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Kaliyo and Vector voice swap


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When Vector speaks in game such as during, before, or after combat he will speak Kaliyo lines in her voice instead. This has been happening from the moment I got him as a follower and has been very consistent. Changing followers, changing between his specs, and restarting the game have not helped.
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This just started happening for me after playing my agent to level 58. The post link posted above is showing an invalid search when clicked. I found no other posts for this except this thread in doing a search. I can click on Vector and it's his voice and lines but in combat it's I hear Kaliyo and her lines. The text showing says Vector and then reads with Kaliyo's lines. Really strange and jarring...
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I did a test and Temple for me is just fine. And weirdly in the middle of one fight Vector started with Kaliyo's voice and lines, then switched to Vectors. Since then, it's been he's back to Kaliyo i combat. I'd think Temple having Kaliyo's voice would be fairly jarring too.
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This is still an issue lots of people are having. It was funny at first but honestly, now it's grating on my nerves a bit. It breaks immersion in a serious way, and I (personally) think that immersion is important in this game. I play mostly for story anyway.


Is it bugging anyone else that the "known bugs" sticky isn't being updated with all the bugs we keep bringing up? :/

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This is still an issue lots of people are having. It was funny at first but honestly, now it's grating on my nerves a bit. It breaks immersion in a serious way, and I (personally) think that immersion is important in this game. I play mostly for story anyway.


Is it bugging anyone else that the "known bugs" sticky isn't being updated with all the bugs we keep bringing up? :/


Yeah I know this isn't game breaking but it would still be nice to see the many character voice issues acknowledged at the very least.

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This just happened to me on the quest Heist. Vector was my companion, but Kaliyo spoke during the fight, saying her normal combat phrases. This is the first time I've noticed it, but it seems to me that part of the problem was that my last "summoned" companion was Kaliyo, but the game forced Vector on me for this particular quest.


A little further explanation. Kaliyo was my summoned companion, I did the Scorpio quests (so, Scorpio is my companion because the game forced it on me) and left Belsalvis, via the Legacy Personal Starship Pass. Now I'm on my ship where I don't have a companion following me around. Vector comes into my Holo Call and says the ship was attacked, I go outside and Vector is my companion. This is where Vector is now speaking in combat with Kaliyo's voice. (During the cutscene, it was Vector's normal voice, however)

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I did tests with this, it's not just Kaliyo and Vector. From the companions I checked it was more like Vector and Temple have Kaliyo's voice at least part of the time, Lieutenant Iresso has Zenith's voice, and Lord Scourge has Sergeant Rusk's voice. It's very noticeable and pretty much breaks those companions completely. Hopefully they get this fixed soon.
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Hadn't played my agent since the expansion release and jumped on him today. Level 60 on Yavin and noticed the same thing- every time "Vecor" speaks it's Kaliyo's lines and voice. I also tried rotating through the companions then back to Vector to try to reset it and it's stuck on her voice.
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It's very disconcerting to have Vector speaking in Kaliyo's voice. I hope this is one of the things getting fixed in tomorrow's patch. Poor Vector -- as if he wasn't strange enough with a hive mind, now he's also got a split personality with Kaliyo. :jawa_confused:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Still happening with my sniper <level 51, doesn't have scorpio yet>


the following lines are listed as either Vector or Temple <when I have either of them out> - but are Kaliyo dialogue, and are spoken with HER voice.

"Be a man."

"Rise and shine."


It does not appear to occur if I click on the companion, only if they are healing or otherwise speaking as part of their "rotation".

It doesn't occur when I have 2vr8 out, only with Vector and Temple. So far I haven't noticed Kaliyo's voice coming out when I use Lokin, and I'll have to check later on to see if anyone is playing ventriloquist with Scorpio with my 65th operative.

I haven't been through Corellia yet on my sniper <just working my way thru Belsavis>, but I will check if this ventriloquism as used by Kaliyo continues to occur when she is temporalily out of the picture during the story, if it continues to occur.

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And - going thru Corellia now <where Kaliyo companion is "unavailable" due to story - and she continues to act as a ventriloquist to both Temple and Vector.

"Come on, be a man"

"Get up"

"Rise and Shine"

these are the lines being recited accredited to their respective owners but being voiced by Kaliyo.

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