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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A Logical Argument For Nixing Level Sync


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I took a while to think about whether I was annoyed or happy with this change. I swung back and forth on it but I think I actually like it. For me it boils down to the fact that this game is heavily narrative and tries to deliver an experience that makes you feel like you're in the Star Wars universe. To make the story more like Star Wars it means you shouldn't ever really outgrow the dangers. I can appreciate BW's decision to do this and have fun.
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*grinds the npcs/mats/etc that I need for my Alliances missions*

*accidentally walks into the lv 65 shield generator area on the planet, not knowing, and gets blown away by cannons*


There are many reasons Level Sync is involved, and that's because the new content requires old-world visits. If you wanted to do tasks, you should have done so before Level Sync was in place. But I see no logical argument here except "I want to do this, without the extra time/work it requires."


You are just as fail as the last one I quoted. This sync is crap and no one should lose their level because of it.

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I've also noticed little, to no difference when it comes to level sync. Aggro range is tightened a little bit, but these mobs aren't exactly knocking me off my speeders instantaneously either. I've re-routed my path a couple of times, but the extent of it has been maybe a 2-second detour of shooting the gap between mob packs.


If I had to place a thought as to why level sync became mandatory, is the possibility of adding more dynamic events into the game, where everyone can participate, help one another, etc. Bounties already sync to your level pre-4.0, and it remains that way now with a more globalized version of it. So this isn't exactly a new concept either. The difference now, is that if you're max level, searching for a bounty on say, Coruscant/Dromund Kaas, that lvl 15 player is also looking for the same bounty, the two of you can now team up and work towards taking the bounty down.


There are already games that allow players to sync with group members. Let them sync leave my level alone.

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My only comment on this is - I'm not at all a fan of 24/7 combat on planets I've previously visited and liberated. The agro range is ridiculous and annoying. I don't care about the ttk mobs, it's the inability to avoid combat that drives me crazy.

Learn to steer around them, then. Geez. If you're going places, just go, and drive straight through them (unless you're only synced by a couple of levels, obviously, but then the aggro range argument doesn't apply anyway). Sure, they'll wake up, and if they are armed with guns, they'll even shoot at you, but so what? Keep riding, they'll get bored of chasing you and leave you alone.

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There are a lot of good posts in here. I can see both sides of the argument, but I find myself liking the game even more now with level sync. Not just on principle, I just... like it, naturally.


So I'm still feeling like it's a turn in the right direction for MMOs.




I to my pleasant surprise, I've found level sync actually increases immersion for me... which I suspect is part of the point, since you're revisiting all these old planets; Bioware wants those revisits to mean something, as it were.


That puts a finger on it - immersion, exactly what I think I've been experiencing again.


Also, this:


For me it boils down to the fact that this game is heavily narrative and tries to deliver an experience that makes you feel like you're in the Star Wars universe. To make the story more like Star Wars it means you shouldn't ever really outgrow the dangers.


Danger / risk / conflict / stakes all increase the fun factor. :)

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Aggro range reduction to "true" level as opposed to "sync" level is a good idea in my opinion.

This would eliminate a sizable proportion of my opposition to mandatory sync. If they were to fix certain previously high-level instances so that they no longer sync to starter-planet levels (or at the least, balance them to maintain an appropriate degree of immersion and challenge), that would be nice, too.

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I didn't quite catch your logical argument.


I for one have had no problems with level sync directly. The only issues I've had with it were indirect. Specifically: enduring the people whining in general chat about it.


I've observed that the people complaining about level sync fall into two categories.

1. Dog chasing a car. They don't know why they are upset about it and have this gut feeling that they are the victim of something Bioware took away from them... but they can't quite figure out what it is exactly. Regardless, they complain about it anyway.


2. People who don't understand the concept of a rotation. They complain that the content on the planet is now so much more difficult that they get stopped by every mob along the way. They complain that it takes them 5-10x more time to get anything done, had they been a max level. However, these are also the same people that were unable to do the northern solo daily on Oricon by themselves when they were at or above the required level to do it (the one that had you kill that squid monster thing in that cave.)


Look, I'm far from the best player in the game. In fact, I'm rather average. And I have yet to have the time to grind out any decent gear on my main toon. And yet I'm able to breeze through low leveled areas without any issue. And that's keeping my comp on HEAL mode and pulling more mobs then I need to. Hell, I just did the Qyzen recruitment mission on Hoth yesterday, for the first time, just by killing the champion beasts scattered around the planet. It told me that I'd need a group but it took less than 10 seconds to kill one beast by myself. The quest took me about an hour (most of which was spent actually looking for the things). All the while I'm reading general chat and people advising other players to just kill world bosses because it's faster. I respectfully disagree.



The bottom line is this: Level Sync takes NOTHING away from you aside from the ability to faceroll low level mobs. However, had it not been for level sync in the first place, you'd have no reason to even be on low level planets anyway. You'd be grinding dailies, flashpoints or ops on the upper level worlds.


It does not take away the time and effort you put in to get your level higher because the sync doesn't remove your abilities/passives. You're still excessively powerful for the level range of the planet... IF you know how to properly play your class.


Hence, level sync brings more positives to the table. It makes old content relevant again. You don't have to forget about a planet once you out level it. You can go back and fight a world boss or do a heroic if you're farming dailies for credits. It adds more variety to the game.

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