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So Jugg v Assin


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assin never going to win LoL, or vary slim chance


If you're playing Hatred, kite more. Double DoT them up and just kite behind LoS, this method is slow, but it's extremely effective and the net result is the same, you kill them.


If you're playing Deception, you have to LoS after each ability that you use and make sure to CC them during major cooldowns. Outside of the occasional maul or voltaic, stay in the 5-9m window, this makes it so they only damage you with a couple abilities while you can get in some pretty heavy hitting ranged abilities. It also prevents them from leaping to you.

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assin never going to win LoL, or vary slim chance



damn, man you figured it all out! it's a travesty i tell ya!


seriously now, if you attack him while Enraged Defense and Saber War are active what do you expect? there's a reason those things have long cds and are given only to the mellee/no cc class (aka brute)


as an assassin you can pick your fights, therefore you can take the juggernaut by surprise, or if he opens his defenses use force cloak and return in 12 sec , he'll be much squishier this time i promise!

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If you're playing Hatred, kite more. Double DoT them up and just kite behind LoS, this method is slow, but it's extremely effective and the net result is the same, you kill them.


If you're playing Deception, you have to LoS after each ability that you use and make sure to CC them during major cooldowns. Outside of the occasional maul or voltaic, stay in the 5-9m window, this makes it so they only damage you with a couple abilities while you can get in some pretty heavy hitting ranged abilities. It also prevents them from leaping to you.


lol im nither. i have more testing to do

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I play as a tank now so my deffensives are a bit better, but I have no issue with going 1v1 against a jugg unless they are a lot better than I am. You need to kite them when they have their deffensives up, especially enraged defense.


i tend to not run from a fight maybe thats my problem

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i tend to not run from a fight maybe thats my problem


Well, something this game taught me is that running away is not necessary dishonorable. There are classes that work best as the suicidal vanguard (not the class) that jump into the battle in front of anyone, uses their good dcds to keep alive and mess around with the enemy from inside their group - like juggs and other tank specs. Other classes that can keep their distance and mess with the enemy while in a more safe place, like ranged classes. And there are the stealth classes which implement a more tactical play like, ambushes, hit and run, and other tricks like this. It's not about running away, it's about using what you have wisely. Use the word "strategist" as a self reference when you play stealth and you'll feel way better when running away. lol

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Juggernauts are the kings of straight up fighting. No bs, nothing fancy, just leap and pummel.

And they got the cooldowns to back it up.


An assassin, though also melee, has a totally different playstyle, but is equally able to kill, its just not as derp smash so people see it as impossible versus a straightforward class.


Im not going to tell you how because Jinre summed up how you would do it perfectly, but just think outside the box. If you play a stealth class like you would play a juggernaut you are going to get facerolled.

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