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Alliances - What do we get out of it?


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I have done some looking around and no one seems to be able to answer this question: what do we get out of grinding up Alliance Rep? I don't really see any cool gear vendor that requires ranks or anything, so I'm a bit confused as to what the end goal/motivation is for grinding up these different alliances.


Can someone 'sell' me as to why I should bother grinding Alliance Rep?

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I have done some looking around and no one seems to be able to answer this question: what do we get out of grinding up Alliance Rep? I don't really see any cool gear vendor that requires ranks or anything, so I'm a bit confused as to what the end goal/motivation is for grinding up these different alliances.


Can someone 'sell' me as to why I should bother grinding Alliance Rep?


The only purpose I've seen is...

1) Your "main" companions in each wing offers boosts/unlocks in the star fortress if their rep level is high enough.

2) The "companion(s)" you take out with you are stronger/healthier the higher their rep is.


Other than that, I am curious as well, aside from having an endless number of crafters.

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My guess is with your main companions (SCORPIO, Lana etc) its imperative you boost their rank since I think it'll effect them in the upcoming chapters. As for the other companions its just to enhance their effectiveness in the field.


The Alliance specialists provide buffs in the Star Fortress flashpoint. The higher your rank, the better buffs you get.

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From what I've seen and done in game you get a bunch of companion gifts and adaptive armor (not found elsewhere easily that I've seen - it's all like old raid gear) for turning in the packages to gain rep with the big 4. In turn, you'll unlock benefits for star fortresses at least in terms of chests you couldn't open before. Since I don't have anyone at 10+ yet I don't know what's in those chests myself. I'm sure there's a lot more, just what I've seen directly.
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From what I've seen and done in game you get a bunch of companion gifts and adaptive armor (not found elsewhere easily that I've seen - it's all like old raid gear) for turning in the packages to gain rep with the big 4. In turn, you'll unlock benefits for star fortresses at least in terms of chests you couldn't open before. Since I don't have anyone at 10+ yet I don't know what's in those chests myself. I'm sure there's a lot more, just what I've seen directly.


Those chest contain temporary boosts to be used in the FP. An achievement is tied to using all 4 in the final battle as well.

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I just boost the affection because I think they'll be more effective. IE., I have so far on my Jedi Shadow boosted Talos Drellik (cool guy btw) up to 113K or so, almost halfway there. And Lana is around 80K. Most of my companions are around 78K, so I have some affection-gathering to go. I sell a lot of packs on GTN, and send companions on missions as well (Underworld Trading is very good in this case). It's fun to see that I have 16 ready companions on my Crewskill list.
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