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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

With new levels and abilities = ability creep


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I'm all for having a lot of different abilities and options when I game in an MMO. But I think its starting to get out of hand. A lot of older MMOs went back and purged, or combined similar abilities, to reduce action bar clutter. I think the development team needs to take a look at doing the same with SWTOR. Look at a game like Wildstar, ESO or GW2, they have maybe 8 -/+ abilities on the action bar, but I don't feel hindered or lacking in any way when I play them.


And without a way to macro several abilities to one button, it becomes even more cluttered.


To pop my defensive's in PVP I literally have to press 5 keys?


I'll use the Sniper as an example -


Defensive abilities:

1. Entrench

2. Ballistic Shield

3. Shield Probe

4. Evasion

5. PVP Heal Stim


TLDR - I shouldn't need 3 full action bars to PVP/PVE in SWTOR.


Just a thought.

Edited by Trimethicon
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As they add levels (50, 55, 60, 65) they add more and more abilities. Right now do you really feel like you need 3 action bars, let alone 2? Its becoming very WoW-like, do you want this?



I feel like 2 action bars isn't that insane. It's the first bar and first bar + shift.

I use a 3rd for situational combat; almost half of that being AoE abilities.


The rest are for generally non-combat utilities.

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I agree, 2 bars isn't unmanageable. I use 3, the third one is on the right side of my screen positioned vertically. But I'm getting to a point where I could realistically use 4 action bars, and I refuse to, I should be able to play the game without it. Other games can do it.


There are a lot of redundant abilities in the game; Evasion and Shield Probe could be one ability, it wouldn't break the game. On the Operative they removed Acid Blade, which I hated at the time, and made it a passive. Laze Target could be a passive for the first Snipe fired from Cover, etc., see where I'm going?


Sniper rifle abilities:


Rifle Shot


Overload Shot

Suppressive Fire


Leg Shot

Shatter Shot


Series of Shots

Penetrating Blast


Yes, some are situational, and they don't all have to be used, but still, it seems to be a bit much. They could easily cut a few abilities and make one ability more interesting.

Edited by Trimethicon
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This game has ability bloat that is getting worse with every expansion. For my Balance Sage, here's the list of active combat abilities that have quickbar slots and keybinds. I left off the list a few that I don't keybind and all the non-combat stuff.



  1. weaken mind
  2. sever force
  3. force in balance
  4. telekinetic throw
  5. vanquish/mind crush
  6. disturbance
  7. force serenity
  8. forcequake
  9. project
  10. benelovence
  11. force potency
  12. mental alacrity
  13. rejuvenate
  14. restoration
  15. force mend
  16. force wave
  17. force stun
  18. force lift
  19. force armor
  20. force barrier
  21. force speed
  22. force slow
  23. rescue
  24. mind cloud (with utility, otherwise useless)
  25. medpac
  26. adrenal
  27. interrupt
  28. CC break
  29. Phasewalk

Edited by RAVM
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Well that picture makes me glad that I never tried that game. Not necessarily because of the number of abilities on the bars though. Because of the amount of nonsense BS all over the screen blocking all view of whatever is even going on there.


That was an extreme example trying to make a point.


I'm not saying Elder Scrolls Oline is a better game, but there is something to be said for simplicity.



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All of my gripes about this game (which I love), the ability bloat is the worst for me. There are just too many that do roughly the same thing. I would very much like to see some consolidation.


You don't have to make them suck - seriously, stop right now with the 'ooh a chance to make them suck' line of thought. Just consolidate some redundancies without ruining anything. Just this once, to see what happens. Not nerfing. Not removing useful mechanics. Not combining unrelated mechanics. Not tripling the cooldown 'to compensate'. Just consolidating.

Edited by Furiant
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