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Companions - It's not about "challenge"


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wrong, ppl play video games to over come the challenge and achieve things.


they accomplish this through playing their best.


you know, passing really hard levels, downing that boss..hell, you even are given "achievements" for "achieving" things in games....why am i even answering this statement, that is literally the most pathetic thing i have ever seen anybody say about playing games....what the hell.


there's nothing to be achieved by passing time sitting on your butt. don't kid yourself.

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well that's all from me for tonight, stay tuned tomorrow night,


I will be creating another thread around this issue and we can all go over the same arguments again and again.


have the same insults brought to the table and rehash the debate in many colorful ways.


The more people that react to these threads, the more attention they will receive, so its a win win situation.


It took 3 years of whining for bio ware to make the changes they did in 4.0, so its going to be a long road ahead for those of us who want some game-play put back into the game.


Stay tuned!


Peace out

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p.s. you'll want to use "you're" next time.


also, reported.





a stupid person.

synonyms: fool, ***, halfwit, nincompoop, blockhead, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, imbecile, dullard, moron, simpleton, clod; More


a person of low intelligence.


Was not aware the use of this word was prohibited.

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yes well, when insulting the intelligence of someone, it's usually a good idea to spell words correctly. :cool:


third time now....this is an internet forum...not an english exam, i do not need to proof read what i right. My grammar does not need to be perfect.


Also, on a separate note, ones ability to spell words correctly, does not equate to their level of intelligence or ability to think logically.


You simply show your lack of intelligence by continuing to fall back on this weak attempt at an insult.

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A challenge is not defined by a task being difficult. It doesnt need to be "hard" to be a challenge, what you asked for right in this is my definition of "challenge" aka Having to do SOMETHING... having to do ANYTHING. It doesnt need to be hard it needs to be playable.
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A challenge is not defined by a task being difficult. It doesnt need to be "hard" to be a challenge, what you asked for right in this is my definition of "challenge" aka Having to do SOMETHING... having to do ANYTHING. It doesnt need to be hard it needs to be playable.






a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength.

"he accepted the challenge"

synonyms: dare, provocation; summons

"he accepted the challenge"


a call to prove or justify something.

"a challenge to the legality of the banning order"

synonyms: confrontation with, dispute with, stand against, test of, opposition, disagreement with; More



dispute the truth or validity of.

"it is possible to challenge the report's assumptions"

synonyms: question, disagree with, object to, take exception to, confront, dispute, take issue with, protest against, call into question; More


invite (someone) to engage in a contest.

"he challenged one of my men to a duel"





successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.

"he achieved his ambition to become a press photographer"

synonyms: attain, reach, arrive at; More


i would not call simply having to click the attack ability on the comp bar any kind of challenge, and killing enemies in this way does not result in feeling like you have achieved anything

Edited by crossclaytonwow
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third time now....this is an internet forum...not an english exam, i do not need to proof read what i right. My grammar does not need to be perfect.


Also, on a separate note, ones ability to spell words correctly, does not equate to their level of intelligence or ability to think logically.


You simply show your lack of intelligence by continuing to fall back on this weak attempt at an insult.


again, calling someone stupid while being unable to spell is laughable. fall back on whatever excuse you want :rak_01:


it's not an insult if it's true.


edit: "proofread what i right"? are you serious? loooool. it's not even about spelling, you lack word comprehension at this point. but yeah, I'm the one who is found wanting for intelligence. :rolleyes:

Edited by ryniloym
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I'm not sure what makes you think I'm trolling...but you have a right to your opinion.


For me, the only reason I bring this topic up is because I believe that companions were fine pre 4.0 for different reasons that what we see in all the other threads with people "complaining".


I love that all your companions can be any role you want them to be in 4.0...but I just don't think the buff that came with companion changes in 4.0 was needed.



If you look at 4.0 as bioware wanting to buff players/companions, and if 4.0 is working as intended...then it's clear to see that they chose to buff companions.


If 4.0 is working as intended, then I just wish they would have chose to buff player characters instead of companions. I very much prefer the player characters to be the difference makers, when you look at a fight involving a PC and a companion. Not the companion. If that makes sense.


