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New 980 TI and poor performance


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I upgraded to a new GTX 980 Ti and I'm still getting drops to ~40 fps a lot of the time, especially with other players. I'm on Rishi now and noticing it where players are (and there aren't that many.) Turning Shadow Quality to low solves everything but looks barf-y. NOTE: I have a 30" monitor so I'm running at 2560x1600 rez. 1K resolution doesn't increase performance much - only 3-5 fps or so.


I have an i7-4790k at 4.4 Ghz, 24 gigs of ram and it's running on a Samsung EVO SSD. Also Windows 10.


In the nVidia Control Panel, I have:


Max pre-rendered frames: 4

Single display performance mode

Power Mgmt mode: Prefer maximum Performance

Triple Buffering: on

V-sync: on


I'm not the best at tweaking things technically, but looking for advice. I spent a lot on this rig and generally this is the only game I'm having issues with. Help!

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What resolution are you guys at? Everything on "high" ?


I'm closing most programs down before I game too with Razer Cortex.


Could this be some weird cache issue or something else?


I get up to 90 in some places, but even with some kotfe chapters, down to 40 again.

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I think I turned off OC Genie, but, the multiplier is still 44x, so I keep running at 4.4 ghz.


Since I know this game is CPU dependent, I think it's something weird with my BIOS. Ugh I just spent $700 on this card too and still getting FPS issues :confused:


Anything else I can do?

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Everyone, you got to remember that when this game engine was coded, it was written to use your CPU and NOT your graphics card to do the graphics rendering. Improving your graphics card will have negligible improvements on SWTOR graphics performance. Improving your CPU, motherboard, and RAM WILL improve SWTOR graphics performance.
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Ya I know it's CPU dependent. What else can I do to help it? I'm at 4.4 ghz now. I'm pretty sure my cpu should be more than good for handling this, right?


I keep thinking some weird setting is messing me up in the BIOS. I have a Z97 Gaming 5 m-board btw. I turned off OC Genie.

Edited by ForceFanatic
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I have a Fury X from AMD and I still can't get 60fps all the time. Note that I play at 4k. Anyways, I heard that 980TI is around 20% better in some DX11 applications than Fury X. Probably old DX apps also get this improvement. Anyways, it could be two things. 1.- It's the game, as I tell you. I myself get 30, 40fps at 4k in special locations. Flashpoints, etc. In the meanwhile I can run Battlefront at 4k and almost getting 50 - 60fps. Or. 2.- Something is making a bottleneck your video card. This also cannot be possible since you say that you can run other games like silk. I guess it's how the game is optimized.


Note: If I go to Alderaan and I stay in the grass areas. Hell no, I get 20fps. From what I can tell, it's the game, not your hardware. I just remember this thing happening to me in Alderaan, but again. Note that I play at 4k all the time.


Best Regards!

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I have a Fury X from AMD and I still can't get 60fps all the time. Note that I play at 4k. Anyways, I heard that 980TI is around 20% better in some DX11 applications than Fury X. Probably old DX apps also get this improvement. Anyways, it could be two things. 1.- It's the game, as I tell you. I myself get 30, 40fps at 4k in special locations. Flashpoints, etc. In the meanwhile I can run Battlefront at 4k and almost getting 50 - 60fps. Or. 2.- Something is making a bottleneck your video card. This also cannot be possible since you say that you can run other games like silk. I guess it's how the game is optimized.


Note: If I go to Alderaan and I stay in the grass areas. Hell no, I get 20fps. From what I can tell, it's the game, not your hardware. I just remember this thing happening to me in Alderaan, but again. Note that I play at 4k all the time.


Best Regards!


thanks for your detailed reply. Ugh, this is annoying. I will say that in WoW I get 60 FPS all the time, even in raids. I know that's CPU dependent too.


I'm only at 2.5k rez too, but as I said, I notice the dip even at 1k surprisingly. I mean, I could turn shadow quality to low and everything is great but it just looks bad...

