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it's amazing !!!


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I also don't see the heroic grind as a problem, as :


1) They are short

2) They offer a variety of things to do and objectives to complete.



By that notion, they are even less of a grind than flashpoints, which are just "fight to boss, kill boss, wash, rinse, repeat."


Its all a grind. Before the alliance, for me, it was rep and comms via dailies, weeklies, and GF, with a bit of WZ thrown in. I'm enjoying the change of pace with the alliance.


I just found out there is two tiers of glowing data crystal gear: 208, 216. I'm not sure why I threw that in there, but yeah.

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I'm loving it so far. The alliance stuff feels less like a slogging grind to be than bite sized adventure hooks that eventually add up significance.


The thing in liking least about the expansion so far are some of the crafting changes, but I'm OK with even most of that. Note super enthusiastic about how they've made farming hardmode and conquest mats that only relevant thing you'll ever actually do with creating anything worth owning at top level, but at least it's all still profitable enough to craft leveling grad gear.


In the end, being able to craft the 208/216 stuff they have available is rendered completely pointless to do for one's self if one is running that content to get the mats in the first place.


It's not even modifiable gear. I might consider it to be worth making for alts if it were, but the craftable 208/216's have defaulted stats... And that's too bad.


I'd much rather farm up basic crystals, get basic gear and rip mods to put in the shells of my choosing and actually optimize my stats than waste any amount of my time on generic 208/216 gear that can't be modified at all except for with dyes and, where applicable, crystals.


So, that whole 'casuals can now craft up to storymode raid gear!' thing?


Not really even true. You can craft 208/216 stuff, but that doesn't mean it's going to be as well optimized as your actual modded gear will be if you're conducting your stats exactly right.


So, all in all, loving most of Fallen Empire, though crafting had only been cleaned up. It's still a hardmode and raider's paradise insofar as anything actually relevant to anything goes. They've just put some makeup on that pig and seem to be hoping nobody's going to notice that they didn't actually make anything better about it at all.

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I'm loving it so far. The alliance stuff feels less like a slogging grind to be than bite sized adventure hooks that eventually add up significance.


this.. so this! it was clever how they have incorporated a grind into the story, and that it is going to add up to something significant.. and ofc, how much of it you do effects or should effect aspects of the story.


they could use it as a platform to launch and open space add on game to swtor... whiles swtor has a lot of story and ground fighting focus, open space you take your alliance and you as a player actually get to control worlds and systems and those systems would be part of the Republic or the Empire based on your allegiance. and you can have space and ground combat against other players etc in an open world SWG/EVE type scenario.


they can spawn many sort of planets that have varying environments and details, that could combine a number asset sets.. then the player can build on those planets - from bases like the current alliance. or yavin for, you can choose waht sort of tech you have, the models for the base, want it in a rock olike the stronghold in tattoine or like the base in Odessa? want it pyramid temple style like Yavin 4 or scity style like Dromund KAas and over time grow it sim city style into a Coreilla type city or a Coruscant or Zakuul like city.


if you are also subscribed to the ground game, your alliance efforts girinding would be an incredible source of resource for you system in the open space game and vice versa, there are certain status of states of being that can only be achieved if you also have the ground game with a character that actually has done the opening mission.

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aye, im having a BLAST. Usually i just get such a kick from PvP...well PvP still wins by far though, BUT it really feels like one of those REALLY good bioware games. Good story, I care for the first time about ALL my companions, etc...


The graphics in the new areas are GREAT.


The new PvP armor sets, specially the "non-ranked" ones look like crap though.My only complain...and I usually complain A LOT.


It feels really KOTOR-ish


good work Bioware

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Despite some of the nay-sayers, it was an amazing experience ... I dare say those dissenters who claim 'too easy' were wearing high level gear ... maybe they should try it again in basic green drops ...


Or they could do the content without a companion, which is what I did for most of it. If you don't want to play with the crutch, don't lean on it I say. ;)

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Its all a grind. Before the alliance, for me, it was rep and comms via dailies, weeklies, and GF, with a bit of WZ thrown in. I'm enjoying the change of pace with the alliance.


I just found out there is two tiers of glowing data crystal gear: 208, 216. I'm not sure why I threw that in there, but yeah.


Well sure, if you want to be technical. But the point is whether it FEELS like a grind to the player.


And I contend that for most, it doesn't feel as grindy.

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Or they could do the content without a companion, which is what I did for most of it. If you don't want to play with the crutch, don't lean on it I say. ;)



yep, agreed, i'm having a blast... and i know I don't have to lean on the crotch. I did comment on how easy it is, however, I was one of those players with 192 gear ..and the first toon I did it on i know quite well, I can't say the same for the others, on him, I doubt i'd be using the companions much. On the others, I probably will :)

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Regrinding a new toon from level 1 is actually pretty damn fun now.

I 100 percent agree with you Zion! Not that I had an issue before, but now it's completely awesome. I have no issues whatsoever. I hope they keep this stuff up!

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I 100 percent agree with you Zion! Not that I had an issue before, but now it's completely awesome. I have no issues whatsoever. I hope they keep this stuff up!


yeah.. although I wonder how it will feel to new players who never had 3 years to get use to the state of affairs and having it all change in KotFE --- for us who've been here quite a while, from the start really it feels really profound, for us, everything changed, everything we were use to, the state of the galaxy , and in such dramatic style, I just wonder if they will feel it quite the same way, or with the same level of dramatic effect and excitement that we have because of this.


note, no other video mmo game I've seen has done something like this without doing a completely new game.. it's quite cool to have this happen.

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aye, im having a BLAST. Usually i just get such a kick from PvP...well PvP still wins by far though, BUT it really feels like one of those REALLY good bioware games. Good story, I care for the first time about ALL my companions, etc...


The graphics in the new areas are GREAT.


The new PvP armor sets, specially the "non-ranked" ones look like crap though.My only complain...and I usually complain A LOT.


It feels really KOTOR-ish


good work Bioware

yeah.. very good points, you really get to care about everyone, and so much more matters, because it's story driven, and love the scenery.. the planets.. amazing.

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