I'm not trying to start arguments, nor am I trolling at all. I just wanted to post a different perspective on why someone thinks that companions in 4.0 are going in the wrong direction. Which is very different than the majority of everyone else who is "complaining" about companions.


But you are the sidekick in the story now.

You couldn't even take out Arcann, Koth had to do it for you. The battlemaster jedi and you couldn't take out Arcann. Not saying he had to die, just saying that my battlemaster jedi knight should have been the one to make the building come down, not Koth.



Now back to the companions, I like how they are and if BW goes to nerf them, it will be way worse than it is now because they have no idea how to balance.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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again, calling someone stupid while being unable to spell is laughable. fall back on whatever excuse you want :rak_01:


it's not an insult if it's true.


edit: "proofread what i right"? are you serious? loooool. it's not even about spelling, you lack word comprehension at this point. but yeah, I'm the one who is found wanting for intelligence. :rolleyes:


what ever helps you sleep at night mate. i dont kow about you but i type very fast while doing mulitple things on my comp, and alt tabbing to click on my comps attack button for the next group of enemies, then alt tabbing back back to doing some work online and then answering back at your "big man" replies, making yourself feel good by trying to humiliate others because of words, grammer etc.


So you know, im not really worried about how my posts come out on screen, just as long as the message can be understood. right, write, your you're, Im, I'm, their, there, they're, ther, ur, someone, sum1, no1, no one...etc, who the hell cares for crying out loud.


Apparently you were so insulted and offended at me before, why do you continue to answer back to my posts.

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what ever helps you sleep at night mate. i dont kow about you but i type very fast while doing mulitple things on my comp, and alt tabbing to click on my comps attack button for the next group of enemies, then alt tabbing back back to doing some work online and then answering back at your "big man" replies, making yourself feel good by trying to humiliate others because of words, grammer etc.


So you know, im not really worried about how my posts come out on screen, just as long as the message can be understood. right, write, your you're, Im, I'm, their, there, they're, ther, ur, someone, sum1, no1, no one...etc, who the hell cares for crying out loud.


Apparently you were so insulted and offended at me before, why do you continue to answer back to my posts.


typing fast does not excuse the fact that you called me stupid and you don't know the difference between "write" and "right". i don't need help sleeping. i'm fine with the way companions have been boosted :D

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a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength.

"he accepted the challenge"

synonyms: dare, provocation; summons

"he accepted the challenge"


a call to prove or justify something.

"a challenge to the legality of the banning order"

synonyms: confrontation with, dispute with, stand against, test of, opposition, disagreement with; More



dispute the truth or validity of.

"it is possible to challenge the report's assumptions"

synonyms: question, disagree with, object to, take exception to, confront, dispute, take issue with, protest against, call into question; More


invite (someone) to engage in a contest.

"he challenged one of my men to a duel"





successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.

"he achieved his ambition to become a press photographer"

synonyms: attain, reach, arrive at; More


i would not call simply having to click the attack ability on the comp bar any kind of challenge, and killing enemies in this way does not result in feeling like you have achieved anything


None of which of those definitions can even be used to rate difficulty of something, since all of them are a call from one to another about something. None of which has anything to do with difficulty as was being the intended use of "challenge" in this scenario...




adjective: challenging

testing one's abilities; demanding.


is more what you are looking for... but a test of one's abilities does not inherrintly need to be SUPER hard, but yes having a feeling of accomplishment when you finish a BOSS fight in a game is usually a good thing.... unless every one wants

for all our boss fights... oh yaaa.... so thrilling....so glad I played the game....
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None of which of those definitions can even be used to rate difficulty of something, since all of them are a call from one to another about something. None of which has anything to do with difficulty as was being the intended use of "challenge" in this scenario...




adjective: challenging

testing one's abilities; demanding.


is more what you are looking for... but a test of one's abilities does not inherrintly need to be SUPER hard, but yes having a feeling of accomplishment when you finish a BOSS fight in a game is usually a good thing.... unless every one wants

for all our boss fights... oh yaaa.... so thrilling....so glad I played the game....




Right now, the game is SUPER EASY, just a bump up to EASY would suffice at this point in time.