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I run smooth as hell with zero jaggies...


But I have all my shadows nerfed, zero grass, and 75 trees


Otherwise I enabled SGSSAA using the following thread:




Only difference besides what I posted was I did not enable Texture Filtering Negative LOD bias (all that does is make things look super shiny, insane on armor, didn't like it on jedi robes)


BTW this thread advises using NVidia inspector and thats what I use. Game looks like a persistent screenshot now.

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I run smooth as hell with zero jaggies...


But I have all my shadows nerfed, zero grass, and 75 trees


Otherwise I enabled SGSSAA using the following thread:




Only difference besides what I posted was I did not enable Texture Filtering Negative LOD bias (all that does is make things look super shiny, insane on armor, didn't like it on jedi robes)


BTW this thread advises using NVidia inspector and thats what I use. Game looks like a persistent screenshot now.


What does that that statement mean?

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I upgraded to a new GTX 980 Ti and I'm still getting drops to ~40 fps a lot of the time, especially with other players. I'm on Rishi now and noticing it where players are (and there aren't that many.) Turning Shadow Quality to low solves everything but looks barf-y. NOTE: I have a 30" monitor so I'm running at 2560x1600 rez. 1K resolution doesn't increase performance much - only 3-5 fps or so.


I have an i7-4790k at 4.4 Ghz, 24 gigs of ram and it's running on a Samsung EVO SSD. Also Windows 10.


In the nVidia Control Panel, I have:


Max pre-rendered frames: 4

Single display performance mode

Power Mgmt mode: Prefer maximum Performance

Triple Buffering: on

V-sync: on


I'm not the best at tweaking things technically, but looking for advice. I spent a lot on this rig and generally this is the only game I'm having issues with. Help!


Try these 2 things if not done already to see if it helps your case, in the game graphic options:


If you play in Fullcreen mode, set the game to Windowed Fullscreen.

If your Shadow Map Resolution is higher than 2048, set it 2048.

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I cant even understand how you would be having problems, I run the game 60+ frames like 99.9% of the time i'm playing.


I have an i5 4690K at 4.0 and a MSI 660. So yeah..


i highly doubt you are serious. unless you are talking about solo doing class story then ya you wil get 60+ FPS. but goto a highly populated area or inside awarzone or operation and that is no longer the case

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I am currently running a Geforce GTX 780 Ti with roughly 60-70fps, most of the time. I find that the biggest issues I have are with shadows. They sometimes cause the terrain to flicker for whatever reason, so I just set shadow quality to low. I would recommend you turn Triple Buffering and Vsync off. Shadow cascade also kills some FPS as well. Try focusing on lowering the overall quality of shadows and see if that helps. Edited by jvanmorter
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question.. whats the refresh rate on your monitor?


I can get avg on 70-80 fps with my gtx 970.. a while back I had a under powered psu which I changed out and I notice significant improvement on my fps.. I was using bronze rated and switch out to platinum rated.

Edited by Ouardajason
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Everyone, you got to remember that when this game engine was coded, it was written to use your CPU and NOT your graphics card to do the graphics rendering. Improving your graphics card will have negligible improvements on SWTOR graphics performance. Improving your CPU, motherboard, and RAM WILL improve SWTOR graphics performance.


I somewhat disagree with this. I currently have:


Intel® Core i7-4960X CPU @ 3.60GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.8GHz

32768MB RAM


And I still experience frame rate issues. Most of the time it's in the 60s-70s but the shadows kill me.

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In this game CPU is bottleneck.You need new skylake cpu to get better performance.I playing in 4k DSR with GTX970 and in fleet i have 70-100FPS all setting max only shadow resolution down to 2048.

i7 6700k 4.5Ghz

16GB DDR4 3000Mhz



Also game didnt use more than 4 cores so 6cores cpus are usseles.

Edited by Headd
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