you're killing the opposing faction are in the same boat. Furthermore, just like with SOR, it's not clear at all that this is intended to a great melting pot. Each companion is a choice. Some people, for example, will reject Xalek because of his ethos.


Ultimately, we all have our own conception of what the alliance should be.

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Only problem with this analysis is that all those heroics where you're killing the opposing faction are in the same boat. Furthermore, just like with SOR, it's not clear at all that this is intended to a great melting pot. Each companion is a choice. Some people, for example, will reject Xalek because of his ethos.


Ultimately, we all have our own conception of what the alliance should be.


Who are the heroics for? I apologise I have not done the Star Fortresses yet?

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It's not just Star Fortress. Each of the planetary heroics gives you a lockbox for the Alliance. Even though many of those heroics put you in direct opposition to the opposing faction.


Heroics are not happening during the Alliance Timeline. They are in the past.

While they are replayable, the circumstances that lead to them are tied to planetary (And sometimes Class) missions.

They happened between eight (For Starter worlds) to five (For Makeb) years before Chapter IX.

No one in the Alliance mentions these heroics, it's just a cheap trick by Bioware to recycle content: They are not happening once again.

However, WZs matches, based on M1-4X comments do happen during the the quest, you are not playing "flashbacks" of your character previous actions. Since WZs barely contain any story, they are not "locked and done" like Heroics, they can happen anytime in the timeline.


A good example: At chapter 65, you can play Hutta's Heroics, yeah? These heroics mostly pit you against an Evocii revolt that gets smashed at the end of the second one and against Fath'ra... Who is either dead, ruined or serving Cipher Nine after Voss where he had already lost everything.

Edited by Leklor
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Agreed. also stupid things like kill all the bosses for Quyzen. Scorekeepers herald does not have time for that ****.


Qyzen doesn't require World Bosses but the "Jagannath Worthy Prey are insanely long to respawn", considering the amount of people stalking Hoth at the moment.

Edited by Leklor
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Qyzen doesn't require World Bosses but the "Jagannath Worthy Prey are insanely long to respawn", considering the amount of people stalking Hoth at the moment.


Thats why I think I will wait until it dies down a little, maybe not with my characters that are in a guild I might be able to do a guild run WB instead.

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I keep saying this but it keeps falling on deaf ears (well that and I did start retorting to childish comments), PvP'ing to gain alliance companions makes absolute no sense whatsoever, if M1-4X is so anti-imperial that he tells you "you can only gain me if you go and kill a load of imps" would someone like that really want to join an alliance which by definition includes members from both the empire and republic.


Besides, If word that you recruited these companions into the alliance by killing imps/pubs got out do you really think the alliance would last a day.


Fair enough if PvP players want their "rewards" but for it to be this is just silly given the above.


A see a big flaw in your thinking - probably stems from not really knowing said companions. I doubt Pierce or M1-4X care. They are stuck in places they never wanted to be and to prove they won't fall into another boring "alliance" they want to bust some heads. M1 hates Imperials, Pierce hates the Republic, what did you expect from them? They want to have one last "night out" and if you want them on your side you do it. If not - you don't.

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Heroics are not happening during the Alliance Timeline. They are in the past.

While they are replayable, the circumstances that lead to them are tied to planetary (And sometimes Class) missions.

They happened between eight (For Starter worlds) to five (For Makeb) years before Chapter IX.

No one in the Alliance mentions these heroics, it's just a cheap trick by Bioware to recycle content: They are not happening once again.

However, WZs matches, based on M1-4X comments do happen during the the quest, you are not playing "flashbacks" of your character previous actions. Since WZs barely contain any story, they are not "locked and done" like Heroics, they can happen anytime in the timeline.


A good example: At chapter 65, you can play Hutta's Heroics, yeah? These heroics mostly pit you against an Evocii revolt that gets smashed at the end of the second one and against Fath'ra... Who is either dead, ruined or serving Cipher Nine after Voss where he had already lost everything.


That's not true.


All the Warzones, except perhaps Huttball and the Arenas take place in a defined time period in the past. Alderaan, Novare Coast, & Ancient Hypergates directly related to the storyline. They are part of the battles ongoing in those areas. The raids and flashpoints fill out that content.


Voidstar absolutely takes place in the past because the mission commanders for that are Satele Shan and Darth Marr who as anyone who's done KOTFE know:



Satele is in exile, and Marr is in force ghost mode. And really, they aren't exactly at each other's throats in those fireside chats.


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Unless you're a Trooper there is no story attached to M1-4X. And Troopers don't have to do the quest to obtain him. Likewise with Warriors and Pierce.


The companions are given as a result of a PvP quest and after you obtain them they grow in power when you PvP. They have nothing to do with the KOTFE story. They are just one of the dozen + companions you can earn.

Well that's a relief! I haven't gotten the quests for these characters yet (I only got Yuun so far) and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get my team back together without being forced to do PvP :(. I'm glad that's not the case. I don't care about getting them on characters that have never met them.

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