Why does every1( wait sorry....better get that right....everyone) keep thinking that im asking for it to be very hard?

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Thats probably because you were fighting trash mobs. Try doing that in Heroic Area with silver/gold and even champion mobs. Random groups of mobs are meant to be easy otherwise progressing would be slow.


Even on my main guardian lvl 65 I can die from fighting multiple groups in heroics.

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Thats probably because you were fighting trash mobs. Try doing that in Heroic Area with silver/gold and even champion mobs. Random groups of mobs are meant to be easy otherwise progressing would be slow.


Even on my main guardian lvl 65 I can die from fighting multiple groups in heroics.


I agree, mobs during leveling are meant to be easy...but not so easy that a lvl 16 comp can take on multiple groups of lvl 21 mobs after skipping an entire planet.


And when i say take on, i mean stand there and stay at 98% health while i just stand there and slowly keep adding more and more mobs to see how many it actually takes to kill the comp.


Come on, have to admit, thats a little silly, at least have it so level 21 mobs will get a lvl 16 comp down to 80% health, especially when there are nine of them.

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Thats probably because you were fighting trash mobs. Try doing that in Heroic Area with silver/gold and even champion mobs. Random groups of mobs are meant to be easy otherwise progressing would be slow.


Even on my main guardian lvl 65 I can die from fighting multiple groups in heroics.


oh and also, heroics, so far, every one i have tried with my sorc from 33 to 59 i have solo'd with the same thing, elites, champs, comp does not die. Others have posted videos.

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oh and also, heroics, so far, every one i have tried with my sorc from 33 to 59 i have solo'd with the same thing, elites, champs, comp does not die. Others have posted videos.


Hey guess what, I've been soloing all heroics since 2012 on every character I make.

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What the Hell you talking about boy, this game was NEVER EASY in Old days, I used to to do SWG and maintain 16,000 Rancors on Dathomir to keep my Jedi title.


When I came here i did ALL the DUMB quests that both made you a Jedi, and also had Nothing to do with being a Jedi on a lot of far off missions that had no bearing/ reason to do them when another Class was better suited for some of them. The Rest were not needed with exception to getting XP.


You made a This Stupid/ Dumb Thread knowing full well, that there is a dozen others just like this. Apalogy Not Accepted in any way because you know damned well that MOST Players Like Companions in KOTFE whether you like it or not.


People like you need to leave this dam game, and play something more ur style. What, you will only play Star Wars games. Well then either put up, or you know what else to do chump.


Most of us players Never even Look at the Forums, it's very rare.


I've said it before, and i'm saying it again. If u don't like ur Compaions. THEN DONT USE UR COMPANIONS.


Also, If you have Low Influence on any Companions, they also won't work nearly as hard.


Or Erase ur damned characters and recreate with not talking to ur Companions at all. That helps to, also you can always do thing they hate.

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What the Hell you talking about boy, this game was NEVER EASY in Old days, I used to to do SWG and maintain 16,000 Rancors on Dathomir to keep my Jedi title.


When I came here i did ALL the DUMB quests that both made you a Jedi, and also had Nothing to do with being a Jedi on a lot of far off missions that had no bearing/ reason to do them when another Class was better suited for some of them. The Rest were not needed with exception to getting XP.


You made a This Stupid/ Dumb Thread knowing full well, that there is a dozen others just like this. Apalogy Not Accepted in any way because you know damned well that MOST Players Like Companions in KOTFE whether you like it or not.


People like you need to leave this dam game, and play something more ur style. What, you will only play Star Wars games. Well then either put up, or you know what else to do chump.


Most of us players Never even Look at the Forums, it's very rare.


I've said it before, and i'm saying it again. If u don't like ur Compaions. THEN DONT USE UR COMPANIONS.


I'm honestly not sure if this is a serious response or not.


If it is...I don't understand where all this hate comes from. Did my original post really offend you this much?

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I'm honestly not sure if this is a serious response or not.


If it is...I don't understand where all this hate comes from. Did my original post really offend you this much?


I have to agree with you. I've never seen an issue which sparks this much divisive emotion from players since the game went f2p.

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